Fed’s Bowman Urges Cautious Approach to Further Rate Cuts (20.11.2024)
Federal Reserve Governor Michelle Bowman said she wants to move cautiously on further interest-rate cuts because progress in reducing inflation has slowed.
‘Difference Is Trump’: American Homebuyers Brace for Rate Pain (20.11.2024)
Before Donald Trump’s election, Redfin Corp. projected mortgage rates would average 6.1% next year. But three days after the election, they revised their estimate upward to 6.8% – basically unchanged from today’s high levels.
ECB Should Cut Each Meeting Until It Reaches 2%, Stournaras Says (20.11.2024)
The European Central Bank should lower borrowing costs at each meeting until it reaches a level that neither restricts nor stimulates economic activity, according to Governing Council member Yannis Stournaras.
ECB’s Stournaras Sees 2% Price Goal Reached at Start of 2025 (20.11.2024)
The euro zone is on the cusp of sustainably reaching 2% inflation, putting the onus on officials to avoid undershooting that goal, according to European Central Bank Governing Council member Yannis Stournaras.
Europe Car Sales From Including Ford, VW Stagnate as EV Weakness Persists (21.11.2024)
Car sales in Europe are flatlining, leading manufacturers including Ford Motor Co. and Volkswagen AG to push for cost cuts in response to muted demand.
Zahlreiche Probleme: EZB sieht erhöhte Risiken in Finanzsystem (21.11.2024)
In einem zunehmend rauer werdenden internationalen Umfeld haben die Risiken für die Finanzakteure im Euro-Raum nach Einschätzung der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) zugenommen. Die EZB nennt vor allem das schwache Wirtschaftswachstum und die wachsenden Konflikte im Welthandel als größte Auslöser ihrer Besorgnis.
UNO-Klimakonferenz: Abschlussentwurf lässt viele Fragen offen (21.11.2024)
Bis Freitag soll bei der UNO-Klimakonferenz COP29 in Baku in Aserbaidschan ein Konsens gefunden werden. Im Fokus der aktuellen Konferenz steht die Aufstockung von Klimahilfen für ärmere Staaten. Doch die gegensätzlichen Interessen der fast 200 Teilnehmerländer stehen nach wie vor in großem Gegensatz. Ein Donnerstagfrüh präsentierter Entwurf für eine Abschlusserklärung lässt vieles in der Schwebe. Vor allem fehlen konkrete Summen.
Gewerkschaftsangebot an VW: Gehaltsverzicht für Standortgarantie (20.11.2024)
Einen Tag vor der nächsten Tarifrunde hat die deutsche Gewerkschaft IG Metall ihre Pläne auf den Tisch gelegt, die Volkswagen (VW) retten sollen. Der Gegenvorschlag zu vom Unternehmen in Aussicht gestellten Werksschließungen sieht einen Gehaltsverzicht vor – gegen Garantien für Standorte und Beschäftigte. Andernfalls drohe VW ein „Arbeitskampf um Standorte, wie ihn die Republik noch nicht erlebt hat“, sagte die Gewerkschaft.
Europe, US Push for Oil Funding Curbs Deal to Outlast Donald Trump (20.11.2024)
The EU, US and other countries are hammering out a plan to throttle tens of billions of dollars of financial support for foreign oil and gas projects, weeks before President-elect Donald Trump moves into the White House.
Euro-Area Banks Are Vulnerable to US Funding Squeeze, ECB Says (20.11.2024)
Euro-area financial institutions are increasingly using dollar markets for liquidity, creating risks to financial stability if US funding dries up, according to the European Central Bank.
ECB Says Trade Tensions Add to Risks Facing Financial System (20.11.2024)
Rising trade frictions pose an additional risk to the euro-area economy and threaten to amplify vulnerabilities in the region’s financial system, the European Central Bank warned.
ECB's Interest Rate Plans Complicated By Euro-Zone Wage Growth (20.11.2024)
A key gauge of euro-zone wages jumped by the most since the common currency was introduced in 1999 — complicating the European Central Bank’s plans for interest-rate cuts as inflation eases.
Germany’s Would-Be Leader Touts His Recipe for a Growth Miracle (16.11.2024)
For Chancellor-hopeful Friedrich Merz, the keys to unlocking a new era of prosperity lie in revisiting the policies that helped drive Germany’s postwar economic miracle.
Ford will 4000 Arbeitsplätze in Europa streichen (20.11.2024)
Bis Ende 2027 will der Autokonzern 4000 Stellen in ganz Europa abbauen. Die meisten von ihnen sollen in Deutschland wegfallen. Noch ist nicht klar, ob Jobs in Österreich betroffen sind.
China’s Chip Advances Stall as US Curbs Hit Huawei AI Product (19.11.2024)
Huawei Technologies Co.’s ambitions to create more powerful chips for AI and smartphones have hit major snags because of US sanctions, stalling a major Chinese effort to match American technology.
Missing Oil Barrels Raise Doubts Over IEA’s Bearish 2025 Outlook (19.11.2024)
Oil traders broadly share the International Energy Agency’s view that stockpiles will grow next year — but there is reason to think the expansion could be smaller than forecast.
Turkey’s Cash Headache Shows Inflation Fight Is Getting Physical (19.11.2024)
Years of runaway inflation are testing the physical limits of Turkey’s cash-centric economy as its biggest banknotes become increasingly inadequate to cover even daily spending.
882 der insgesamt 960 Beschäftigten der TCG Unitech in Kirchdorf sind laut Betriebsrat beim Frühwarnsystem des Arbeitsmarktservice zur Kündigung angemeldet worden. In Losenstein (Bezirk Steyr-Land) sind weitere 100 Jobs bei Freudenberg Sealing Technologies in Gefahr.
Powell Approach to Trump Policies Differs From Fed’s 2016 Playbook (19.11.2024)
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell says he wants to wait and see what policies the incoming Trump administration will implement before the central bank forecasts what it means for the economy.
Fed Likely to Hold Interest Rates in 2025, JPMorgan Asset Management’s Ward Says (14.11.2024)
The Federal Reserve is likely to pause its interest-rate cuts after December to assess the economic impact of policies under President-elect Donald Trump, Karen Ward, chief market strategist for Europe, the Middle East and Africa at JPMorgan Asset Management, said.
Panetta Says ECB Must Move to Neutral Rates to Aid Growth (19.11.2024)
The European Central Bank should cut interest rates far enough to ensure they are no longer constraining economic growth, Governing Council member Fabio Panetta said.
China’s Debt Cleanup Leaves Less Cash for Big Building Projects (19.11.2024)
China’s push to improve the finances of cash-strapped localities will mean they have less money to spend on big infrastructure projects because for the first time funds from the sale of new local government special bonds are being used to repay old loans.
China Policymakers Pledge to Continue With Financial Opening (19.11.2024)
China’s policymakers and top regulators vowed to continue its opening up to foreign investors and firms, in their first public appearances with global financial luminaries at a major conference in Hong Kong.
Bitcoin (BTC) Gets Another Fillip From US’s Growing Embrace of Crypto (19.11.2024)
Bitcoin is back in the vicinity of an all-time peak, supported by a series of developments highlighting the deepening embrace of the digital-asset industry in the US under crypto cheerleader Donald Trump.
Funding for Europe’s AI Startups Hits Record High of $11 Billion (19.11.2024)
Funding for European artificial intelligence startups, while still less than a quarter of US figures, hit a record high this year thanks to massive investments in newcomers building chatbots and self-driving cars.