Dave's Library
Presentation Zen: Steve Jobs: "People who know what they’re talking about don’t need PowerPoint"
One thing we need to constantly remind ourselves is that slides and other forms of projected visualization—no matter how "cool" they may be—are not appropriate for every context. Multimedia is great for presentations before large groups such as keynote addresses...
Know--and discuss--your strengths for greater fulfillment at work | Isabeau Iqbal | Pulse | LinkedIn
I have been thinking a lot about the relationship between one's strengths and one's level of fulfillment at work. In particular, I have been reflecting on how infrequently the topic of personal strengths features directly in my conversations with co-workers.
How To Succeed In A Cross-Cultural Workplace
We live in a more global society than ever; this morning, I did a Google+ Hangout with a group of Kenyan Young Professionals, and two days ago, I started my day with a call to colleagues at IE Business School in Madrid. But these cross-cultural conversations also give us more [...]
Teach People How To Help You with Dave Stachowiak | Your Best Manager
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Little Caesars founder quietly paid Rosa Parks' rent for years - CNN.com
Those who knew Mike Ilitch, the Little Caesars founder and Detroit Tigers owner who died last Friday, have spent the past few days fondly remembering his impact on friends, on Detroit residents, and on the sports community.