What Are Soulbound Tokens? The Non-Transferrable NFT Explained
Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin describes soulbound tokens as non-transferable NFTs that can help represent a person's identity and achievements in Web3.
OCFC Workgroup Rosters
Timestamp,Email Address,Join one or both groups,Notes,Enter your first and last/sur name,Affiliation (If not appliable enter "Unaffiliated'),Role,Workgroups,Added to Workgroup's Google Drive Folder & Forum,TAW November 9, 2022,AOC November 2, 2022,TAW October 12 2022,AOC O...
Potential Uses of the DESM Output Phil Baker phil.barker@pjjk.co.uk, Draft for Comment, 2022-Nov-09 One of the aims of the DESM Pilot is "to test the usability of the output". Usability for what needs further definition. Context The output of DESM tool is the mapping of N standards to one "syn...
Background and Introduction Purpose of the Pilot and Overall Timeline T3 Pilot Support to DSO Participants DSOs, Personnel, MOU, and Mapping Scoping Pilot Testing Outcomes Scheduled Activities and Input with Timeline DESM Terminology Resources Background and Introduction Several Data Standard...
ORCA Green Paper - Community Review Draft 2022 October
Introduction 2 About Open Recognition Practices 4 The 10 Open Recognition Challenges 5 #1 - Building the World Wide Web of Recognition 5 #2 - Recognition should be visible as soon as it is being claimed 6 #3 - Predefining achievements is not necessary for recognition to begin 6 #4 - ...
PESC | HOME | Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council | PESC Approved Data Standards | Interoperability | PK20W | Digital Standards | Education Technology | Data Collection | Data Exchange | Research | XML | EDI | JSON | JSON-LD | PDF | Credentials | Competencies | Transcripts | LEADING THE ESTABLISHMENT AND ADOPTION OF TRUSTED, FREE & OPEN DATA STANDARDS ACROSS THE EDUCATION DOMAIN | PESC Celebrated its 25th Year Anniversary in 2021!
The biggest HR event of the year is coming. Join us on November 2nd and 3rd for an eye-opening live online event on the future of work, skills, careers and more
IEEE ILR/LER Working Group Meeting Minutes3 NOV 2022 / 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (ET) Webex Meeting Welcome and Call to Order Roll Call and Disclosure of Affiliation - Please: mark your attendance or add new names at the bottom - Link confirm that your Employer/Affiliation (Link) voting Member Qua...
ORCA Green Paper - Community Review Draft 2022 October
Introduction 2 About Open Recognition Practices 4 The 10 Open Recognition Challenges 5 #1 - Building the World Wide Web of Recognition 5 #2 - Recognition should be visible as soon as it is being claimed 6 #3 - Predefining achievements is not necessary for recognition to begin 6 #4 - ...
Ed3 Blog (2022) Do you see a world where personalized, competency-based learning produces verifiable credentials, stored on digital wallets, and exchanged like currency for education and employment opportunities? Join the Ed 3.0 ConversationAn Open Discussion Forum on the Future of Education,...
Learning and Employment Records: Progress and the Path Forward - Resources - T3 Network Hub
The T3 Innovation Network is exploring emerging technologies and standards in the talent marketplace to create more equitable and effective learning and career pathways.