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A List Apart: Articles: Reviving Anorexic Web Writing
A List Apart: Articles: Reviving Anorexic Web Writing
<p>I admit to having overlooked <code>alt</code> text. Until a year ago I sniffed at the idea of creating useful <code>alt</code> text for images. “If a user is blind,” I reasoned, “what does he care that I have a photograph of the university tower on my website?”</p> <p>My fellow designer shrugged. “Well, I guess if you don’t really care about what the image <em>says</em>,” she said slowly, “you really don’t need it in the first place.”</p>
A List Apart: Articles: Reviving Anorexic Web Writing
Web pulls world into classroom |
Web pulls world into classroom |
When students know that anyone in the school with an Internet connection – or around the world, for that matter – can read what they have written or created, it is remarkable how quickly their thinking improves, not to mention the final product.
Web pulls world into classroom |
eSchool News online - School laptop program begets writing gains
eSchool News online - School laptop program begets writing gains
Laptops make it easier for students to edit their copy and make changes without getting writer's cramp, he said. As a result, students are writing and revising their work more frequently, which leads to better results. And it's important, Silvernail said, that those skills translated when the test was taken with pen and paper, too.
"It's just a lot easier to edit, to self-critique. Our teachers engage students in a lot of peer editing. Not only are they helping themselves, but they're helping each other as they get to their final projects," Rebar said.
eSchool News online - School laptop program begets writing gains
Techdirt: Txt Spk In Schools Not A Big Deal
Techdirt: Txt Spk In Schools Not A Big Deal
Basically, the research shows that students do sometimes forget and let abbreviations from texting into other writing, but overall the technology use and writing students do improves their writing. Links to multiple studies done in the last several years.
In 2003, there was a study that showed that all this writing online was actually making kids <a href="">more comfortable</a> with writing in general. In 2004, a study showed (like this one) that with a little instruction kids easily <a href="">understood the difference</a> between texting and writing. In 2005, a study actually found that kids were <a href="">better writers</a> than in the past "using far more complex sentence structures, a wider vocabulary and a more accurate use of capital letters, punctuation and spelling" even if they sometimes let a txtism into their writing. And, in 2006, a study showed that students showed <a href="">no ill effects</a> from widespread text and IM messaging.
Techdirt: Txt Spk In Schools Not A Big Deal
Top News - Blogging helps encourage teen writing
Top News - Blogging helps encourage teen writing
Survey results about teens and writing, showing that students who blog write more for personal reasons and are more likely to think writing skills are essential. Most students think their writing would improve if they could use more technology to practice writing for school.
Forty-seven percent of teen bloggers write outside of school for personal reasons several times a week or more, compared with 33 percent of teens without blogs. Sixty-five percent of teen bloggers believe that writing is essential to later success in life; 53 percent of non-bloggers say the same thing.
Most students (82 percent) believe that additional instruction and focus on writing in school would help improve their writing even further--and more than three-quarters of those surveyed (78 percent) think it would help their writing if their teachers used computer-based writing tools such as games, multimedia, or writing software programs or web sites during class.
Top News - Blogging helps encourage teen writing
Blogging and Reading Comprehension Strategies « Classroom Tech Tips
Blogging and Reading Comprehension Strategies « Classroom Tech Tips
Applying reading comprehension strategies (questioning, making connections, inferring, etc.) and tips for students to improve blog conversations. One of the suggestions is to have a class focus together on one strategy in their comments to each other. I can see how the sentence frames would be very helpful, especially for younger writers.
