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Top News - Blogging helps encourage teen writing
Top News - Blogging helps encourage teen writing
Survey results about teens and writing, showing that students who blog write more for personal reasons and are more likely to think writing skills are essential. Most students think their writing would improve if they could use more technology to practice writing for school.
Forty-seven percent of teen bloggers write outside of school for personal reasons several times a week or more, compared with 33 percent of teens without blogs. Sixty-five percent of teen bloggers believe that writing is essential to later success in life; 53 percent of non-bloggers say the same thing.
Most students (82 percent) believe that additional instruction and focus on writing in school would help improve their writing even further--and more than three-quarters of those surveyed (78 percent) think it would help their writing if their teachers used computer-based writing tools such as games, multimedia, or writing software programs or web sites during class.
Top News - Blogging helps encourage teen writing
Education Week: Online Education Cast as ‘Disruptive Innovation’
Education Week: Online Education Cast as ‘Disruptive Innovation’
Book review describing online education as a disruptive technology for K-12 education. The educational system as it exists right now, the authors argue, can't adapt to new technologies and provide the individualized, student-centered approaches possible with online learning. Compares models of change in business to education.
<a href=""><i>Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns</i></a> predicts that the growth in computer-based delivery of education will accelerate swiftly until, by 2019, half of all high school classes will be taught over the Internet.
Education Week: Online Education Cast as ‘Disruptive Innovation’
The Connected Classroom: A Lesson on Reflection: MORE Copyright Confusion...
The Connected Classroom: A Lesson on Reflection: MORE Copyright Confusion...
A teacher's reflections on using images from Flickr. Although she encouraged the use of Creative Commons images, the nature of the student work clearly fell under fair use. Even so, she got complaints from photographers about the fair use of their work. She wrote a really thoughtful response to the Flickr users and had a great discussion with her students about copyright.
The Connected Classroom: A Lesson on Reflection: MORE Copyright Confusion...
In the Wild « Web2.0 in High School
In the Wild « Web2.0 in High School
Observations from the beginning of a high school project with Ning, Animoto, and Flickr. Most of the insight is around how Ning facilitates conversations between students and lets the teacher join the discussion. Students are engaged with Ning; they are personalizing their spaces and giving each other constructive feedback.
The ability for teachers to understand and add value to the comment ‘back channel’ is a key skill for the ‘connected teacher’. Anyone can swap an writing pad for a blog, there is no value in that. The back channel is the conversation, and is the heartbeat of thought.
I can’t think of another way in which teachers can get such immediate access to the ‘thinking’ process that is playing out in front of them.
In the Wild « Web2.0 in High School
Blogging and Reading Comprehension Strategies « Classroom Tech Tips
Blogging and Reading Comprehension Strategies « Classroom Tech Tips
Applying reading comprehension strategies (questioning, making connections, inferring, etc.) and tips for students to improve blog conversations. One of the suggestions is to have a class focus together on one strategy in their comments to each other. I can see how the sentence frames would be very helpful, especially for younger writers.
Blogging and Reading Comprehension Strategies « Classroom Tech Tips
From Degrading to De-Grading
From Degrading to De-Grading
Alfie Kohn on reasons to abolish the current grading system in favor of authentic assessment to focus on learning, rather than grading. Includes a number of citations that would be worth exploring.
<p class="articletext">Researchers have found three consistent effects of using – and especially, emphasizing the importance of – letter or number grades:</p> <p class="articletext">1.&nbsp; Grades tend to reduce students’ interest in the learning itself.&nbsp;</p>
2.&nbsp; Grades tend to reduce students’ preference for challenging tasks.
3.&nbsp; Grades tend to reduce the quality of students’ thinking.
From Degrading to De-Grading
Adopt and Adapt: Shaping Tech for the Classroom | Edutopia
Adopt and Adapt: Shaping Tech for the Classroom | Edutopia
Marc Prensky on uses of technology in the classroom, moving from simply dabbling to doing "new things in new ways."
<p>First, it helps to look at the typical process of technology adoption (keeping in mind, of course, that schools are not typical of anything.) It's typically a four-step process:</p> <ol> <li> Dabbling.</li> <li> Doing old things in old ways.</li> <li> Doing old things in new ways.</li> <li> Doing new things in new ways.</li></ol>
Adopt and Adapt: Shaping Tech for the Classroom | Edutopia
High Tech in Hawaii: The Real-World Relevance of Technology | Edutopia
High Tech in Hawaii: The Real-World Relevance of Technology | Edutopia
Profile of a Hawaiian school using technology and project-based learning to engage students and give them 21st century skills.
