A 'Family-Friendly' Shift In Debate Over Work-Life Balance : NPR
Dave's Library
How Friendships Change Over Time - The Atlantic
“We need to catch up soon!”
How to Fail: 10 Tips for Explaining Your Missteps | The Art of Manliness
Rising Strong: Brené Brown on the Physics of Vulnerability and What Resilient People Have in Common | Brain Pickings
“If we are brave enough often enough, we will fall; this is the physics of vulnerability.”
Mayo Clinic Launches Ambitious Study On How Being Indoors All The Time Affects Us | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
We spend 90 of our lives inside. A new Mayo Clinic lab is researching exactly what this does to our bodies, our health, and our mood.
21 Tweets That Will Instantly Inspire You to Live and Lead Better
Ep90: Geoff Woods Shares How to Find the Perfect Mentor
Great episode on mentoring with Beth Buelow and Geoff Woods
The Rise of the New Groupthink and the Power of Working Alone | Susan Cain | LinkedIn
March 5, 1975. A cold and drizzly evening in Menlo Park, California.
Presentation Zen: Scientifically Proven Ways to Persuade & Influence Others
A Breast Cancer Surgeon Who Keeps Challenging the Status Quo - The New York Times
Dr. Laura J. Esserman strikes a different note in response to conventional wisdom on treating some kinds of breast lesions.
25 Underrated Books on Persuasion, Influence, and Understanding Human Behavior
The Secret of the Apple’s New San Francisco Fonts — Medium
iOS 9 is now publicly released. It’s a subtle change but the system fonts of iOS 9 are now changed to the Apple’s new Sa…
Kids Get Control Over Bedtime With The Bedtime Pass : Shots - Health News : NPR
Children often don't want to go to sleep, and parents don't like to put them to bed. A simple card makes it much less of a struggle, researchers say, giving everyone in the family some control.
Bored People Quit – Rands in Repose
Much has been written about employee motivation and retention. It's written by folks who actively use words like motivation and retention and generally don't have a clue about the daily necessity of keeping your team professionally content because they've either never done the work or have forgotten
Ep89: Dave Stachowiak of Coaching for Leaders - The Introvert Entrepreneur
New USB-C Batteries to Charge Retina MacBooks at Full Speed - Mac Rumors
Apple's Retina MacBook uses a brand new USB-C connector for power, which means that it's able to be charged by external USB battery packs...
Making challenging subjects fun
Making challenging subjects fun
How I Hire: My Guiding Principles | Angela Ahrendts | LinkedIn
In this series, professionals share their hiring secrets. Read the stories here, then write your own (use #HowIHire somewhere in the body of your post).
Stop Trying To Be Creative | FiveThirtyEight
I recently finished a story I’d spent several months obsessing over. When I pitched the piece to my editor, I knew that I’d found a worthy subject, but I couldn…
Daniel Pink’s Required Reading
A leading business author talks about the books that shaped his thinking and career.
Friends at Work? Not So Much - The New York Times
Americans used to socialize more with their colleagues. Now, the office is more transactional.
Seth's Blog: Will this be on the test?
The test, of course, offers nothing but downside. No extra credit, just points marked off. The test is the moment where you must conform to standards, to say what is expected of you. Perhaps a better question is, "Will this...
Designing Your Own Apprenticeship: How to Build a Team of Mentors
You cannot master a skill on your own. Finding your calling will not happen without the assistance of others. An accidental apprenticeship is your best shot.
Apple’s new upgrade program is the best way to buy the iPhone 6S | The Verge
Apple announced the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus today. And if you want one, Apple would like you to think that it's business as usual. You can preorder them starting September 12th, and they'll be...
How Louis C. K. Became Funny and Why it Matters
Why drivers in China intentionally kill the pedestrians they hit: China’s laws have encouraged the hit to kill phenomenon.
What Is College Worth? - The New Yorker
John Cassidy on “Will College Pay Off?,” by Peter Cappelli, and the dwindling economic returns of a higher education.
The decline of play in preschoolers — and the rise in sensory issues - The Washington Post
Here is a new post from pediatric occupational therapist Angela Hanscom, author of a number of popular posts on this blog, including “Why so many kids can’t sit still in school today,” as well as “The right — and surprisingly wrong — ways to get kids to sit still in class” and “How schools ruined […]
The Unfair Truth About How Creative People Really Succeed — Goins, Writer
On Networks, Connections, and Relationships
10 cool school lunches your kid will actually eat - LA Times
When I was little, my mother's inspiration for our school lunches usually revolved around chocolate chips and food coloring.