Latin America

Latin America

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Un nuevo imaginario para nuestra América
Un nuevo imaginario para nuestra América
La pandemia del COVID-19 impacta en una América Latina ya golpeada por la crisis económica y por una ofensiva conservadora casi sin precedentes. Pero los pueblos se resisten a dar la pulseada por perdida, y los ejemplos de resistencia y construcciones alternativas proliferan por toda la región.
Un nuevo imaginario para nuestra América
Extractivism and Exploitation in Peru - The Bullet
Extractivism and Exploitation in Peru - The Bullet
Martin Vizcarra, Peru’s president, has announced that “his government has taken up the challenge and has been working on the approval of a new regulation
Extractivism and Exploitation in Peru - The Bullet
Bolivians Are in Revolt Against Their Illegitimate Coup Regime
Bolivians Are in Revolt Against Their Illegitimate Coup Regime
Nine months after the right-wing coup that ousted Bolivian president Evo Morales, elections still have not been held and popular discontent with the coup regime is boiling over. Democracy must be restored, no matter what the golpistas and their allies in Washington want.
Bolivians Are in Revolt Against Their Illegitimate Coup Regime
Revolt in Chile: Life Against Capital
Revolt in Chile: Life Against Capital
The October uprising in Chile is an example of what we would call a generalized passage from private malaise to collective revolt, a moment in which those sufferings that had been lived in domestic confinement, with guilt and loneliness, are brought out into public space, and understood as socially and politically produced, awakening a will to struggle as well as a mutual recognition between those who share experiences, feelings, fears, and common hopes.
Revolt in Chile: Life Against Capital
The Triple Crisis in Venezuela
The Triple Crisis in Venezuela
Venezuela is ill-equipped to support its population as it enforces social distancing rules.
The Triple Crisis in Venezuela
The Fall of Evo Morales
The Fall of Evo Morales
Jon Lee Anderson reports on whether the controversial socialist leader Evo Morales was deposed or escaped justice.
The Fall of Evo Morales
Master, president, god? On the trail of Peru's mysterious new...
Master, president, god? On the trail of Peru's mysterious new...
In Peru's capital, a group dressed in biblical-style robes, veils, and sandals gathered one recent Sunday night to celebrate an unlikely victory: their congregation had overnight become a major f...
Master, president, god? On the trail of Peru's mysterious new...
Bolivia after the coup
Bolivia after the coup
The re-capture of power in Bolivia by traditional elites, backed by US imperialism, has legitimised racism and a wave of repression. But the MAS may be beginning a process of democratic renewal.
Bolivia after the coup
La “crianza” del agua acabó con la sequía en Los Andes del Perú
La “crianza” del agua acabó con la sequía en Los Andes del Perú
Ojo al Clima visitó el proyecto de “siembra y cosecha” de agua liderado por mujeres indígenas Quechua. Este disminuyó los impactos del cambio climático en la región andina de Ayacucho, Perú.
La “crianza” del agua acabó con la sequía en Los Andes del Perú
Chile’s Struggle to Democratize the State
Chile’s Struggle to Democratize the State
Will the people of Chile be able to shape their own destiny via a plebiscite? Two months before the scheduled vote, the answer remains uncertain.
Chile’s Struggle to Democratize the State
State, Bureaucracy, and Rentier Capital
State, Bureaucracy, and Rentier Capital
Venezuela is undergoing a rentier-capitalist implosion, made worse by imperial intervention, violent domestic right-wing opposition, and the fusion of the interests of the state and capitalists within the Maduro regime.
State, Bureaucracy, and Rentier Capital
The Dramatic Fall of Chile as Latin America’s Neoliberal Role Model
The Dramatic Fall of Chile as Latin America’s Neoliberal Role Model
After the outbreak of the most intense and massive social protests ever recorded in the history of Chile, on November 16 the government and most political parties signed an agreement to restore peace and public order and initiate a process to draft a new constitution. The protests, triggered by the rise in subway fares on More
The Dramatic Fall of Chile as Latin America’s Neoliberal Role Model
El FREPAP: la “tierra prometida” y las “fronteras vivas” de la Amazonía
El FREPAP: la “tierra prometida” y las “fronteras vivas” de la Amazonía
Róger Rumrrill No La elección parlamentaria extraordinaria del domingo 26 de enero del 2020 no solo ha modificado drásticamente el mapa político peruano ha descalabrando a la ultraderecha política constituida por el fujimorismo, dejando al borde de la crisis terminal al Apra y decretando la extinción de partidos como Solidaridad Nacional y otros.
El FREPAP: la “tierra prometida” y las “fronteras vivas” de la Amazonía