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Prof. Fidelma Fitzpatrick on Twitter
Prof. Fidelma Fitzpatrick on Twitter
Excellent presentation @kerrieanndavies @ESCMID #ECCMID23 #ECCMID2023 lactoferrin may help tease out the significance of GDH positive /EIA negative #cdiff samples - 40min turn around - quantitative version— Prof. Fidelma Fitzpatrick (@FfitzP) April 18, 2023
Prof. Fidelma Fitzpatrick on Twitter
Bug Pharmacist 💊🧫 Tim Gauthier on Twitter
Bug Pharmacist 💊🧫 Tim Gauthier on Twitter
So proud of our former ID PGY2 (and 🦸‍♀️super steward) @LinezoLiv who just presented one of her residency projects here at #ECCMID2023 finding a two-step method for C diff testing led to a reduction in unnecessary treatment 🙌 #Cdiff #DiagnosticStewardship #IDtwitter— Bug Pharmacist 💊🧫 Tim Gauthier (@IDstewardship) April 15, 2023
Bug Pharmacist 💊🧫 Tim Gauthier on Twitter
Clostridium Diagnostics Market in the United Kingdom is expected to be worth US$ 330 million by 2032
Clostridium Diagnostics Market in the United Kingdom is expected to be worth US$ 330 million by 2032
The global Clostridium Diagnostics Market is anticipated to grow at a 12.2% CAGR from 2022 to 2032, from US$ 2.5 billion to US$ 7.8 billion. The market saw a 13.6% CAGR between 2015 and 2021. The market is expanding as a result of increased awareness-raising activities for clostridium-related ill...
Clostridium Diagnostics Market in the United Kingdom is expected to be worth US$ 330 million by 2032
Clostridium Diagnostics Market is expected to reach a valuation of US$ 7.8 Billion by 2032 | FMI Analyst - FMIBlog
Clostridium Diagnostics Market is expected to reach a valuation of US$ 7.8 Billion by 2032 | FMI Analyst - FMIBlog
The global Clostridium Diagnostics Market is anticipated to grow at a 12.2% CAGR from 2022 to 2032, from US$ 2.5 billion to US$ 7.8 billion. The market saw a 13.6% CAGR between 2015 and 2021. The market is expanding as a result of increased awareness-raising activities for clostridium-related illnesses and their rising prevalence. There has been an increased focus of […]
Clostridium Diagnostics Market is expected to reach a valuation of US$ 7.8 Billion by 2032 | FMI Analyst - FMIBlog
Laboratory diagnosis of Clostridioides difficile infection in symptomatic patients: what can we do better? - PubMed
Laboratory diagnosis of Clostridioides difficile infection in symptomatic patients: what can we do better? - PubMed
The laboratory diagnosis of Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is challenging since this bacteria may be detected in healthy people and toxin production detection is not sensitive enough to be used alone. Thus, there is no single test with adequate sensitivity and specificity to be used in lab …
Laboratory diagnosis of Clostridioides difficile infection in symptomatic patients: what can we do better? - PubMed
Variation in stool testing for children with acute gastrointestinal infections - PubMed
Variation in stool testing for children with acute gastrointestinal infections - PubMed
Children with acute gastrointestinal infections experience substantial variation in stool testing within and across hospitals, with no difference in utilization outcomes. These findings highlight the need for guidelines to address diagnostic stewardship.
