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The 3 Ds: Depression, Dysbiosis, and Clostridiodes difficile - PubMed
The 3 Ds: Depression, Dysbiosis, and Clostridiodes difficile - PubMed
This paper explores the intricate relationship between depression, gut dysbiosis, and Clostridioides difficile infections, collectively termed "The 3 Ds". Depression is a widespread mental disorder increasing in prevalence. It is recognized for its societal burden and complex pathophysiology, encomp …
The 3 Ds: Depression, Dysbiosis, and Clostridiodes difficile - PubMed
Epidemiologic characteristics and risk factors of Clostridioides difficile infection in patients with active tuberculosis in the Republic of Korea: A nationwide population-based study - PubMed
Epidemiologic characteristics and risk factors of Clostridioides difficile infection in patients with active tuberculosis in the Republic of Korea: A nationwide population-based study - PubMed
CDI is uncommon in patients with TB, but it results in a significantly increased mortality rate. Patients being treated for TB should be carefully monitored for the development of CDI. Further clinical research is warranted to identify effective interventions for preventing and controlling CDI durin …
Epidemiologic characteristics and risk factors of Clostridioides difficile infection in patients with active tuberculosis in the Republic of Korea: A nationwide population-based study - PubMed
Significant drop in serum C-reactive protein in patients with solid neoplasia and bacterial infection is associated with a better prognosis and identifies candidates for short-course antibiotic therapy - PubMed
Significant drop in serum C-reactive protein in patients with solid neoplasia and bacterial infection is associated with a better prognosis and identifies candidates for short-course antibiotic therapy - PubMed
In this study, cancer patients with a good CRP response during antibiotic therapy presented lower mortality and a higher proportion of satisfactory therapeutic responses. CRP can be a useful tool when combined with other clinical information in optimizing the duration of antimicrobial treatment in a …
Significant drop in serum C-reactive protein in patients with solid neoplasia and bacterial infection is associated with a better prognosis and identifies candidates for short-course antibiotic therapy - PubMed
The DAV132 colon-targeted adsorbent does not interfere with plasma concentrations of antibiotics but prevents antibiotic-related dysbiosis: a randomized phase I trial in healthy volunteers
The DAV132 colon-targeted adsorbent does not interfere with plasma concentrations of antibiotics but prevents antibiotic-related dysbiosis: a randomized phase I trial in healthy volunteers
Nature Communications - The oral antibiotic adsorbent DAV132 can reduce fecal concentrations of antibiotics while preserving their pharmacokinetic properties. Here, in a randomized trial in healthy...
The DAV132 colon-targeted adsorbent does not interfere with plasma concentrations of antibiotics but prevents antibiotic-related dysbiosis: a randomized phase I trial in healthy volunteers
The Impact of YabG Mutations on Clostridioides difficile Spore Germination and Processing of Spore Substrates - PubMed
The Impact of YabG Mutations on Clostridioides difficile Spore Germination and Processing of Spore Substrates - PubMed
YabG is a sporulation-specific protease that is conserved among sporulating bacteria. Clostridioides difficile YabG processes the cortex destined proteins preproSleC into proSleC and CspBA to CspB and CspA. YabG also affects synthesis of spore coat/exosporium proteins CotA and CdeM. In prior work th …
The Impact of YabG Mutations on Clostridioides difficile Spore Germination and Processing of Spore Substrates - PubMed
Could You Have COVID Fatigue?
Could You Have COVID Fatigue?
COVID fatigue describes brain fog, mental, and physical weakness after infection. This article covers ways to improve fatigue and feel less exhausted.
Could You Have COVID Fatigue?
Beyond the Virus: Long COVID’s Neurological Toll
Beyond the Virus: Long COVID’s Neurological Toll
Recent data and conversations with experts highlighted the increasing concern of Long COVID’s impact on the brain in patients who have been previously infected with the virus.
