C Diff Diagnosis

C Diff Diagnosis

Experience with PCR Testing for Enteric Bacteria and Viruses of Emergency Department Patients with Acute Gastroenteritis: Are There Implications for the Early Treatment of Clostridioides difficile Infection? - PubMed
Experience with PCR Testing for Enteric Bacteria and Viruses of Emergency Department Patients with Acute Gastroenteritis: Are There Implications for the Early Treatment of Clostridioides difficile Infection? - PubMed
Early identification of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) pathogens via PCR may improve the management of patients presenting to the emergency department (ED). In this study, we evaluated the implementation of a testing algorithm for ED patients with AGE using the BD MAX automated PCR system. Data from 13 …
Experience with PCR Testing for Enteric Bacteria and Viruses of Emergency Department Patients with Acute Gastroenteritis: Are There Implications for the Early Treatment of Clostridioides difficile Infection? - PubMed
Experience with PCR Testing for Enteric Bacteria and Viruses of Emergency Department Patients with Acute Gastroenteritis: Are There Implications for the Early Treatment of Clostridioides difficile Infection? - PubMed
Experience with PCR Testing for Enteric Bacteria and Viruses of Emergency Department Patients with Acute Gastroenteritis: Are There Implications for the Early Treatment of Clostridioides difficile Infection? - PubMed
Early identification of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) pathogens via PCR may improve the management of patients presenting to the emergency department (ED). In this study, we evaluated the implementation of a testing algorithm for ED patients with AGE using the BD MAX automated PCR system. Data from 13 …
Experience with PCR Testing for Enteric Bacteria and Viruses of Emergency Department Patients with Acute Gastroenteritis: Are There Implications for the Early Treatment of Clostridioides difficile Infection? - PubMed
Culture-independent detection of low-abundant Clostridioides difficile in environmental DNA via PCR | Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Culture-independent detection of low-abundant Clostridioides difficile in environmental DNA via PCR | Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Clostridioides difficile is a main cause of diarrheic infections after antibiotic treatment with serious morbidity and mortality worldwide. Research on this pathogen and its virulence has focused on bacterial isolation from clinical specimens under ...
Culture-independent detection of low-abundant Clostridioides difficile in environmental DNA via PCR | Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Clostridioides difficile detection and infection in children: are they just small adults? - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile detection and infection in children: are they just small adults? - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile is a well-recognized healthcare-associated pathogen, with its significance widely recognized in adult populations. Despite this, there is limited data on the significance of detection within paediatric populations, both for individual patient management and wider tran …
Clostridioides difficile detection and infection in children: are they just small adults? - PubMed
Detection of Clostridioides difficile infection by assessment of exhaled breath volatile organic compounds - PubMed
Detection of Clostridioides difficile infection by assessment of exhaled breath volatile organic compounds - PubMed
Clostridioides difficileinfection (CDI) is the leading cause of hospital-acquired infective diarrhea. Current methods for diagnosing CDI have limitations; enzyme immunoassays for toxin have low sensitivity andClostridioides difficilePCR cannot differentiate infection from colonization. …
Detection of Clostridioides difficile infection by assessment of exhaled breath volatile organic compounds - PubMed
Biophysical library screening using a Thermo-FMN assay to identify and characterize Clostridioides difficile FabK inhibitors - PubMed
Biophysical library screening using a Thermo-FMN assay to identify and characterize Clostridioides difficile FabK inhibitors - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile, a gram-positive anaerobic bacterium, is one of the most frequent causes of nosocomial infections. C. difficile infection (CDI) results in almost a half a million infections and approximately 30,000 deaths in the U.S. each year. Broad-spectrum antibacterial use is a strong r …
Biophysical library screening using a Thermo-FMN assay to identify and characterize Clostridioides difficile FabK inhibitors - PubMed
Biophysical library screening using a Thermo-FMN assay to identify and characterize Clostridioides difficile FabK inhibitors - PubMed
Biophysical library screening using a Thermo-FMN assay to identify and characterize Clostridioides difficile FabK inhibitors - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile, a gram-positive anaerobic bacterium, is one of the most frequent causes of nosocomial infections. C. difficile infection (CDI) results in almost a half a million infections and approximately 30,000 deaths in the U.S. each year. Broad-spectrum antibacterial use is a strong r …
Biophysical library screening using a Thermo-FMN assay to identify and characterize Clostridioides difficile FabK inhibitors - PubMed
Changing the culture: impact of a diagnostic stewardship intervention for urine culture testing and CAUTI prevention in an urban safety-net community hospital - PubMed
Changing the culture: impact of a diagnostic stewardship intervention for urine culture testing and CAUTI prevention in an urban safety-net community hospital - PubMed
Cultures from urinary catheters are often ordered without indication, leading to possible misdiagnosis of catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI), increasing antimicrobial use, and C difficile. We implemented a diagnostic stewardship intervention for urine cultures from catheters …
Changing the culture: impact of a diagnostic stewardship intervention for urine culture testing and CAUTI prevention in an urban safety-net community hospital - PubMed
Clinical decision support for gastrointestinal panel testing - PubMed
Clinical decision support for gastrointestinal panel testing - PubMed
Implementation of CDS in the EMR decreased testing and inappropriate ordering based on use of laxatives or undocumented diarrhea. However, inappropriate ordering of tests overall remained high post-intervention, signaling the need for continued diagnostic stewardship efforts.