Variation in stool testing for children with acute gastrointestinal infections - PubMed
Impact of Nucleic Acid Amplification Test on Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Clostridioides difficile Infection - PubMed
Impact of Nucleic Acid Amplification Test on Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Clostridioides difficile Infection - PubMed
A nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) is recommended to determine whether or not patients have a Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) when the glutamate dehydrogenase activity assay is positive and the rapid membrane enzyme immunoassays for toxins is negative. In our hospital, a NAAT w …
Impact of Nucleic Acid Amplification Test on Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Clostridioides difficile Infection - PubMed
Role of diagnostic stewardship in reducing healthcare-facility-onset Clostridioides difficile infections - PubMed
Role of diagnostic stewardship in reducing healthcare-facility-onset Clostridioides difficile infections - PubMed
We describe the implementation of an electronic medical record "hard stop" to decrease inappropriate Clostridioides difficile testing across a 5-hospital health system, effectively reducing the rates of healthcare-facility-onset C. difficile infection. This novel approach included expe …
Role of diagnostic stewardship in reducing healthcare-facility-onset Clostridioides difficile infections - PubMed
Incidence, accuracy, and barriers of diagnosing healthcare-associated infections: a case study in southeast Iran - BMC Infectious Diseases
Incidence, accuracy, and barriers of diagnosing healthcare-associated infections: a case study in southeast Iran - BMC Infectious Diseases
Background Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are a threat to patients. Accurate surveillance is required to identify and prevent HAIs. To estimate the incidence rate, report the accuracy and identify the barriers of reporting HAIs using a mixed-method study. Methods In this quantitative study, we externally evaluated the incidence rate and accuracy of the routine surveillance system in one of the main hospitals by an active follow-up of patients from September to December 2021. We used in-depth interviews with 18 experts to identify the barriers of the routine surveillance system. Results Among 404 hospitalized patients, 88 HAIs were detected. The estimated rate of HAIs was 17.1 (95% Confidence Intervals 95: 14.1, 21.1) per 1000 patient-days follow-up. However, in the same period, 116 HAIs were reported by the routine surveillance system, but the agreement between the two approaches was low (sensitivity = 61.4%, specificity = 82.6%, negative predictive value = 89.7%, and positive predictive validity = 46.5%). The minimum and maximum positive predictive values were observed in urinary tract infection (32.3%) and surgical site infection (60.9%). The main barrier of reporting HAIs was lack of cooperation in reporting HAIs by infection control link nurses and laboratory supervisors. Conclusions The discrepancy between the longitudinal study findings and the routine surveillance might be related to the inaccessibility of the surveillance system to clinical information of patients. In this regard, decreasing the barriers, increasing the knowledge of infection control nurses and other nurses, as well as the development of hospital information systems are necessary.
Incidence, accuracy, and barriers of diagnosing healthcare-associated infections: a case study in southeast Iran - BMC Infectious Diseases
Naveen Reddy on Twitter
Naveen Reddy on Twitter
Are you having trouble getting your hospitals to run C diff testing on patients? Running into issues here with admin citing CMS guidelines saying they will only test if fever, significant leukocytosis, etc.#GITwitter #IDTwitter @GI_Pearls @DrHarryThomas @PerelmansPearls #Cdiff— Naveen Reddy (@DrReddyGI) March 21, 2023
Naveen Reddy on Twitter
Evaluation of disk diffusion method for testing the rifampicin, erythromycin, and tetracycline susceptibility of Clostridioides (prev. Clostridium) difficile - PubMed
Evaluation of disk diffusion method for testing the rifampicin, erythromycin, and tetracycline susceptibility of Clostridioides (prev. Clostridium) difficile - PubMed
The results suggest that disk diffusion can be an interesting routine tool to identify erythromycin- and rifampicin-resistant C. difficile isolates (≥20 mm cut-off) and wild type (WT) strains (≥28 mm). However, the disk diffusion protocol tested in this study does not seem suitable for tetracycline …
Evaluation of disk diffusion method for testing the rifampicin, erythromycin, and tetracycline susceptibility of Clostridioides (prev. Clostridium) difficile - PubMed
Clinical prediction rule for identifying older patients with toxigenic clostridioides difficile at the time of hospital admission - PubMed
Clinical prediction rule for identifying older patients with toxigenic clostridioides difficile at the time of hospital admission - PubMed
This clinical prediction rule for identifying toxigenic C. difficile carriage at admission may facilitate the selective screening of high-risk groups. To implement it in a clinical setting, more patients from other medical institutions need to be prospectively examined.
Clinical prediction rule for identifying older patients with toxigenic clostridioides difficile at the time of hospital admission - PubMed
A Review on Clostridioides Difficile Testing and How to Approach Patients With Multiple Negative Tests: A Case Report - PubMed
A Review on Clostridioides Difficile Testing and How to Approach Patients With Multiple Negative Tests: A Case Report - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) is an important nosocomial infection that is commonly associated with antibiotic use with pseudomembranous colitis being present in only 13% of cases. Disease severity ranges from asymptomatic carriers to severe complicated disease, based on clin …
A Review on Clostridioides Difficile Testing and How to Approach Patients With Multiple Negative Tests: A Case Report - PubMed
A Review on Clostridioides Difficile Testing and How to Approach Patients With Multiple Negative Tests: A Case Report - PubMed
A Review on Clostridioides Difficile Testing and How to Approach Patients With Multiple Negative Tests: A Case Report - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) is an important nosocomial infection that is commonly associated with antibiotic use with pseudomembranous colitis being present in only 13% of cases. Disease severity ranges from asymptomatic carriers to severe complicated disease, based on clin …
A Review on Clostridioides Difficile Testing and How to Approach Patients With Multiple Negative Tests: A Case Report - PubMed
Understanding Toxin Testing Results for C diff - Medscape
Understanding Toxin Testing Results for C diff - Medscape
Testing stool samples for C difficile exotoxins A and B is frequently used to diagnose a C difficile infection, but clinicians need a greater understanding of what the results mean.
Understanding Toxin Testing Results for C diff - Medscape