Intelligence vs information vs insights: Know the difference | ZDNet
At the very least, this knowledge will prevent you from making deadly mistakes in your business. At best, you'll retain and grow your customer base beyond what you are likely to have thought possible.
Evidence for New Type of Memory - Neuroscience News
New research indicates the existence of an unconscious iconic memory store that supports predictions made by the global workspace theory of consciousness. It also shows that visual masking does not erase memory traces of masked stimuli but only limits conscious access.
A neuroscientist explains how easy changes to your routine can improve your personality
In this extract from Be Who You Want: Unlocking the Science of Personality Change, cognitive neuroscientist Dr Christian Jarrett explains the situation-selection strategy.
Council Post: How To Balance Automation And The Human Touch
Automation can compliment employees' soft skills, but it isn’t one-size-fits-all, and the way you use it should change with the needs of your company. What works for one company may not work for another.
Ethics of AI: Benefits and risks of artificial intelligence | ZDNet
The increasing scale of AI -- in terms of the size of neural networks, their energy use, the size of data sets, and the prevalence of the technology in society -- is raising the stakes for major ethical questions.
The Complete Full Stack dApp Guide on RSK - Part 1:Overview - RSK Developers Portal
RSK is the first open source Smart Contract platform secured by the Bitcoin Network. RSK adds value and expand functionality to the Bitcoin ecosystem by providing smart contracts and greater scalability.
Ethereum has played an important role in driving wider adoption of blockchain technology, with their Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and smart contracts.
One of the hardest hits to a stagnant financial sector was the one made by the blockchain technology. Blockchain technology is changing the way payments are processed on a larger scale. Although most payments are under the authority of centralized financial institutions, blockchain developers are working on creating dApps (decentralized apps) that enable cross-border payments in a straightforward way without unnecessary interference of big finance names. Thanks to the technology of smart contracts, worldwide industries can process payments via blockchain-powered financial applications.
Due to the rapid development of 5G, Internet of things, AI and other technologies, the number of network devices has increased dramatically. A large number of intelligent devices are distributed in urban transportation, industrial parks,
A new era of innovation: Moore’s Law is not dead and AI is ready to explode
Moore’s Law is dead, right? Think again.Although the historical annual improvement of about 40% in central processing unit performance is slowing, the combination of CPUs packaged with alter
For me, this year has deepened my passion for the work I do. As we all watch the myriad of events of this past year play out, I see the impact of decisions in real time, and realize that our decisions have outsized consequences, now more than ever.
2021 Current trends in Self Organising Network Market Share, Growth, Demand, Trends, Region Wise Analysis of Top Players and Forecasts | Alphabet, P.I. Works, Headai, RED Technologies, Innovile – The Bisouv Network
You’ll never achieve work-life balance if you don’t know what you’re balancing
Get more out of your week—in and out of work—by creating a detailed picture of how your time is actually spent, says this productivity platform executive.
Feedback: Personal Work Tracker to Improve Your Productivity (whoop/fitbit for work) - Quantified Self / Apps & Tools - Quantified Self Forum
Hey all, I’ve been working on a building a person work tracker, built for us as individuals, not our companies/managers. In a lot of ways, it’s like a Whoop/Fitbit but for your work. I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback. I’m love quantified self apps and I have an Apple Watch which I use religiously to track my health metrics. I realized that I track almost everything I do (exercise, sleep, meals) but I have no metrics around how I work. I couldn’t tell you how long it takes me to compl...