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Latin America

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The Party’s Over: Bernie’s Last Dance With the Dems
The Party’s Over: Bernie’s Last Dance With the Dems
The Good I wrote six articles (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) about the Bernie Sanders campaign during the 2016 primary. As everyone keeps saying, Bernie is a paragon of consistency, so my understanding of him stands unchanged. The political situation in 2020 is, however, significantly different, and has opened up new possibilities for the More
The Party’s Over: Bernie’s Last Dance With the Dems
Nuevo mapa político del Perú
Nuevo mapa político del Perú
“El éxito del FREPAP, la organización política creada por el mesías de Occidente, Ezequiel Ataucusi Gamonal, obliga a revisar cuánto conocemos realmente del Perú”
Nuevo mapa político del Perú
El fracaso de las elecciones del 26 de enero
El fracaso de las elecciones del 26 de enero
Nicolás Lynch Las elecciones del 26 de enero han sido un fracaso para el Perú y, en especial, para la izquierda. Por los resultados electorales, tendremos un Congreso conformado mayoritariamente por partidos que no tienen propuesta política y que suelen moverse de acuerdo al dictado de los medios que expresan el ánimo conservador de las élites o peor todavía, de las ambiciones personales de sus integrantes.
El fracaso de las elecciones del 26 de enero
Ampliado nacional del MAS definirá este jueves si acepta o no a binomio presidencial designado por Evo Morales
Ampliado nacional del MAS definirá este jueves si acepta o no a binomio presidencial designado por Evo Morales
Brújula digital|21|01|20| Varios sectores pertenecientes al Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS) expresaron su descontento por la determinación del ex presidente Evo Morales que decidió que el binomio presidencial que represente al MAS en las próximas elecciones generales est
Ampliado nacional del MAS definirá este jueves si acepta o no a binomio presidencial designado por Evo Morales
Peruvian indigenous group wins suit to block oil exploration in...
Peruvian indigenous group wins suit to block oil exploration in...
A Peruvian judge ruled that the government exclude an indigenous region of the Amazon near the border with Brazil from any oil exploration and exploitation, a legal group said on Wednesday, in a win f...
Peruvian indigenous group wins suit to block oil exploration in...
What Has Just Happened in Chile?
What Has Just Happened in Chile?
Note from LeftEast editors: This text, composed cooperatively by four Chilean academics, was read during the opening ceremony of the Sixth International Days of Latin American Problems (VI Jornadas…
What Has Just Happened in Chile?
Feminism, Elections, and Beyond
Feminism, Elections, and Beyond
Last year something wonderful and unexpected happened in Argentina that filled us with hope and put some on alert: the...Read More
Feminism, Elections, and Beyond
Is Another Dose of Peronism the Cure for Macri Economics? | by David Rieff
Is Another Dose of Peronism the Cure for Macri Economics? | by David Rieff
It is easy to wax apocalyptic about Argentina. The country may indeed be a very “unfinished utopia,” as the political commentator Ignacio Zuleta once called it, but it’s hardly on the brink of collapse—as much as alarmism is a national neurosis in Argentina. Let’s assume the new president, Alberto Fernández, with Cristina Fernández de Kirchner as his vice-president, successfully renegotiates the IMF loan. The four major trade union federations—which are Peronist, after all—as well the social movements led by people like the activist Juan Grabois will surely give Fernández some months’ grace...
Is Another Dose of Peronism the Cure for Macri Economics? | by David Rieff
The Return of the Indigenous Struggle in Bolivia
The Return of the Indigenous Struggle in Bolivia
The resistance to the right-wing coup in Bolivia has developed under the banners of the indigenous peoples. The working class needs to take up these demands as its own. We publish here the prologue to the third edition of Javo Ferreira’s book Comunidad, indigenismo y marxismo (Community, Indigenism, and Marxism).
The Return of the Indigenous Struggle in Bolivia
Rejecting Inequality and State Violence in Colombia
Rejecting Inequality and State Violence in Colombia
A selection of NACLA’s recent coverage of the deep inequality, human rights abuses, and government failures to adequately deliver on the promise of peace undergirding recent protests in Colombia.
Rejecting Inequality and State Violence in Colombia
Colombia on strike: “This government has to fall”
Colombia on strike: “This government has to fall”
Colombia’s national civic strike is paving the way for a rural-urban coalition of protesters and movements that together can take on President Duque’s right-wing government.
Colombia on strike: “This government has to fall”
Storm Clouds Over Latin America
Storm Clouds Over Latin America
November's coup in Bolivia is just the latest episode in the right-wing resurgence across Latin America. In this article, William I. Robinson looks at the deeper structural causes for the retreat in the Pink Tide, and the hopes for a socialist renewal in the region.
Storm Clouds Over Latin America
Colombia’s New Awakening
Colombia’s New Awakening
With its recent general strike and continued mobilizations, Colombia has joined the global wave of unrest. If the movement can resist right-wing president Iván Duque’s attempts at co-optation, it could lay the groundwork for the transformation of a society long characterized by inequality and militarized brutality.
Colombia’s New Awakening