Latin America

Latin America

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They are not Evo supporters! They are Alteños, dammit!
They are not Evo supporters! They are Alteños, dammit!
Statement from Colectivo Curva on the resistance of the people of El Alto in response to the ongoing coup attempt in Bolivia. Based in El Alto themselves, Colectivo Curva argue that the native peoples of El Alto remember their history of struggle against the Morales government: they do not fight for him and his party, but against an attack on their communities from the far-right coup plotters.
They are not Evo supporters! They are Alteños, dammit!
La droite dure au pouvoir plonge la Bolivie dans la violence
La droite dure au pouvoir plonge la Bolivie dans la violence
Le nouveau pouvoir bolivien affirme vouloir mener une transition pacifique jusqu’à l’organisation de nouvelles élections, après le départ forcé d’Evo Morales, qui a dénoncé un coup d’État. Mais la police et l’armée ont réprimé férocement les manifestations de ses partisans, provoquant au moins 21 morts.
La droite dure au pouvoir plonge la Bolivie dans la violence
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Macho Camacho: Jeffery R. Webber (with Forrest Hylton) on the Coup in Bolivia
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Macho Camacho: Jeffery R. Webber (with Forrest Hylton) on the Coup in Bolivia
In office since 2006, Evo Morales, Bolivia’s first indigenous president, has been overthrown in a coup d’état. Debate on how this happened and what it all means has been proliferating on the international left. Ashley Smith talked with Jeffery R. Webber and Forrest Hylton, two long-time observers of Bolivia, to get a better sense of the issues at stake.
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Macho Camacho: Jeffery R. Webber (with Forrest Hylton) on the Coup in Bolivia
Some conversations in Chile
Some conversations in Chile
A few conversations today: The young woman working at the front desk at the hotel where I’m staying: When she showed me out, I commented on the sign on the front door which said that they support t…
Some conversations in Chile
DSA Statement on Coup in Bolivia
DSA Statement on Coup in Bolivia
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) condemns in the strongest terms the military coup in Bolivia that forced President Evo Morales to resign on November 10, along with Vice President Álvaro García-Linera, the leaders of the Bolivia Senate and Chamber of Deputies, as well as a host of government ministers. All were under personal threat of…
DSA Statement on Coup in Bolivia
¿Qué pasa en Bolivia? ¿Hubo golpe de estado?
¿Qué pasa en Bolivia? ¿Hubo golpe de estado?
Por Pablo Solón [English version – version française] 1) Evo Morales hubiera terminado su tercer mandato el 22 de enero del 2020 con gran popularidad y con la posibilidad de presentarse, e in…
¿Qué pasa en Bolivia? ¿Hubo golpe de estado?
Bolivia: un levantamiento popular aprovechado por la ultraderecha
Bolivia: un levantamiento popular aprovechado por la ultraderecha
El levantamiento del pueblo boliviano y de sus organizaciones fue lo que en última instancia provocó la caída del gobierno. Los principales movimientos exigieron la renuncia antes de que lo hicieran las fuerzas armadas y la policía. La OEA sostuvo al gobierno hasta el final. La crítica coyuntura que atraviesa Bolivia no comenzó con el […]
Bolivia: un levantamiento popular aprovechado por la ultraderecha
«Evo Morales est victime de ses contradictions, mais aussi, paradoxalement, de son succès»
«Evo Morales est victime de ses contradictions, mais aussi, paradoxalement, de son succès»
Evo Morales, le président bolivien contraint à la démission et qui s’est vu accorder l’asile politique par le Mexique, s’était fait élire en 2006, pour son premier mandat, sur la promesse d’un gouvernement indigéniste et respectueux de l’environnement. Mais il s’en est progressivement éloigné au point de susciter des contestations au sein même de ses anciens alliés. La chercheuse Laetitia Perrier-Bruslé nous explique le projet d’Evo Morales et les résistances qu’il a rencontrées.
«Evo Morales est victime de ses contradictions, mais aussi, paradoxalement, de son succès»
En Bolivie, le week-end où tout a basculé
En Bolivie, le week-end où tout a basculé
Après trois semaines de manifestations pour dénoncer une fraude électorale, Evo Morales, le chef de l’État bolivien, a cédé face à la pression de la rue et a démissionné de la présidence, le 10 novembre, après plus de treize années au pouvoir. Retour sur une fin de semaine qui a fait basculer l’histoire bolivienne.
En Bolivie, le week-end où tout a basculé
Building a Bolivia for the Next Generation
Building a Bolivia for the Next Generation
In today’s election, Evo Morales is running for another term as Bolivian president, after almost fourteen years of sweeping economic and democratic reforms. But his Movement for Socialism is also handing power to young Bolivians to keep the revolution going.
Building a Bolivia for the Next Generation
El golpe y su faceta religiosa
El golpe y su faceta religiosa
La labor de destruir a Evo y a lo que él representa asumió las características de una realidad sagrada, suprema e incuestionable.
El golpe y su faceta religiosa
Bolivia sin presidente
Bolivia sin presidente
De acuerdo a la constitución boliviana, la Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional debe aceptar la renuncia del mandatario, pero en ésta el MAS tiene mayoría.
Bolivia sin presidente
The Bolivian coup: what the mainstream media don’t tell you
The Bolivian coup: what the mainstream media don’t tell you
The Comite Ciudadano (Citizens Committee), a right-wing coalition led by Bolivia’s ex-vice-president, Carlos Mesa, and Luis Fernando Camacho, a multimillionaire entrepreneur, leading the extreme
The Bolivian coup: what the mainstream media don’t tell you
Bolivia’s Path to Camacho (Interview)
Bolivia’s Path to Camacho (Interview)
Diverse groups oppose Evo Morales, but the right-wing Christian figures representing the country’s old elite that are now grabbing power in Bolivia spells a new tragedy, Bolivian anthropologist Raul Rodriguez Arancibia explains.
Bolivia’s Path to Camacho (Interview)
Top Bolivian coup plotters trained by US military’s School of the Americas, served as attachés in FBI police programs
Top Bolivian coup plotters trained by US military’s School of the Americas, served as attachés in FBI police programs
Commanders of Bolivia's military and police helped plot the coup and guaranteed its success. They were previously educated for insurrection in the US government's notorious School of the Americas and FBI training programs. By Jeb Sprague Lee
Top Bolivian coup plotters trained by US military’s School of the Americas, served as attachés in FBI police programs