Conversational AI
You're Having Conversations All Wrong, Harvard Research Shows. Here's How to Do It Right
In two experiments, more than 67 percent said they wanted out but the other person kept talking.
Does AI-Flavored Feedback Require a Human Touch?
Companies must choose whether humans or machines should get the last word on employee performance.
Robot maker acquires conversational AI startup | ZDNet
A social robot with the gift of gab may soon become the most conversant machine on the planet.
Trusting Virtual Agents: The Effect of Personality
Council Post: How To Balance Automation And The Human Touch
Automation can compliment employees' soft skills, but it isn’t one-size-fits-all, and the way you use it should change with the needs of your company. What works for one company may not work for another.
A Robot That Smiles: Scientists Have Created A Robot That Responds To Human Facial Expressions
This may significantly impact clinical medicine.
How to Write Personalities for the AI Around Us
You just can’t differentiate between a robot and the very best of humans. —Dr. Lanning in I, Robot, by Isaac Asimov As a little twenty-first-century cocktail-party experiment, quote that line to someone, and observe whether it elicits hope or fear. Asimov understood the core terror of AI-human relations: replication, confusion, eventual domination, and chaos. What makes his […]
Human Design for Artificial Intelligence and Agents
The key to humanizing technology is to make it more relatable, not more human.
What is an Intelligent Virtual Agent ?
What are the differences between bots, chatbots and intelligent virtual agents? Here are 4 main characteristics of an Intelligent Virtual Agent (or IVA).
Advances in Conversational AI
Facebook AI has made scientific progress in improving nuanced conversational skills, including consistency, specificity, and empathy.
Developing a Conversational AI Program
How to avoid common pitfalls and unlock customer and business value
Towards a Conversational Agent that Can Chat About…Anything
Posted by Daniel Adiwardana, Senior Research Engineer, and Thang Luong, Senior Research Scientist, Google Research, Brain Team Modern co...
Conversational AI, Virtual Assistant, and Chatbots | Self-Service | Aisera
Conversational AI enables virtual assistants and chatbots to resolve issues without human intervention. See why self-service transforms CX and EX.
Conversational AI: What It Is and How It Works
Everything you need to know about conversation AI: how it works, where it's most helpful, and why organizations everywhere are using it to delight customers.
The Evolution of the AI Conversation Agent
Conversations Agents have been around long enough for the public to know the difference between a cost-saving solution and a value-added customer-centric experience that makes everyday life easier. Businesses must implement chatbots that don't frustrate customers and increases your bottom line.
Amelia, the Market-Leading Conversational AI Solution
Amelia is the leading conversational AI system. Her superior natural language understanding and end-to-end learning are second-to-none among digital employees.
New Software Agents Will Infer What Users Are Thinking - News - Carnegie Mellon University
DARPA project aims to use machine social intelligence to improve teamwork.
Intelligent agents-issues and applications-1.pdf
An Analysis of the Interaction Between Intelligent Software Agents and Human Users