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ASCD: The Perils and Promises of Praise
<p class="MainText">Some students believe that their intellectual ability is a fixed trait. They have a certain amount of intelligence, and that's that. Students with this fixed mind-set become excessively concerned with how smart they are, seeking tasks that will prove their intelligence and avoiding ones that might not (Dweck, 1999, 2006). The desire to learn takes a backseat.</p>
<p class="MainText">Other students believe that their intellectual ability is something they can develop through effort and education. They don't necessarily believe that anyone can become an Einstein or a Mozart, but they do understand that even Einstein and Mozart had to put in years of effort to become who they were. When students believe that they can develop their intelligence, they focus on doing just that.</p>
eSchool News online - School laptop program begets writing gains
Laptops make it easier for students to edit their copy and make changes without getting writer's cramp, he said. As a result, students are writing and revising their work more frequently, which leads to better results. And it's important, Silvernail said, that those skills translated when the test was taken with pen and paper, too.
"It's just a lot easier to edit, to self-critique. Our teachers engage students in a lot of peer editing. Not only are they helping themselves, but they're helping each other as they get to their final projects," Rebar said.
Resources for Teaching Middle School Science
Multilingualism, identities and multiliteracies: Student and teacher voices at Coppard Glen
School Reform & Student Diversity: Case Studies of Exemplary Practices for LEP Students
Case studies of several schools helping ELL students.
YouTube - A Vision of K-12 Students Today
A synthesis of information from several videos, including Michael Wesch's "Vision of Students Today" and Karl Fisch's "Did You Know." The style is similar to Wesch's video, where students hold up signs with text. This isn't so much new or innovative as a great example of a remix of content for a specific audience, focusing more on K-12 teachers.
The Adventures of Cyberbee are lessons and curriculum resources for using primary sources in K-12 classrooms. Includes some copyright lessons too.
What's Wrong With This Picture?
Explains how TTWWADI (That's The Way We've Always Done It) affects decisions. One example is how modern rail widths are based on ruts from Roman chariots from 2000 years ago. Any real change in education (or any organization) has to fight against TTWWADI.
Innovate: Online Teaching and Classroom Change: The Trans-Classroom Teacher in the Age of the Internet
Research on teachers doing both face-to-face and online teaching. 75% of the teachers said that teaching online improved their face-to-face teaching. Course design and communication changes were most common, but some teachers also added multimedia.
Education Week's Digital Directions: Finding Online Science Sources
Descriptions of several good resources for online science materials, including NSTA's SciLinks and the National Science Digital Library
SEDL Product: Creating a Professional Learning Community: Cottonwood Creek School: Issues About Change, Volume 6, Number 2
Creating professional learning communities in K-12 schools
Big6: An Information Problem-Solving Process
Information and technology literacy model plus curriculum for K-12 through higher ed. Can be used as a problem solving model too. Includes 6 stages: task definition, information seeking strategies, location & access, use of information, synthesis, and evaluation.
21st Century Learning: We Got Your Back
Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach starts with how Skype is a disruptive technology, explaining conversations with Al Upton (miniLegends' teacher). She transitions into what it means to be a teacher leader in the 21st century and mentions research on the long-term learning benefits of innovative teaching.
These are the roles of a 21st Century educator: Teacher as leader, Teacher as writer, Teachers as 21st Century literacy activist.
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: The Five Phases of Flattening a Classroom
Vicki Davis explains that classrooms can't jump immediately to being fully connected--you have to take steps to build the community and teach the safe behaviors. In 5 phases, Vicki goes from the "intra-connected classroom" to a classroom with many-to-many connections and student management.
21st Century Learning: 9 Principles for Implementation: The Big Shift
9 principles for implementing transformational change in education, changing the culture to support 21st century learning. Principles include "People before Things (or test scores)" and "As the Individual Grows so Will the Collective Wisdom of the Community"
Why Would Teachers Use Diigo? | Clif's Notes
Discussion on reasons to use Diigo in educatinal settings
Boolify: PubLearn's Boolean Search Tool
Visual tool for creating Boolean searches--shows search criteria as puzzle pieces. Also includes a few lesson plans
Wikispaces Blog » Blog Archive » A Classroom Wiki Webquest
7th & 8th grade wiki on rock history, where students researched and presented information on the wiki. The instructor also acknowledges learning a lot from her students on using Photobucket and other tools in combination with the wiki.
