Lots of different ways to visualize content and create graphics. Good place to go if stuck on how to represent something visually and create relevant graphics.
Free resources for teachers with information on visual literacy, focusing on visual sources of information like maps, diagrams, timelines, and storyboards
Wired Campus: Electronic Portfolios: a Path to the Future of Learning - Chronicle.com
Argument for the use of electronic portfolios as a more student-centered assessment of learning
If we truly want to advance from a focus on teaching to a focus on student learning, then a strategy involving something like electronic student portfolios, or ePortfolios, is essential.
On Implementing Web-Based Electronic Portfolios (pdf)
2002 Educause article about using online portfolios. Some of the technical details are dated, but the checklist of "critical factors for successful implementation" is still a good resource
Researching Electronic Portfolios and Learner Engagement (pdf)
Whitepaper on electronic portfolios providing a background on the theory and research. Motivation, engagement, storytelling, and tools are also covered.
The Strength of Weak Ties » Integrity or Dishonesty?
If a student doing research searches related tags on delicious, is that cheating? That's the question discussed here, and many teachers would argue that it's dishonest to use those bookmarks. But if you look at the bibliography for a print source as a place to find more research, would that be cheating? You still have to read and understand the content, but the process for finding it is changing.
Tech companies can provide snacks for their employees without worrying that people will spend all day gorging themselves at the snack bar. So why don't companies and schools trust that if they give people access to social media that they won't spend all day on Facebook? I like the analogy here.
This issue is all about trust. Schools don’t trust students or teachers to do the right thing. Companies don’t trust employees. but the problem lies not with the technology, but with with setting expectations and ensuring those expectations are met. When a company blocks access to social media, it is blocking access to its own future growth and when a school blocks access to social media it is blocking access to a student’s future growth.