The Financial Peace Kids toolkit gives parents the tools they need to raise money-smart kids. The kit covers four basic concepts: working, spending, saving and giving.
The Federal Budget in Fiscal Year 2022: An Infographic | Congressional Budget Office
The federal deficit in 2022 was $1.4 trillion, equal to 5.5 percent of gross domestic product, almost 2 percentage points greater than the average over the past 50 years.
Is it better to buy or rent? Closing costs can get expensive and it can be better to rent, depending on how long you're staying. NerdWallet's calculator helps you determine if renting or buying a home makes more financial sense for you.
You’re doing it wrong: Recycling and other myths about tackling climate change
Most Americans think their actions can help fight climate change, but they’re not always right on which are the most effective, according to a Post/UMD poll.
More Than a Third of Americans Say Uncertainty About Their Finances Keeps Them Up at Night at Least Monthly
Northwestern Mutual's 2023 Planning & Progress Study finds Americans feel stronger about their friendships, mental health, physical health and job stability than they do about their finances An...
We can add cork stoppers and bottle screw tops to the world’s changes in supply.As a result, we might be opening our wine bottles differently.Today's econlife blog: #corks #supplychain— (@Econlife) August 28, 2023
Focus: Historic drought, hot seas slow Panama Canal shipping
Before the Ever Max ship carrying lava lamps, sofas, Halloween costumes and artificial Christmas trees could make its inaugural Panama Canal voyage this month, a historic drought forced it to drop weight by offloading hundreds of containers.
Interactive: How Much Should You Tip in Each Country? - Blog
Sometimes the pro don't tip. Who knew?! Earlier this week we asked what is the average tip for full-service, quick-service, and delivery meals? But what if you venture outside of the U.S.? A common misconception is that the practice of tipping is only expected in the United States.
CNN’s Fear & Greed Index is a way to gauge stock market movements and whether stocks are fairly priced. The index uses seven market indicators to help answer the question: What emotion is driving the market now?