Blogging and Reading Comprehension Strategies « Classroom Tech Tips
Half an Hour: Finding Time
Half an Hour: Finding Time
Stephen Downes, on finding the time to write online by focusing on using content from a closed environment and bringing it into the open.
The whole point isn't to *add* online writing on top of everything else you do. Nobody has time for that.<br><br>Rather, what you want to be thinking of doing is to gradually migrate to writing online *instead* of writing for those other purposes.<br><br>That doesn't mean you become a blog writer and nothing else. Rather, what you'll find is that writing for the website makes writing for all those other things a lot easier.
The idea is to take the stuff you do for private audiences and to present it (as much as you can) to public audiences.<br>
Half an Hour: Finding Time
Innovate: Why Professor Johnny Can't Read: Understanding the Net Generation's Texts
Innovate: Why Professor Johnny Can't Read: Understanding the Net Generation's Texts
The authors argue that Net Gen students are used to hyperlinked, nonlinear content, so they don't necessarily approach learning with the same kind of linear approach most of their professors do. The premise here focuses on how this affects writing, organizing information, and sense-making. They argue that multimedia projects can demonstrate the same depth of thinking as a traditional linear text. Registration required.
As a result, while N-Gens interact with the world through multimedia, online social networking, and routine multitasking, their professors tend to approach learning linearly, one task at a time, and as an individual activity that is centered largely around printed text (Hartman, Dzubian, and Brophy-Ellison <a target="_blank" href="">2007</a>).
However, these digital texts do not necessarily lack style, coherence, or organization; they simply present meaning in ways unfamiliar to the instructor. For example, a collection of images on Flickr with authorial comments and tags certainly does not resemble the traditional essay, but the time spent on such a project, the motivation for undertaking it, and its ability to communicate meaning can certainly be equal to the investment and motivation required by the traditional essay—and the photos may actually provide more meaningful communication for their intended audience.
Texts that do not look like books or essays and that are structured in unfamiliar ways may leave educators with the perception that the authors of these texts lack necessary literacy skills. Are these students missing something, or are they coming to us with skills as researchers, readers, writers, and critical thinkers that have been developed in a context that faculty members may not understand and appreciate? The striking differences between the linear, print-based texts of instructors and the interactive, fluctuating, hyperlinked texts of the N-Gen student may keep instructors from fully appreciating the thought processes behind these texts. Learning how to teach the wired student requires a two-pronged effort: to understand how N-Gen student understand and process texts and to create a pedagogy that leverages the learning skills of this type of learner.
Innovate: Why Professor Johnny Can't Read: Understanding the Net Generation's Texts
Donald Clark Plan B: txtng (the gr8 db8)
Donald Clark Plan B: txtng (the gr8 db8)
Summary of a book by a professor of linguistics that examines and debunks the complaints about text messaging reducing literacy. Good collection of misconceptions about txtng with counterarguments and research.
Annoyingly, just as complaints about literacy multiply, along comes a technology that has promoted a renaissance in reading and writing, yet it is treated with contempt by the ‘pen and paper’ brigade. Children don’t keep diaries any more – oh yeah! Haven’t you see MySpace, facebook and blogs. They’re obsessed by diary keeping.
Donald Clark Plan B: txtng (the gr8 db8)
Avoiding the 5 Most Common Mistakes in Using Blogs with Students
Avoiding the 5 Most Common Mistakes in Using Blogs with Students

