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Custom sorting High-tech instruction method 'facilitates learning' High-tech instruction method 'facilitates learning'
Nice write-up in the Erie, PA paper about a high school teacher (and new PLS online facilitator) using the technology skills he learned in the Building Online Collaborative Environments course I helped develop
<font class="style10">"The teacher doesn't become the sole source of information, and -- really, in the Internet age -- shouldn't be," Brinling said. "The teacher becomes the person who facilitates learning."</font>
·· High-tech instruction method 'facilitates learning'
What Is a "Professional Learning Community"? // Richard DuFour
What Is a "Professional Learning Community"? // Richard DuFour
Three "big ideas" about professional learning communities
To create a professional learning community, focus on learning rather than teaching, work collaboratively, and hold yourself accountable for results.
Big Idea #1: Ensuring That Students Learn
The professional learning community model flows from the assumption that the core mission of formal education is not simply to ensure that students are taught but to ensure that they learn. This simple shift—from a focus on teaching to a focus on learning—has profound implications for schools.
<h3>Big Idea #2: A Culture of Collaboration</h3> <p class="MainText">Educators who are building a professional learning community recognize that they must work together to achieve their collective purpose of learning for all. Therefore, they create structures to promote a collaborative culture.</p>
For meaningful collaboration to occur, a number of things must also <i>stop</i> happening. Schools must stop pretending that merely presenting teachers with state standards or district curriculum guides will guarantee that all students have access to a common curriculum.
Big Idea #3: A Focus on Results
Schools and teachers typically suffer from the DRIP syndrome—Data Rich/Information Poor. The results-oriented professional learning community not only welcomes data but also turns data into useful and relevant information for staff.
What Is a "Professional Learning Community"? // Richard DuFour
AllThingsPLC — Articles & Research
AllThingsPLC — Articles & Research
Articles and research on professional learning communities. This all seems to be from the more traditional view of PLCs as within schools or districts; I don't see anything about online communities here.
AllThingsPLC — Articles & Research
Flickr: Reinventing Project-Based Learning
Flickr: Reinventing Project-Based Learning
Pictures of project-based learning with digital tools
This group illustrates what project-based learning can look like, especially when digital tools help students break free from the confines of teacher-driven and classroom-bound instruction.<br>
Flickr: Reinventing Project-Based Learning
Essential Questions
Essential Questions
Sample chapter from a book by Jamie McKenzie on essential questions, explaining how they differ from traditional "school" questions. Examples for different age levels are provided.
Essential Questions