There is no $75,000 income happiness threshold, psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Matthew Killingsworth say. For most in the U.S. earning up to $500,000, more money can bring greater satisfaction.
The Perks Workers Want Also Make Them More Productive
Three years after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote and hybrid work are as popular as ever. Only 6 percent of employees able to do their jobs remotely …
Wearing an eye mask while sleeping improves memory encoding and makes you more alert the next day
A recent study published in the journal Sleep suggests that the simple act of wearing an eye mask to block out light while sleeping can improve cognitive function the next day. In two experiments, the researchers found that participants who slept with an eye mask showed enhanced episodic memory encoding and alertness the following day. ...
The 4-day workweek gains steams as a perk, after positive results from a large trial - Robinhood Snacks
Thursday’s the new Friday?... The four-day workweek is #trending. Driving the hype: one of the largest trials of a four-day workweek ever conducted....
Understanding elasticities can help explain why Tesla raised the price of its Model Y by $1,000 after the Treasury Department relaxed its tax credit terms for electric vehicles.
From clothes to tech, why is everything so poorly made?Subscribe and turn on notifications 🔔 so you don't miss any videos: Maybe you’v...
Interactive: What activities make us happy? - Blog
The vast data set collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the creativity from the Flowing Data team on how to display it never cease to amaze. In this time-lapse video, you will see how the activities we enjoy change from the ages of 20-70. Ever wonder if satisfaction with one's main job increases with time OR what activities seem to be enjoyed at any age? Watch the video and find out: Questions: What activities seemed to consistently rank high on the happiness scale?
Costa Rica and El Silencio: A Story of Economic Development for Students (Marks & Miskec)
Costa Rica’s decision to eliminate its military and channel funds into environmental protection and public services has aided in its success. GDP per capita has grown, extreme poverty has been almo…
The height of skyscrapers is limited by physical, economic and regulatory barriers, but we should want to overcome them and build taller. Here's how we can do it.
How the World's Richest Country Lost 90% of its GDP
In the 1980s Nauru was the richest country in the world on a per capita basis. Nauru's wealth can be entirely attributed to its deposits on Phosphate, a subs...