turbo - Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots

Dynamic forms with Turbo
The Future of Web Software Is HTML-over-WebSockets – A List Apart
Hotwire & Laravel
Using Turbolinks with Vue - Pine
Hotwire: HTML over the Wire | Hacker News
HTML Over The Wire | Hotwire
Making a (Long-Winded) Case for Turbolinks · Gray Matter
Page-specific JavaScript in Rails 4+ | by Kieran Eglin | kierancodes | Medium
gnclmorais/paloma: Page-specific JavaScript for Rails done right
kieraneglin/punchbox: Page-specific Javascript in Rails for more civilized times
Scoping JavaScript Functionality to Specific Pages with Laravel and CakePHP | Andy Carter
Turbolinks | book
Turbolinks unfriendly? - Stack Overflow
Migrate an existing app to Turbolinks
Speeding up your app’s navigation with Turbolinks
Mutation-first development: a call to action
How We Migrated To Turbolinks Without Breaking Javascript
Turbolinks — How to organize your Javascript code
[FAQ] Organizing Javascript in Rails Application With Turbolinks · Issue #305 · turbolinks/turbolink…
Route specific loading · Issue #364 · turbolinks/turbolinks
Turbolinks' lifecycle explained
Turbolinks 5, Rails 5, not that bad!
Escaping the SPA rabbit hole with modern Rails – Jorge Manrubia – Medium
Okay, I like Turbolinks – Lodr
Handling Large Javascript Files With Turbolinks
Organizing Javascript in Rails Application With Turbolinks
How To Use Turbolinks clearCache() (Example)
browser back button causes some scripts to reevaluate · Issue #106 · turbolinks/turbolinks
Turbolinks 5 and DataTables working together in harmony