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Volunteer Opportunity to Build Your eLearning Portfolio | onehundredfortywords
Volunteer Opportunity to Build Your eLearning Portfolio | onehundredfortywords
Info on an organization looking for volunteer instructional designers/developers to create content for job seekers. They are OK with content being used in a portfolio, so this is a good place to gain some experience and get something to show for a portfolio.
Volunteer Opportunity to Build Your eLearning Portfolio | onehundredfortywords
Talent Management - Fielding Objections to Telecommuting
Talent Management - Fielding Objections to Telecommuting

Common objections to telecommuting and how to respond to them. Good answers, but I wish citations were given rather than just "Statistics show..." or "Recent surveys have shown..." If you used these arguments, you'd need to do some additional research to back up the claims.

New link:

Talent Management - Fielding Objections to Telecommuting
Kapp Notes: Accidental Instructional Designers May Want to Just Say No
Kapp Notes: Accidental Instructional Designers May Want to Just Say No
Karl Kapp revisits the value of instructional design degrees, arguing that people who accidentally find themselves in the field should decline to develop learning until they've been trained. Karl also identifies what he feels is the most important skill instructional designers should have.
So, to me, the most important skill an instructional designer can have is being able to apply instructional strategies. To know when to use a mnemonic and when to use an analogy. When to model the behavior to be learned and when to provide a check list. When <a href="" target="blank">Constructivism </a>is a good theorietical underpinning for a topic and when a <a href="" target="blank">Cognitivism</a>-based approach is necessary. <br> <br> Instructional designers add value by serving as catalyst who accelerate the process of learning for individuals.
Kapp Notes: Accidental Instructional Designers May Want to Just Say No
Online Education for Instructional Designers: Picking the Right Program by Lorna Collier : Learning Solutions Magazine
Online Education for Instructional Designers: Picking the Right Program by Lorna Collier : Learning Solutions Magazine
Learning Solutions Magazine article on online education programs for instructional designers. Compares certificates to masters degrees and PhDs. Includes ideas on how to pick a program that is the right fit for you. The table at the end with a list of schools, programs, and costs is very helpful.
Online Education for Instructional Designers: Picking the Right Program by Lorna Collier : Learning Solutions Magazine
Top 5 Most Common Networking Mistakes |
Top 5 Most Common Networking Mistakes |
Common networking mistakes. The suggested strategy is to give before you take: "Giving is the only way to establish a real connection and relationship."
<p>Here’s what <em>not</em> to do when you’re trying to expand or leverage your network:</p> <p><b>1. Try to take before you give.</b> </p>
<b>2. Assume others should care about your needs.</b> &nbsp;
Care about others first; then, and only then, will they truly care back.
4. Assume tools create connections.
<b>5. Reach too high.</b>
The “status” level of your connections is irrelevant. All that matters is whether you can help each other reach your goals.
Top 5 Most Common Networking Mistakes |
A List Apart: Articles: Pricing Strategy for Creatives
A List Apart: Articles: Pricing Strategy for Creatives
Although this is geared towards web developers rather than instructional designers, this could apply to our field as well.
Beginning relationships with customers at a high price makes the statement: “we’re good at what we do and we know it.” Fighting with a competitor over a low price says “I’m uncertain about my abilities, so I’ll take what I can get.”
<strong>Price by the service, not by the hour</strong>.
<strong>Slow down your sales process</strong>. Slow down how, when, and who you take on as clients. You need time to determine a client’s needs before you price their projects. You must know what outcomes they desire.
<strong>Inject value into your client’s experience with your service.</strong>
Establish a client intake process
<p>Here are three things you can do now to get started on your journey toward strategic pricing:</p> <ul> <li>Develop your new client intake process, similar to the example above. Add the various steps that you feel are valuable and walk your clients through it BEFORE you begin your work.</li> <li>Begin offering three options to all of your work. And always include things in your options the client did NOT ask for. When you start selling things your client didn’t ask for, you will be surprised at how many clients choose the higher options. You will make more money and the client will get more of what they want.</li> <li>Test your pricing, but don’t benchmark! To know what your market will bear, begin pricing higher than you have been in the past just to test your market. And avoid benchmarking—which is the process of looking at what your market or direct competitors price their services at. Remember, your competition may be pricing non-strategically as well. Don’t follow the blind. Strategic pricers don’t follow, they lead!</li></ul>
A List Apart: Articles: Pricing Strategy for Creatives
How to Choose a Career | Career Key
How to Choose a Career | Career Key
General tips on how to choose a career, including links to a career test based on Holland's 6 personality types. (The test isn't free, but you can find less reliable free versions elsewhere.)
How to Choose a Career | Career Key
Myth Busting the Pay Gap : U.S. Department of Labor Blog
Myth Busting the Pay Gap : U.S. Department of Labor Blog
US DOL goes point by point debunking the myths about the pay gap between women and men
<p><strong>MYTH:</strong> There is no such thing as the gender pay gap – legitimate differences between men and women cause the gap in pay, not discrimination.</p> <p><strong>REALITY:</strong> Decades of research shows a gender gap in pay even after factors like the kind of work performed and qualifications (education and experience) are taken into account.</p>
Myth Busting the Pay Gap : U.S. Department of Labor Blog