Are Schools Inhibiting 21st Century Learning? : April 2008 : THE Journal
Survey results on attitudes towards technology in education, including games.
<p>According to the survey, the majority of middle and high school students (51 percent of students in grades 6 through 12) indicated that "games make it easier to understand difficult concepts. Forty-six percent said they'd learn more about a subject if information were presented in a game format; 44 percent said gaming "would make it more interesting to practice problems"; and about a third said that "the use of games in schools will help them learn how to work in teams and see the direct results of their problem solving activities."</p>
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<p>Teachers were apparently even more enthusiastic about gaming, as 65 percent indicated that they thought educational gaming would be an effective tool for students with different learning styles and would help engage students in coursework. More than half said they'd like to learn more about educational gaming, and some 46 percent said they would "like to receive specific professional development on how to effectively integrate gaming technologies into curriculum," according to the survey.</p>
<p>According to the survey, the majority of middle and high school students (51 percent of students in grades 6 through 12) indicated that "games make it easier to understand difficult concepts. Forty-six percent said they'd learn more about a subject if information were presented in a game format; 44 percent said gaming "would make it more interesting to practice problems"; and about a third said that "the use of games in schools will help them learn how to work in teams and see the direct results of their problem solving activities."</p>
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<p>Teachers were apparently even more enthusiastic about gaming, as 65 percent indicated that they thought educational gaming would be an effective tool for students with different learning styles and would help engage students in coursework. More than half said they'd like to learn more about educational gaming, and some 46 percent said they would "like to receive specific professional development on how to effectively integrate gaming technologies into curriculum," according to the survey.</p>
ASCD: Whose Problem Is Poverty?
Educational Leadership article arguing that closing the achievement gap requires a combination of both improved education and improved socionomic conditions. The article lists a number of health issues for low-income children that can affect student achievement.
Education Week: Learning to Teach With Technology
Instead of teaching technology as a separate course, more colleges training preservice teachers are integrating technology in content areas like math and science.
the standards require teacher-candidates to exhibit knowledge, skills, and dispositions that equip them to teach technology applications. Candidates also have to show they can use technology to support student learning of content.
<p>Joel Colbert, who heads the committee on innovation and technology, says the handbook seeks to make the point that stand-alone technology classes are now obsolete. </p>
<p>“We are saying that’s not the way to integrate technology into teacher training, because each subject area uses technology differently,” Colbert says.</p>
Technology Integration Matrix
Matrix for integrating technology in K-12 classrooms from entry-level to transformative use. 5 learning environment characteristics are shown: Active, Collaborative, Constructive, Authentic, and Goal Directed. Each cell in the matrix is accompanied by a video and lesson example.
VoiceThreads: Extending the Classroom with Interactive Multimedia Albums | Edutopia
Using VoiceThread as an asynchronous multimedia discussion with sixth graders with great results and conversations from students.
In his inaugural attempt using the application, Ferriter posted VoiceThreads about a variety of topics online, encouraging students to comment on them voluntarily on their own time. He got dozens -- even hundreds -- of comments on each. It was a revelation. "I can basically extend my classroom," he says.
Ferriter says more students participate more actively in digital discussions than in the classroom. "You don't have to be the loud one or the popular one," he points out. When he asked his students about their online involvement, he said they cited the sense of safety: "They can think about their comments beforehand." They also liked the fact that any VoiceThread has multiple conversations going on at once. "In a classroom conversation, there's generally one strand of conversation going at any one time, and if you're bored by that particular strand, you're completely disengaged," says Ferriter.
Ferriter says more students participate more actively in digital discussions than in the classroom. "You don't have to be the loud one or the popular one," he points out. When he asked his students about their online involvement, he said they cited the sense of safety: "They can think about their comments beforehand."
Middle School Science Mania
Activities and resources for middle school science
Top News - Tech encourages students' social skills
Using technology with kindergarteners and first graders to support social constructivist learning. Registration required to read the whole article.
Well-integrated technology opens social networks for students and allows children to develop key social skills, according to two recent studies conducted by researchers at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
2008space -
Collected student work published in an online journal--poetry, stories, animation, photos, and more.
Reflections on Fourth Grade Collaborations | always learning
Kim Cofino reflects on doing the 1001 Flat World Tales with 4th graders--what the students learned and what she learned about managing these types of projects.
nets-implementation » home
Wiki collecting examples of how the National Education Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S) are being implemented