Yaak – The API client for modern developers
discoveryjs/jora: JavaScript object query engine
Changing a way we’re viewing JSON in a browser
The Serializer Component (Symfony Docs)
How to Use the Serializer (Symfony Docs)
Fractal - Output complex, flexible, AJAX/RESTful data structures
cerbero90/json-parser: 🧩 Zero-dependencies pull parser to read large JSON from any source in a memory-efficient way.
Mixing JSON-LD and Microdata: All You Need to Know - WordLift Blog
nemtsov/json-mask: Tiny language and engine for selecting specific parts of a JS object, hiding the rest.
Json 2 DTO
The JSON-LD Markup Guide To Local Business Schema - Whitespark
Microdata, JSON-LD & Schema: Rich Snippets Guide
JsonLogic Playground
Jsonnet - The Data Templating Language
neilflatley/jsonpath-mapper: A json to json transformation utility with a few nice features to use when translating for example API responses into a domain object for use in your domain-driven JavaScript applications
APITransform: Convert Postman Collections to OpenAPI Spec [Free]
OpenAPI-GUI v3.0.0
Structuring a complex schema — Understanding JSON Schema 7.0 documentation
Compare two JSON responses with Postman
JSON:API — A specification for building APIs in JSON
Introduction to the JSON API - Laravel News
nahid/jsonq: A PHP query builder for JSON
REST API with JSON:API Standard