Clinical decision support for gastrointestinal panel testing - PubMed
Evaluation of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry coupled with ClinProTools as a rapid tool for toxin-producing Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Evaluation of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry coupled with ClinProTools as a rapid tool for toxin-producing Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
MALDI-TOF analysis using ClinProTools has a potential to be a cost-effective tool for rapid diagnosis and contribute to antimicrobial stewardship by differentiating toxin-producing C. difficile from non-producers.
Evaluation of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry coupled with ClinProTools as a rapid tool for toxin-producing Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile Infection: Diagnosis and Treatment Challenges - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile Infection: Diagnosis and Treatment Challenges - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile is the most important cause of healthcare-associated diarrhea in the United States. The high incidence and recurrence rates of C. difficile infection (CDI), associated with high morbidity and mortality, pose a public health challenge. Although antibiotics targe …
Clostridioides difficile Infection: Diagnosis and Treatment Challenges - PubMed
Using whole genome sequencing to characterize Clostridioides difficile isolates at a tertiary center in Melbourne, Australia - PubMed
Using whole genome sequencing to characterize Clostridioides difficile isolates at a tertiary center in Melbourne, Australia - PubMed
In both study periods, most C. difficile isolates were not closely related, suggesting varied sources of acquisition and that spread of C. difficile within the hospital was unlikely. Current infection control precautions may therefore warrant review. Underlying risk factors for CDI wer …
Using whole genome sequencing to characterize Clostridioides difficile isolates at a tertiary center in Melbourne, Australia - PubMed
A monoclonal antibody collection for C. difficile typing ? - PubMed
A monoclonal antibody collection for C. difficile typing ? - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile is the leading cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and pseudomembranous colitis in adults. Various C. difficile strains circulate currently, associated with different outcomes and antibiotic resistance profiles. However, most studies still focus on the reference strain 6 …
A monoclonal antibody collection for C. difficile typing ? - PubMed
A Streamlined Method to Obtain Biologically Active TcdA and TcdB Toxins from Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
A Streamlined Method to Obtain Biologically Active TcdA and TcdB Toxins from Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
The major virulence factors of Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) are enterotoxins A (TcdA) and B (TcdB). The study of toxins is a crucial step in exploring the virulence of this pathogen. Currently, the toxin purification process is either laborious and time-consuming in C. di …
A Streamlined Method to Obtain Biologically Active TcdA and TcdB Toxins from Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Microscopy methods for Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Microscopy methods for Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Microscopic technologies including light and fluorescent, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and cryo-electron microscopy have been widely utilized to visualize Clostridioides difficile at the molecular, cellular, community, and structural biology level. This …
Microscopy methods for Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Diagnostic stewardship helps reduce C. difficile at children’s hospital
Diagnostic stewardship helps reduce C. difficile at children’s hospital
Diagnostic stewardship, along with targeted prevention efforts and a testing and treatment clinical care pathway, reduced hospital-onset cases of Clostridioides difficile by more than 50% in a children’s hospital, researchers reported.
