Bosses Still Aren’t Sure Remote Workers Have ‘Hustle’
More than a year into America’s great remote-work experiment, many companies say productivity has held up or even risen. So why do some bosses think that remote workers aren’t as committed as office dwellers?
Long working hours are killing hundreds of thousands of people a year, WHO says
Working long hours is killing hundreds of thousands of people a year through stroke and heart disease, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
The science of stamina has advanced to the point where individuals, teams, and whole organizations can, with some straightforward interventions, significantly increase their capacity to get things done.
Some CEOs Suggest Dropping Degree Requirements in Hiring
Millions of jobs requiring a four-year college degree can be done without that level of education, some corporate leaders say. To address inequalities in business and society, some executives suggest that companies shake up their approach to hiring and consider unconventional candidates.
Balance is a topic that appears frequently in all industries and across our personal and professional lives. There is this societal pressure to find balance between your work and your life, between being a professional and being a parent. When people experience burnout and other stress-related ailments, often blame is aimed at balance and the individual’s inability to find balance in their lives. I remember listening to the Christy Wright podcast and she talked about not balance, but rather a
Team Health Checks: the Person / Team / Product model
Team health checks are a quick and high level way to assess how a team is feeling and doing. If you have never participated in one, imagine it as a quick survey along one or more set criteria, repe…
I routinely keep my appointments listed in my menu bar when working on my Mac. As someone who does a lot of block scheduling, this is just one more reminder of where I should be as I work through the day. I also use Bartender to thin down the menu bar so truly useful data, like this, can be visi
Corona Virus LA + Inspire 2 Drone | Lockdown Los Angeles | Covid19 Quarantine Aerial Footage 4K
Impacted by corona virus, LA was forced into citywide lockdowns and social distancing measures. Observe these iconic locations from the air, recorded on an I...