A Segregation Wall Has Stood In Detroit For 80 Years. Residents Don't Want it Taken Down.
In 1941, a developer in Detroit built the Birwood Wall, a barrier meant to separate Black residents from white residents. Eighty years later, it’s now believ...
Redlining Didn’t Happen Quite the Way We Thought It Did
Scholars have always placed two New Deal era federal agencies at the center of the racist policy that steered private mortgage lenders away from Black neighborhoods. However, new research paints a different picture.
Housing Segregation and Redlining in America: A Short History | Code Switch | NPR
In 1968, Congress passed the Fair Housing Act that made it illegal to discriminate in housing. Gene Demby of NPR’s Code Switch explains why neighborhoods are...
The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland provides daily “nowcasts” of inflation for two popular price indexes, the price index for personal consumption expenditures (PCE) and the consumer price index (CPI). These nowcasts give a sense of where inflation is today. Released each business day.
10 Types of Innovation: The Art of Discovering a Breakthrough Product
How do companies like Amazon and Apple consistently make game-changing products? Here are 10 types of innovation, and the tactics that lead to big breakthroughs.
Black Culture of Detroit and the Black Bottom Neighborhood
By: Emily Vecchioni
Recent efforts to promote the rich cultural heritage of African Americans in Detroit reflect the healing of decades of targeting African American neighborhoods, such as the Black Bottom.
A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America
Author Richard Rothstein says the housing programs begun under the New Deal were tantamount to a "state-sponsored system of segregation," in which people of color were purposely excluded from suburbs.
Building Infrastructure That Supports Opportunity, Equity, and Sustainability
Generating a robust economic recovery that facilitates inclusive prosperity, redresses past harms, and advances national climate goals will require reforming federal infrastructure programs, which were not originally designed to meet these objectives.
Black flight to suburbs masks lingering segregation in metro Detroit
Segregation in 1970 Just after the 1967 riots, there were still large parts of west and east Detroit that were nearly all white, the vestiges of the housing patterns that were cemented by federal housing policy and local real estate...
The Disturbing History of the Suburbs | Adam Ruins Everything
Redlining: the racist housing policy from the Jim Crow era that still affects us today.Watch an all-new @Adam Ruins Everything on truTV every Tuesday 10/9C! ...
A History of Racist Federal Housing Policies - Mass. Budget and Policy Center
Image transcription: A History of Racist Federal Housing Policies La-Brina Almeida, Policy Analyst 1933 The Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC) was established to assist homeowners who were in default on their mortgages and in foreclosure. HOLC created “Residential Security” maps, which documented how various professionals evaluated mortgage lending risk, systematically grading neighborhoods. The grading included … A History of Racist Federal Housing Policies Read More »