How to Build Unscaleable Relationships | The Art of Manliness
Dave's Library
5 Non-Evil Ways to Get People to Do What You Want, From Dan Pink
I’ve posted about getting people to like you, winning arguments and FBI methods for negotiation — but let’s take it to the next level. There are ways to deal with people who are difficult but brass tacks here, folks: most of the people who cause you problems aren’t going anywhere.
Confessions of a Mortician — Matter — Medium
Caleb Wilde wants to reacquaint us all with the uncomfortable, eye-opening realities of death.
Can you pay employees to innovate? Evidence from the Canadian private sector - Curran - 2014 - Human Resource Management Journal - Wiley Online Library
The Quiet Ones « Rowan Simpson
In 1997 Apple launched a new advertising slogan: Think Different, celebrating the crazy ones like Picasso, Gandhi, Einstein and others. In hindsight this may have been the turning point, as they recovered from being lost and near bankruptcy to become one of the largest and most iconic companies in the world. In 2010 Derek Sivers gave a great…
How To Be Efficient: Dan Ariely's 6 New Secrets To Managing Your Time
Duke professor and bestselling author Dan Ariely reveals research backed insights on how to be efficient with your time at work and at home.
Mean People Fail
How to identify a narcissist with one simple question - LA Times
Researchers have discovered the quickest way to tell if someone is a narcissist: Simply ask them.
The new radio stars: welcome to the podcast age | The Verge
Alex Blumberg in real life sounds just like Alex Blumberg on the radio. If you've ever listened to This American Life, the massively popular weekly radio show, or Planet Money, NPR's excellent...
The Effect of Requests for Positive Evaluations on Customer Satisfaction Ratings - Jones - 2014 - Psychology & Marketing - Wiley Online Library
150,000 Facebook posters share story of young demonstrator's tearful hug with Portland officer |
veteranartproject on Instagram
Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.
Podcasts Rise In Popularity, Funded By Advertisers And Listeners : NPR
Presence of a Smartphone Lowers Quality of Conversations - Pacific Standard: The Science of Society
Bonni and I make a point to drop...
People aren't paying for your time. They're paying for theirs.
Chris Lema writes for the WordPress community, one of the most popular website platforms. People pay him for his consulting time. Or do they? In this article, Chris reminds a lot of us who get hired to provide advice, coaching, or consulting to clients that people aren't really paying for our time. They are paying for theirs.
Getting Better at Getting Better
This article point out how major advances in professiknal development in manfacturing and sports have led to incredible performance advances in those fields. And yet, many fields and professionals struggle with this. Its interesting how the "I'm/we're done learning" still permeates many fields, including some (like education) that should know better. What's the attitude like of the people in your organization for contiuned professional development? Of course everyone gives it lip service, but even in 2014, so many have yet to embrace this. A potentially, huge competitive advantage to groups and organizations who invest in this seriously, especially in industrirs where it's not standard practice.
The Best Children’s Books of 2014 | Brain Pickings
Intelligent and imaginative tales of love, loneliness, loyalty, loss, friendship, and everything in between.
Toy Company Transforms Children’s Drawings Into Adorable Plushies | DeMilked
US-based toy company Budsies can make any child a toy designer by transforming their drawings into real, accurately recreated plushies. Now, any child can experience the magic of seeing their fantasy characters come to life!
The Most Productive People Know Who to Ignore
Prioritizing is easy. Triaging is hard.
I'm Ira Glass, Host of This American Life, and This Is How I Work
Ira Glass is a writer, producer, storyteller, performer, and a familiar voice. His show This American Life has set the contemporary standard of nonfiction radio shows, and has influenced and inspired countless others to grab a mic and give podcasting a try.
It’s Okay to Be Bad at E-mail
“November 19th, 2014 · Be the first to comment The Internet Heretic I previously admitted that I don’t web surf and that I’ve never had a social media account.” From “It’s Okay to Be Bad at E-mail” Cal Newport
Ira Glass interview: To mark This American’s Life 500th episode, host sits down with Jacob Weisberg (VIDEO).
The public radio show This American Life is at once old school and ahead of its time. A weekly hourlong program divided into acts, the show’s stock-in-trade are character-driven stories that are long on surprising plot twists. On its face, a weekly radio documentary program might seem like a holdover...
9 NFLers Who Won’t Let Their Sons Play Football -- NYMag
LeBron James won't let his kids play the sport, and neither will these current and former NFL players.
How to Win a Nobel Prize: Notes from Richard Hamming’s Talk on Doing Great Research
12 Weekend Habits of Highly Successful People
Jay Z didn't become worth $520 million by only wanting it five out of seven days of the week. Read the top 12 weekend habits of highly successful people.
Why Copyblogger Is Killing Its Facebook Page - Copyblogger
An audience-first approach drives Copyblogger, and that's just one of the reasons why it's killing its Facebook page. Find out what led to the decision.
The Ultimate Copy Checklist: 51 Questions to Optimize Every Element of Your Online Copy [Free Poster] - Copyblogger
Do you know how to optimize your copy so that it converts and bring your business the results you want? Ask these 51 questions to improve your first drafts.
The 5-Step Process for Writing an About Page that Connects (and Converts)
“Although it seems like a natural place on your website to talk about yourself, a strong About page is really about empathy for your visitors.” From “The 5-Step Process for Writing an About Page that Connects (and Converts)” Copyblogger
Ziauddin Yousafzai: My daughter, Malala | Talk Video |
Father of Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai for her advocacy for women and girls
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