"What the animation does is it assists the children in visualizing the action," explains Mitchell, who teaches <a class="external-link" href="" target="_blank">language arts enrichment classes</a>. "The animation is a way of them developing the picture so they relate that to the writing, to what they hear, what they see, what they feel." Technology, she adds, "gives you one more way of teaching something."
"Looking for real-world relevance has to do with students being interested in what they do, knowing that it's useful outside of school," says Kaninau. "The experiences are not contrived or in isolation, but they're a part of a larger learning activity. Without those connections, it won't be meaningful, and it'll be forgotten tomorrow."
"They love it," says sixth-grade teacher Geraldine Kajitani. "If you start with ... hands-on activities and things that are fun, their attention is focused." And once that happens, she says, it's a snap to get them to study some of the drier material because they'll relate to it and remember it.
High Tech in Hawaii: The Real-World Relevance of Technology | Edutopia
Donald Clark Plan B: Immersive games beats classroom in maths
Donald Clark Plan B: Immersive games beats classroom in maths
18-week study comparing performance of high school students who learned math in a traditional classroom or with a game. Both classroom and game learning resulted in improvement in skills, but students who played the game scored significantly higher.
According to the teachers, the games were effective teaching and learning tools because they (a) were experiential in nature, (b) offered an alternative way of teaching and learning, (c) gave the students reasons to learn mathematics to solve the game problems and progress in the games, (d) addressed students' mathematics phobias and (e) increased time on task.
Donald Clark Plan B: Immersive games beats classroom in maths
Social networks 'teaching tech skills' -
Social networks 'teaching tech skills' -
Brief summary of research on the educational benefits of sites like MySpace and Facebook for high schoolers. Students self-report learning 21st century skills, although the study doesn't attempt to actually measure any of that learning.
When asked what they learn by using social networking sites, the students listed 'technology skills', followed by 'creativity', being 'open to new or diverse views' and 'communication skills'.
Social networks 'teaching tech skills' -
Evaluating Online Learning
Evaluating Online Learning
80-page PDF from the US Department of Education on evaluating K-12 online learning. I haven't read it all yet, but some of this would probably apply to higher ed settings, and maybe corporate settings. Includes examples & case studies of successful online K-12 programs.
Evaluating Online Learning
KinderKidsDraw! | always learning
KinderKidsDraw! | always learning
Great kindergarten technology project by Kim Cofino. Students use KidPix to draw about what they're learning in class, then upload the images to VoiceThread and explain the image. Over the course of the year, the VoiceThread becomes an online portfolio of their learning. The VoiceThreads are also shared on a wiki so students can connect globally and get to know each other a bit.
KinderKidsDraw! | always learning
The Changing Face of Education in Iowa: 21st Century Skills = fluff?
The Changing Face of Education in Iowa: 21st Century Skills = fluff?
Reflection on recent discussion about the value of 21st century skills in education, arguing that 21st century skills are more critical to success than much of the deep content knowledge currently expected in schools
Our problem is not that we can't teach 21st century skills unless it is content specific, it is rather that <span style="font-style: italic;">we are content specific to begin with.</span> When we compartmentalize our content in an effort to put it on a pedestal, we compartmentalize our learning of it, so that it has no relevance to the larger picture. 21st century skills, like the term or not, have that ability.
The Changing Face of Education in Iowa: 21st Century Skills = fluff?
State Project
State Project
Example project from the Developing 21st Century Literacy Skills course. The assignment is to develop a project where students will develop and demonstrate 21st century literacy skills. In this project, students create a multimedia presentation with information about their state as if they are working in the visitor's bureau and trying to convince tourists to visit.
State Project
Using threaded comments to build a writing community in your classroom | Reflections on Teaching
Using threaded comments to build a writing community in your classroom | Reflections on Teaching
A 6th grade teacher talks about the advantage of threaded blog comments for building a writing community. This encourages much more of students talking to each other and makes it easier to follow blog conversations.
One of those is threaded comments. This is rapidly bringing my blogs to the level I had always hoped to acheive–one where the students are talking to each other and not just talking to me.
Using threaded comments to build a writing community in your classroom | Reflections on Teaching
Multimedia Serves Youths' Desire to Express Themselves | Edutopia
Multimedia Serves Youths' Desire to Express Themselves | Edutopia
High school students in California find their voice through multimedia and learn to make a difference through what they create and share
"Media is the language of kids," Torres adds, saying that students who may not take to learning by reading a textbook or listening to a lecture often jump at the chance to understand complex concepts by presenting finished products in the form of a film or a Web documentary or a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
Multimedia Serves Youths' Desire to Express Themselves | Edutopia