Beyond the Virus: Long COVID’s Neurological Toll
Structure-Activity Relationship of Inositol Thiophosphate Analogs as Allosteric Activators of Clostridioides difficile Toxin B - PubMed
Structure-Activity Relationship of Inositol Thiophosphate Analogs as Allosteric Activators of Clostridioides difficile Toxin B - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile is a bacterium that causes life-threatening intestinal infections. Infection symptoms are mediated by a toxin secreted by the bacterium. Toxin pathogenesis is modulated by the intracellular molecule, inositol-hexakisphosphate (IP6). IP6 binds to a cysteine protease do …
Structure-Activity Relationship of Inositol Thiophosphate Analogs as Allosteric Activators of Clostridioides difficile Toxin B - PubMed
Mice colonized with the defined microbial community OMM19.1 are susceptible to C. difficile infection without prior antibiotic treatment - PubMed
Mice colonized with the defined microbial community OMM19.1 are susceptible to C. difficile infection without prior antibiotic treatment - PubMed
Diverse gut microorganisms present in humans and mice are essential for the prevention of microbial pathogen colonization. However, antibiotic-induced dysbiosis of the gut microbiome reduces microbial diversity and allows C. difficile to colonize the intestine. The Oligo Mouse Microbiota 19.1 …
Mice colonized with the defined microbial community OMM19.1 are susceptible to C. difficile infection without prior antibiotic treatment - PubMed
Virulence factors, antibiotic susceptibility and sequence type distribution of hospital-associated Clostridioides difficile isolates in Israel, 2020-2022 - PubMed
Virulence factors, antibiotic susceptibility and sequence type distribution of hospital-associated Clostridioides difficile isolates in Israel, 2020-2022 - PubMed
Biofilm formation and toxin production are some of the virulence factors of Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile), which causes hospital-acquired C. difficile infection (HA-CDI). This work investigated the prevalence and distribution of different strains recovered from HA-CDI patients hospitalized …
Virulence factors, antibiotic susceptibility and sequence type distribution of hospital-associated Clostridioides difficile isolates in Israel, 2020-2022 - PubMed
Virulence factors, antibiotic susceptibility and sequence type distribution of hospital-associated Clostridioides difficile isolates in Israel, 2020–2022
Virulence factors, antibiotic susceptibility and sequence type distribution of hospital-associated Clostridioides difficile isolates in Israel, 2020–2022
Scientific Reports - Virulence factors, antibiotic susceptibility and sequence type distribution of hospital-associated Clostridioides difficile isolates in Israel, 2020–2022
Virulence factors, antibiotic susceptibility and sequence type distribution of hospital-associated Clostridioides difficile isolates in Israel, 2020–2022
Interplay between Bile Acids and Intestinal Microbiota: Regulatory Mechanisms and Therapeutic Potential for Infections - PubMed
Interplay between Bile Acids and Intestinal Microbiota: Regulatory Mechanisms and Therapeutic Potential for Infections - PubMed
Bile acids (BAs) play a crucial role in the human body's defense against infections caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses. BAs counteract infections not only through interactions with intestinal bacteria exhibiting bile salt hydrolase (BSH) activity but they also directly combat infections. Buildin …
Interplay between Bile Acids and Intestinal Microbiota: Regulatory Mechanisms and Therapeutic Potential for Infections - PubMed
Clinical sequelae of gut microbiome development and disruption in hospitalized preterm infants - PubMed
Clinical sequelae of gut microbiome development and disruption in hospitalized preterm infants - PubMed
Aberrant preterm infant gut microbiota assembly predisposes to early-life disorders and persistent health problems. Here, we characterize gut microbiome dynamics over the first 3 months of life in 236 preterm infants hospitalized in three neonatal intensive care units using shotgun metagenomics of 2 …
Clinical sequelae of gut microbiome development and disruption in hospitalized preterm infants - PubMed
The small acid-soluble proteins of Clostridioides difficile regulate sporulation in a SpoIVB2-dependent manner - PubMed
The small acid-soluble proteins of Clostridioides difficile regulate sporulation in a SpoIVB2-dependent manner - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile is a pathogen whose transmission relies on the formation of dormant endospores. Spores are highly resilient forms of bacteria that resist environmental and chemical insults. In recent work, we found that C. difficile SspA and SspB, two small acid-soluble proteins (SASPs), pr …
The small acid-soluble proteins of Clostridioides difficile regulate sporulation in a SpoIVB2-dependent manner - PubMed
Retrospective, Propensity Score Matched Study Examining Relationship between Frailty and Clostridioides difficile Infection in a National Cohort of United States Veterans - PubMed
Retrospective, Propensity Score Matched Study Examining Relationship between Frailty and Clostridioides difficile Infection in a National Cohort of United States Veterans - PubMed
This study demonstrated the potential association between baseline frailty and CDI risk and health outcomes, as well as new-onset frailty diagnoses in patients who develop CDI.