The 5 mistakes outlined in this article are

  1. "Ineffective contextualization" (not thinking about the best way to use blogs, usually self-reflection)
  2. "Unclear Learning Outcomes"
  3. "Misuse of the environment" (treating blogs like wikis or discussion forums)
  4. "Illusive grading practices" (lacking clear rubrics)
  5. "Inadequate time allocation" (both for students to write and instructors to grade and give feedback)
Avoiding the 5 Most Common Mistakes in Using Blogs with Students
Why I Blog - The Atlantic (November 2008)
Why I Blog - The Atlantic (November 2008)
Andrew Sullivan on the value of blogging and how blogging differs from traditional print journalism.
It is accountable in immediate and unavoidable ways to readers and other bloggers, and linked via hypertext to continuously multiplying references and sources. Unlike any single piece of print journalism, its borders are extremely porous and its truth inherently transitory.
Logs require a letting-go of narrative because they do not allow for a knowledge of the ending. So they have plot as well as dramatic irony—the reader will know the ending before the writer did.
A novelist can spend months or years before committing words to the world. For bloggers, the deadline is always now. Blogging is therefore to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.
Why I Blog - The Atlantic (November 2008)
In the Middle of the Curve: Deeper Instructional Design
In the Middle of the Curve: Deeper Instructional Design
Wendy Wickham's liveblogged notes from Clark Quinn's presentation on Deeper Instructional Design. Lots of ideas in this post--create models that actually help people understand the content and recognize patterns, pay attention to motivation and emotion, give learners the least they need to get them to do what's needed, create learner-centered objectives instead of designer-centered objectives, use stories and active practice.
We can't "create" learning<br>- We can design environments conducive to learning.<br>- We design learning experiences.
Don't design CONTENT, design EXPERIENCES<br>- Design the "Flow".<br>- Start bringing in emotions and the actions they take
In the Middle of the Curve: Deeper Instructional Design
Blogging as Reflective Practice | Adventures in Corporate Education
Blogging as Reflective Practice | Adventures in Corporate Education
Thoughts on blogging as reflective practice for learning, with benefits in both the activity of writing and the social connections
So basically when you blog, you have to think about what you have read, how that compares to what you already know or what you have experienced, and that comparison helps you to construct new mental models that you articulate in written form (your blog).
Blogging as Reflective Practice | Adventures in Corporate Education
The Online Communicator: Writing for Audio
The Online Communicator: Writing for Audio
How to write scripts to be read aloud, primarily when providing scripts for professional voice talent. A little dated (talking about faxing scripts), but some good things to remember if someone else will read your script
The Online Communicator: Writing for Audio
Concise writing is best for elearning » Making Change
Concise writing is best for elearning » Making Change
A concise post pulling a bit of research where the lesson with the fewest words resulted in the most learning. Nice argument for keeping your e-learning short, although look at the original to see what they were actually studying in context (scientific processes with cause and effect, using visuals as well as text to explain).
Concise writing is best for elearning » Making Change
Multimedia Learning » Compliance Poetry
Multimedia Learning » Compliance Poetry
Have boring content you want to make more interesting and memorable? What about putting it in poetry form? This is a creative use of poetry to create memorable summaries of copyright law. If intellectual property law can be made simpler to understand and remember, can't your content too?
Multimedia Learning » Compliance Poetry
Using threaded comments to build a writing community in your classroom | Reflections on Teaching
Using threaded comments to build a writing community in your classroom | Reflections on Teaching
A 6th grade teacher talks about the advantage of threaded blog comments for building a writing community. This encourages much more of students talking to each other and makes it easier to follow blog conversations.
One of those is threaded comments. This is rapidly bringing my blogs to the level I had always hoped to acheive–one where the students are talking to each other and not just talking to me.
Using threaded comments to build a writing community in your classroom | Reflections on Teaching
Writing in the 21st Century
Writing in the 21st Century

Report from the National Council of Teachers of English with a call to action to teach writing appropriately for the 21st century. Writing now often happens outside school in social spaces where people learn informally through their peers. Includes an overview of how writing has been viewed historically and how that has affected how we teach writing.

"Writing has never been accorded the cultural respect or the support that reading has enjoyed, in part because through reading, society could control its citizens, whereas through writing, citizens might exercise their own control."

"Writing has historically and inextricably been linked to testing."

"In much of this new composing, we are writing to share, yes; to encourage dialogue, perhaps; but mostly, I think, to participate."

"First, we have moved beyond a pyramid-like, sequential model of literacy development in which print literacy comes first and digital literacy comes second and networked literacy practices, if they come at all, come third and last."

Writing in the 21st Century
2¢ Worth » Working for Value
2¢ Worth » Working for Value
David Warlick shares stories of authentic assignments and how they motivate learners. Writing & creating for an authentic audience is different from creating content just for a teacher.
<p>When writing, let’s say, to the teacher, you are communicated to be evaluated.&nbsp; Assessment is the outcome, based on some set of expectations involving skills and/or knowledge. </p> <p>However, when writing to an authentic audience, what you are trying to earn is not an evaluation (though there may be one coming in the process).&nbsp; What you are writing for is a <span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">response</span>, and that response will be directed toward what you have invested in the work, not just the facts you have included or the skills you have demonstrated.</p>
2¢ Worth » Working for Value
You call this Academic Honesty? | Webb of Thoughts
You call this Academic Honesty? | Webb of Thoughts
Great example of why I get so frustrated when I hear people complaining about how terrible it is that students copy and paste content. I'd like to see the teachers and professors stop using uncited content themselves first; I see a lot more problems with people with graduate degrees. This lecturer on effective writing plagiarized content for handouts while simultaneously admonishing students to not plagiarize.
You call this Academic Honesty? | Webb of Thoughts