The ups and downs of text-wrap: balance and a polyfill - Bleech
The PARA Method: The Simple System for Organizing Your Digital Life in Seconds
Tram-One/tram-lite: 💡 HTML library for native web-components
Bookmarklet Maker
Stop Lazy Loading Product and Hero Images
aFarkas/lazysizes: High performance and SEO friendly lazy loader for images (responsive and normal), iframes and more, that detects any visibility changes triggered through user interaction, CSS or JavaScript without configuration.
Better lazy load for hidden pictures that will be loaded when shown, not when in viewport
Role Based Prompts for ChatGPT (Act as a ...)
As an AI therapist, engage with me in a conversation about my feelings and thoughts surrounding [insert issue or concern]. Ask me questions to better understand my situation and provide guidance on how to cope with or overcome this challenge.
mvdbos/php-spider at
Vuetify — A Vue Component Framework
An Internet of PHP
Privacy Shield 2.0: Datentransfer in die USA
Show HN: RSS feeds for arbitrary websites using CSS selectors | Hacker News
AboutRSS/ALL-about-RSS: A list of RSS related stuff: tools, services, communities and tutorials, etc.
Mahmoudz/Porto: Porto is a Modern Software Architectural Pattern that scales with your business!
Scrollytelling using scrollama.js, CSS and best practices | Metadrop
Scrolly Drive — William B. Davis
Catching errors thrown from connectedCallback
Auto-Illustrator – Art & Electronic Media
Web Scraping for Me, But Not for Thee (Guest Blog Post) - Technology & Marketing Law Blog
Create form - Tally
How to Get First 1000 Users for Your Product in 12Days | the Untold Method (I followed and it…
Pico.css • Minimal CSS Framework for semantic HTML
Tailwind, and the death of web craftsmanship
The 7 Main XSS Cases Everyone Should Know - Brute XSS
Comparing XSStrike with other XSS Scanners
Tailwind CSS Color Generator | UI Colors
Google Fonts Abmahnungen durch Martin Ismail: Das Urteil
22 rules for User Sign Up/Sign In journeys
What AI can do with a toolbox... Getting started with Code Interpreter