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Coding Bootcamp & Tech Courses | BrainStation®
Coding Bootcamp & Tech Courses | BrainStation®
BrainStation is a coding bootcamp and tech course leader, with web development, data science, UX design, digital marketing, product management, and data analytics programs and courses. Learn online or in-person, either full-time or part-time.
Coding Bootcamp & Tech Courses | BrainStation®
Give more feedback, faster than ever. Deliver assignments and get immediate insights into student performance. Use artificial intelligence to help you grade.
Ed 3 2021 Blog - Google Docs
Ed 3 2021 Blog - Google Docs
Ed 3.0 2021 Blog - https://bit.ly/ed3-2021 Do you see a world where personalized, competency-based learning produces verifiable credentials, stored on digital wallets, and exchanged like currency for education and employment opportunities? Join the Ed 3.0 Conversation An Open Discussion Forum o...
Ed 3 2021 Blog - Google Docs
Semantic Interoperability: Are you training your AI by mixing data sources that look the same but aren’t? - KDnuggets
Semantic Interoperability: Are you training your AI by mixing data sources that look the same but aren’t? - KDnuggets
Semantic interoperability is a challenge in AI systems, especially since data has become increasingly more complex. The other issue is that semantic interoperability may be compromised when people use the same system differently.
Semantic Interoperability: Are you training your AI by mixing data sources that look the same but aren’t? - KDnuggets
Digital Learning Records Make the Job Market More Equitable and CBOs Can Help | Jobs for the Future (JFF)
Digital Learning Records Make the Job Market More Equitable and CBOs Can Help | Jobs for the Future (JFF)
Community based organizations have an important role to play in a large-scale effort to build systems that increase access to good jobs by enabling workers to share digital records of their education and employment histories with employers, schools, and training providers.
Digital Learning Records Make the Job Market More Equitable and CBOs Can Help | Jobs for the Future (JFF)
Digital Credentials Consortium: Building Interoperable Learner-Centric Credentialing Infrastructure
Digital Credentials Consortium: Building Interoperable Learner-Centric Credentialing Infrastructure
The Digital Credentials Consortium was founded by 12 universities to bridge the gap between traditional academic credentials and the future of digital credentials. Core to our approach are W3C Verifiable Credentials and related standards, which enable a new digital credential infrastructure for today’s learner – one informed by learner welfare, rights, and agency. Learn about our approach, the communities we work with, the challenges we are working on, and how to get involved.
Digital Credentials Consortium: Building Interoperable Learner-Centric Credentialing Infrastructure
IMS Comprehensive Learner Record Standard v1.0: JSON-LD Context 1.0 IMS Final Release
IMS Comprehensive Learner Record Standard v1.0: JSON-LD Context 1.0 IMS Final Release
The IMS Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR) Standard has been designed to create, transmit, and render an individual's set of achievements, as issued by multiple learning providers, in a machine-readable format that can be curated into verifiable digital records of achievement.
IMS Comprehensive Learner Record Standard v1.0: JSON-LD Context 1.0 IMS Final Release
PlugFest 1 Cohort - Google Sheets
PlugFest 1 Cohort - Google Sheets
Participant Info Cohort,Organization,First Name,Last Name,Email,Other Contacts,Wallet,Credential Assertion Format (production),DID Methods,Signature Suite,Protocol for Obtaining and Storing VCs,Comments on your demo that will help us group presentations more logically,Public Link,Timezone,Issuer...
PlugFest 1 Cohort - Google Sheets