Diagnostic stewardship helps reduce C. difficile at children’s hospital
Comparative evaluation of the detection rate, workflow and associated costs of a multiplex PCR panel versus conventional methods in diagnosis of infectious gastroenteritis - PubMed
Comparative evaluation of the detection rate, workflow and associated costs of a multiplex PCR panel versus conventional methods in diagnosis of infectious gastroenteritis - PubMed
Introduction. Infectious gastroenteritis is a common reason for consulting a physician. Although most cases of gastrointestinal illness are self-limiting, the identification of the etiologic pathogen by stool specimen analysis is important in cases of more severe illness and for epidemiologic …
Comparative evaluation of the detection rate, workflow and associated costs of a multiplex PCR panel versus conventional methods in diagnosis of infectious gastroenteritis - PubMed
Gastrointestinal PCR panel results and antibiotic use in acute gastroenteritis cases: How appropriate are we in our usage? - PubMed
Gastrointestinal PCR panel results and antibiotic use in acute gastroenteritis cases: How appropriate are we in our usage? - PubMed
The utilization of GI PCR panels in AGE patients has revolutionized the field of diagnostics by providing rapid and accurate identification of pathogens. In units without the possibility of GI PCR testing, CRP, procalcitonin, CRP/albumin ratio and procalcitonin/albumin ratio may be useful in the dec …
Gastrointestinal PCR panel results and antibiotic use in acute gastroenteritis cases: How appropriate are we in our usage? - PubMed
Rapid discrimination between clinical Clostridioides difficile infection and colonization by quantitative detection of TcdB toxin using a real-time cell analysis system - PubMed
Rapid discrimination between clinical Clostridioides difficile infection and colonization by quantitative detection of TcdB toxin using a real-time cell analysis system - PubMed
This study explored the novel application of the RTCA assay in effectively discerning clinical CDI from CDC cases.
Rapid discrimination between clinical Clostridioides difficile infection and colonization by quantitative detection of TcdB toxin using a real-time cell analysis system - PubMed
Culture-independent detection of low-abundant Clostridioides difficile in environmental DNA via PCR - PubMed
Culture-independent detection of low-abundant Clostridioides difficile in environmental DNA via PCR - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile represents a major burden to public health. As a well-known nosocomial pathogen whose occurrence is highly associated with antibiotic treatment, most examined C. difficile strains originated from clinical specimen and were isolated under selective conditions em …
Culture-independent detection of low-abundant Clostridioides difficile in environmental DNA via PCR - PubMed
Rapid Isothermal Detection of Pathogenic Clostridioides difficile Using Recombinase Polymerase Amplification - PubMed
Rapid Isothermal Detection of Pathogenic Clostridioides difficile Using Recombinase Polymerase Amplification - PubMed
Nosocomial-associated diarrhea due to Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is diagnosed after sample precultivation by the detection of the toxins in enzyme immunoassays or via toxin gene nucleic acid amplification. Rapid and direct diagnosis is important for targeted treatment to prevent …
Rapid Isothermal Detection of Pathogenic Clostridioides difficile Using Recombinase Polymerase Amplification - PubMed
Microscopy methods for Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Microscopy methods for Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Microscopic technologies including light and fluorescent, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and cryo-electron microscopy have been widely utilized to visualize Clostridioides difficile at the molecular, cellular, community, and structural biology level. This …
Microscopy methods for Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Multicenter evaluation of BioCode GPP for syndromic molecular detection of gastrointestinal pathogens from stool specimens - PubMed
Multicenter evaluation of BioCode GPP for syndromic molecular detection of gastrointestinal pathogens from stool specimens - PubMed
Acute gastroenteritis (AGE) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide across all age groups that disproportionally affects young children in low- and middle-income countries and immunocompromised patients in high-income countries. Regional outbreaks of AGE are typically detected by tra …
Multicenter evaluation of BioCode GPP for syndromic molecular detection of gastrointestinal pathogens from stool specimens - PubMed
Rapid discrimination between clinical Clostridioides difficile infection and colonization by quantitative detection of TcdB toxin using a real-time cell analysis system - PubMed
Rapid discrimination between clinical Clostridioides difficile infection and colonization by quantitative detection of TcdB toxin using a real-time cell analysis system - PubMed
This study explored the novel application of the RTCA assay in effectively discerning clinical CDI from CDC cases.
Rapid discrimination between clinical Clostridioides difficile infection and colonization by quantitative detection of TcdB toxin using a real-time cell analysis system - PubMed
Potential underreporting of treated patients using a Clostridioides difficile testing algorithm that screens with a nucleic acid amplification test - PubMed
Potential underreporting of treated patients using a Clostridioides difficile testing algorithm that screens with a nucleic acid amplification test - PubMed
Use of this 2-step algorithm likely results in underreporting of some NAAT+/toxin- cases with clinically relevant CDI. Disease severity and laboratory interpretive comments influence treatment decisions for NAAT+/toxin- cases.
Potential underreporting of treated patients using a Clostridioides difficile testing algorithm that screens with a nucleic acid amplification test - PubMed