Retrospective, Propensity Score Matched Study Examining Relationship between Frailty and Clostridioides difficile Infection in a National Cohort of United States Veterans - PubMed
Elucidating human gut microbiota interactions that robustly inhibit diverse Clostridioides difficile strains across different nutrient landscapes - PubMed
Elucidating human gut microbiota interactions that robustly inhibit diverse Clostridioides difficile strains across different nutrient landscapes - PubMed
The human gut pathogen Clostridioides difficile displays substantial inter-strain genetic variability and confronts a changeable nutrient landscape in the gut. We examined how human gut microbiota inter-species interactions influence the growth and toxin production of various C. difficile strains ac …
Elucidating human gut microbiota interactions that robustly inhibit diverse Clostridioides difficile strains across different nutrient landscapes - PubMed
A Systems Approach To Parkinson's Disease
A Systems Approach To Parkinson's Disease
New research into Parkinson's disease is strengthening the connection between an unhealthy gut and brain disorders.
A Systems Approach To Parkinson's Disease
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation awards $4.8 million to exceptional early-career scientists
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation awards $4.8 million to exceptional early-career scientists
“What is so exciting—and so challenging—about being a postdoc is that you’re called to take what you know and apply it to a new problem,” said Damon Runyon Fellow Georgia R. Squyres, PhD. “When you’re stepping out into open space like that, it’s important to feel that you have a net of support under you. The Damon Runyon Fellowship lets us take that leap.”
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation awards $4.8 million to exceptional early-career scientists
For C. diff, antibiotic resistance comes at a cost
For C. diff, antibiotic resistance comes at a cost
Researchers have identified two distinct mechanisms of drug resistance in C. difficile, but its ability to withstand antibiotics comes with downsides for the bacteria.
For C. diff, antibiotic resistance comes at a cost
Impact of Helicobacter pylori Eradication on Inflammatory Bowel Disease Onset and Disease Activity: To Eradicate or Not to Eradicate? - PubMed
Impact of Helicobacter pylori Eradication on Inflammatory Bowel Disease Onset and Disease Activity: To Eradicate or Not to Eradicate? - PubMed
Helicobacter pylori infection has significant epidemiological relevance due to the carcinogenic nature of this bacterium, which is potentially associated with cancer. When detected, it should ideally be eradicated using a treatment that currently involves a combination of gastric acid suppres …
Impact of Helicobacter pylori Eradication on Inflammatory Bowel Disease Onset and Disease Activity: To Eradicate or Not to Eradicate? - PubMed
Emerging Clostridioides difficile ribotypes have divergent metabolic phenotypes - PubMed
Emerging Clostridioides difficile ribotypes have divergent metabolic phenotypes - PubMed
The gut pathogen Clostridioides difficile utilizes a wide range of carbon sources. Microbial communities can be rationally designed to combat C. difficile by depleting its preferred nutrients in the gut. However, C. difficile is genetically diverse with hundreds of identified ri …
Emerging Clostridioides difficile ribotypes have divergent metabolic phenotypes - PubMed