
Smart-Certificate Roadmap Architecture - Page 1 · Moqups
Smart-Certificate Roadmap Architecture - Page 1 · Moqups
Moqups makes it easy to quickly wireframe and design your website or mobile app. Add interactivity to create prototypes and share them with your collaborators.
Smart-Certificate Roadmap Architecture - Page 1 · Moqups
Gobekli - Master Map
Gobekli - Master Map
Moqups makes it easy to quickly wireframe and design your website or mobile app. Add interactivity to create prototypes and share them with your collaborators.
Gobekli - Master Map
Learner Credential Wallet Specification
Learner Credential Wallet Specification
Learner Credential Wallet Specification Editors: Kim Hamilton Duffy, Ulrich Gallersdörfer, James Goodell, Matt Lisle, Brandon Muramatsu, Philipp Schmidt Copyright MIT, May 2021 This document constitutes deliverable Task 2, Sub-task 2.1 B as specified in the Department of Education contract “De...
Learner Credential Wallet Specification
Open Badges 2.0: Getting Started
Open Badges 2.0: Getting Started
Getting Started with the Open Badges 2.0 EcosystemConsidering implementing Open Badges in your platform and looking to get IMS certified? Get a quick orienta...
Open Badges 2.0: Getting Started
The Digital Twin is a Knowledge (Sub-) Graph | LinkedIn
The Digital Twin is a Knowledge (Sub-) Graph | LinkedIn
Reflections on this Year's Prostep IVIP Symposium This year’s Prostep IVIP Symposium was laden with topics around the usage of data ranging from AI over the digital thread and the digital twin. I am convinced there are two major technologies that will be the driving force for such data centric devel
The Digital Twin is a Knowledge (Sub-) Graph | LinkedIn
The central issue with decentralized applications
The central issue with decentralized applications
In its rawest form, a decentralized application is any app that runs on a connected network of compute resources, but our modern notion of decentralized applications (or DApps) is one where apps run on a peer-to-peer (P2P) network of computers, often now under the purview of a blockchain -- so how will these technologies work in practice, when attempting to exchange data for working applications?
The central issue with decentralized applications