OpenAI Pitched White House on Unprecedented Data Center Buildout (25.09.2024)
OpenAI Pitched White House on Unprecedented Data Center Buildout (25.09.2024)
OpenAI has pitched the Biden administration on the need for massive data centers that could each use as much power as entire cities, framing the unprecedented expansion as necessary to develop more advanced artificial intelligence models and compete with China.
OpenAI Pitched White House on Unprecedented Data Center Buildout (25.09.2024)
IMF Chief Says US Inflation in ‘Good Place,’ Fed ‘Got It Right’ (24.09.2024)
IMF Chief Says US Inflation in ‘Good Place,’ Fed ‘Got It Right’ (24.09.2024)
The US economy looks on track for a soft landing as monetary policy cooled inflation without tipping the economy into recession, according to the chief of the International Monetary Fund, who also credited the world’s biggest economy for helping support global growth as other nations slowed.
IMF Chief Says US Inflation in ‘Good Place,’ Fed ‘Got It Right’ (24.09.2024)
Extremregenfälle doppelt so wahrscheinlich (25.09.2024)
Extremregenfälle doppelt so wahrscheinlich (25.09.2024)
Wetter oder Klima? Das wurde rund um die jüngsten Extremregenfälle intensiv diskutiert. Eine soeben erschienene Studie versucht nun, den Einfluss der Erderwärmung auf das Extremereignis genauer zu quantifizieren: Die Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür habe sich verdoppelt. Die Niederschläge waren um zumindest sieben Prozent intensiver, als sie es vor der Industrialisierung gewesen wären.
Extremregenfälle doppelt so wahrscheinlich (25.09.2024)
Top Global Banks See China Struggling to Hit 5% Growth Target (04.09.2024)
Top Global Banks See China Struggling to Hit 5% Growth Target (04.09.2024)
A vast majority of global banks now expect China’s economy to grow less than 5% this year, with Bank of America Corp. the latest to slash its forecast, joining the likes of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Top Global Banks See China Struggling to Hit 5% Growth Target (04.09.2024)
Libanon: Fast 500 Tote nach israelischen Angriffen (24.09.2024)
Libanon: Fast 500 Tote nach israelischen Angriffen (24.09.2024)
Fast ein Jahr nach Beginn des Gaza-Krieges und dem Beitritt der Hisbollah zur Anti-Israel-Allianz versucht Israel, die Schiitenmiliz im Libanon mit einer Welle an Angriffen in die Knie zu zwingen. Das israelische Militär griff nach eigenen Angaben am Montag rund 1.600 Ziele an und setzte die Attacken in der Nacht auf Dienstag fort. Laut libanesischen Angaben starben schon fast 500 Menschen.
Libanon: Fast 500 Tote nach israelischen Angriffen (24.09.2024)
China Unleashes Stimulus Blitz in Push to Hit Annual Growth Goal (24.09.2024)
China Unleashes Stimulus Blitz in Push to Hit Annual Growth Goal (24.09.2024)
China’s central bank unleashed an unprecedented blitz of policy support for the economy, as authorities made their boldest swing so far to hit this year’s annual growth target of about 5%, after a flurry of Wall Street banks downgraded their forecasts.
China Unleashes Stimulus Blitz in Push to Hit Annual Growth Goal (24.09.2024)
Euro-Zone Private Sector Back in Contraction on Factory Slump (23.09.2024)
Euro-Zone Private Sector Back in Contraction on Factory Slump (23.09.2024)
The euro area’s private-sector economy shrank for the first time since March, with the end of France’s Olympic boost and a deepening manufacturing downturn heightening concerns that the region’s recovery has run out of steam.
Euro-Zone Private Sector Back in Contraction on Factory Slump (23.09.2024)