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IMF Lowers Global Growth Forecast, Warns of Increasing Risks (22.10.2024)
IMF Lowers Global Growth Forecast, Warns of Increasing Risks (22.10.2024)
The International Monetary Fund lowered its global growth forecast for next year and warned of accelerating risks from wars to trade protectionism, even as it credited central banks for taming inflation without sending nations into recession.
IMF Lowers Global Growth Forecast, Warns of Increasing Risks (22.10.2024)
WIFO zu nächster Regierung: Felbermayr fordert „klare Reformagenda“ (20.10.2024)
WIFO zu nächster Regierung: Felbermayr fordert „klare Reformagenda“ (20.10.2024)
Die Konjunktur ist schwach, das Budgetdefizit steigt, auf die nächste Bundesregierung kommt die eher undankbare Aufgabe zu, den Staatshaushalt zu sanieren. Diese Aufgabe sei sehr dringend, so der Leiter des Wirtschaftsforschungsinstituts (WIFO), Gabriel Felbermayr, am Sonntag in der ORF-„Pressestunde“. Es brauche eine klare Reformagenda, „Tabus“ dürfe es keine geben.
WIFO zu nächster Regierung: Felbermayr fordert „klare Reformagenda“ (20.10.2024)
Trump Defends Tariff Plan While Pressing for More Fed Influence (15.10.2024)
Trump Defends Tariff Plan While Pressing for More Fed Influence (15.10.2024)
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump defended his plans to overhaul the US economy through dramatic tariff increases and more direct consultation with the Federal Reserve, arguing that his policies would result in substantial growth despite projections that his agenda would fuel inflation and spike the national debt.
Trump Defends Tariff Plan While Pressing for More Fed Influence (15.10.2024)