Generative Art and Creative Coding

#ideas #inspiration "#generative art"
DRAWING MACHINE 05 | Color line drawing | Pen plotter (AxiDraw V3/A3 + Processing Art + AutoCAD) - YouTube
DRAWING MACHINE 05 | Color line drawing | Pen plotter (AxiDraw V3/A3 + Processing Art + AutoCAD) - YouTube
This pen plotter drawing is made with the AxiDraw V3/A3 drawing machine which uses two layers of color, blue and red. The line drawing was made with Processing and modified in AutoCAD. Once the first drawing was drawn, the color pens are switched and are drawn on top of the first layer of the drawing. This time-lapse video is composed of two independent sequences. Pen plotter drawings have a unique quality that no algorithm can recreate - it's the interaction of the pen with the surface of the paper that creates unique and unexpected outcomes. In this case, especially the interaction of the two colors, blue and red. 0:00 First layer 0:45 Time lapse 2:09 Second layer 3:39 Final drawings For more, please visit the playlist "Drawing Machine | Pen Plotter": Tools: Made with Processing, modified in AutoCAD, plotted with Inkscape Drawing machine: AxiDraw V3/A3 ▌ Generative art and design ▌ Made with code (Processing) ▌ LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to thedotisblack SUPPORT thedotisblack on Patreon: JOIN as a member: SUPPORT thedotisblack: - Prints on Society6: - PayPal contributions: SOCIAL MEDIA, for contact or more works: Tumblr: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Ello:
DRAWING MACHINE 05 | Color line drawing | Pen plotter (AxiDraw V3/A3 + Processing Art + AutoCAD) - YouTube