

Government Spending Explorer | USAspending
Government Spending Explorer | USAspending
Spending Explorer lets you explore the federal spending landscape through the lens of three accounting categories: Budget Function (spending purpose), Agency (spending source), and Object Class (purchased item or service).
Government Spending Explorer | USAspending
Inflation looks like it's here to stay
Inflation looks like it's here to stay
Fed officials believed that higher inflation readings in January and February 2024 were a blip. But with the March reading also coming in hot, analysts say this is more than a fluke.
Inflation looks like it's here to stay
Does ‘Science’ Prove Mises Wrong on Socialism? - FEE
Does ‘Science’ Prove Mises Wrong on Socialism? - FEE
Most Americans have been taught their whole lives that the USSR was hell on earth, but how are they to react when they’re given sources that say things like how CIA data shows that Soviet citizens lived better lives than Americans or that the Soviet Union abolished homelessness? These claims are obviously false, but skeptics of capitalism and America writ large find them enticing.
Does ‘Science’ Prove Mises Wrong on Socialism? - FEE