US Nationalwide Encounters I BLOOMBERG I 15.11.2024
US Nationalwide Encounters I BLOOMBERG I 15.11.2024

Die nachhaltige monatliche Wachstumsrate der US-Lohn- und Gehaltssumme dürfte aufgrund einer veränderten Einwanderungspolitik bereits gesunken sein, und den Ökonomen von Evercore ISI zufolge wird es nach der Wiederwahl Donald Trumps zum Präsidenten im Jahr 2025 zu einem deutlichen Rückgang kommen.

Anfang des Jahres schätzte die Gruppe die Zahl auf rund 200.000 – was etwa dem Durchschnitt des ersten Halbjahres entspricht und die Widerstandsfähigkeit der US-Wirtschaft nach den starken Zinserhöhungen der Fed erklärt. Ein hartes Vorgehen der Biden-Regierung gegen Asylanträge zur Jahresmitte hat laut Evercore ISI zu einer Senkung der nachhaltigen Zahl auf möglicherweise 170.000 beigetragen.

Wir gehen davon aus, dass Trumps Einwanderungspolitik die nachhaltige Zahl der Beschäftigten bis zur zweiten Hälfte des nächsten Jahres auf 60.000 bis 70.000 oder etwas mehr senken wird“, schrieben Evercore-Ökonomen, darunter Marco Casiraghi, am Donnerstag in einer Notiz. „Unter Berücksichtigung realistischer Abschiebungen werden die Gesamtauswirkungen der Einwanderungspolitik Trump 2.0 die Nettozuflüsse negativ machen.“

US Nationalwide Encounters I BLOOMBERG I 15.11.2024
Autumn 2024 Economic Forecast: A gradual rebound in an adverse environment
Autumn 2024 Economic Forecast: A gradual rebound in an adverse environment
After a prolonged period of stagnation, the EU economy is returning to modest growth, while the disinflation process continues. However, amid a complex and challenging environment, the outlook remains uncertain, with risks largely tilted to the downside.
Autumn 2024 Economic Forecast: A gradual rebound in an adverse environment
Fed Officials Fret Over How Far They Can Lower Interest Rates (14.11.2024)
Fed Officials Fret Over How Far They Can Lower Interest Rates (14.11.2024)
Several Federal Reserve officials Wednesday reiterated their deep uncertainty over how far the central bank will need to lower interest rates, highlighting the difficulty policymakers face in trying to determine the right setting to keep the economy on an even keel.
Fed Officials Fret Over How Far They Can Lower Interest Rates (14.11.2024)
Europe Seeks Last-Minute Support From Biden to Help Ukraine (14.11.2024)
Europe Seeks Last-Minute Support From Biden to Help Ukraine (14.11.2024)
Europe is making a last-ditch appeal to the outgoing Biden administration to boost American support for Ukraine in order to solidify Kyiv’s position as much as possible before the presidential term ends in January.
Europe Seeks Last-Minute Support From Biden to Help Ukraine (14.11.2024)
EU’s Biggest Eastern Economies Struggle as German Pull Falters (14.11.2024)
EU’s Biggest Eastern Economies Struggle as German Pull Falters (14.11.2024)
Economies in Poland and Romania stumbled as weak consumer demand was compounded by stagnation in Germany, adding to a picture of struggling growth across the European Union’s east.
Eastern European economies have relied on domestic consumption as a lifeline to stay afloat as Germany, the region’s main trading partner, is struggling to avoid recession. The prognosis could worsen if US President-elect Donald Trump follows through on pledges to raise tariffs. The trend was evident elsewhere. While the Czech Republic managed to grow in the third quarter, Hungary unexpectedly slipped into a recession, as domestic consumption failed to make up for a deep downturn in industrial production, according to data released over the last month.
“Households, despite the improving financial situation and favorable labor market, choose not to increase spending and prefer instead to save in uncertain times,”
“The tariff regime that Trump promised is expected to hit the German economy very hard, and an even weaker German growth dynamic would have a whiplash effect in Hungary,” Savos said at an event in Budapest Thursday. “It is a major risk.”
EU’s Biggest Eastern Economies Struggle as German Pull Falters (14.11.2024)