
Experts cool concerns over FDA Aloe vera carcinogenicity study
Experts cool concerns over FDA Aloe vera carcinogenicity study
The safety of Aloe vera is solid despite a recent FDA analysis reporting ‘clear evidence of carcinogenicity’ since the FDA scientists studied aloe that is ‘completely different than many aloe vera products on the market’, say experts.
Experts cool concerns over FDA Aloe vera carcinogenicity study
Nutraceutical, therapeutic, and pharmaceutical potential of Aloe vera A review Upadhyay International Journal of Green Pharmacy (IJGP)
Nutraceutical, therapeutic, and pharmaceutical potential of Aloe vera A review Upadhyay International Journal of Green Pharmacy (IJGP)
The present review explains therapeutic and pharmaceutical potential of Aloe vera a well-known plant grows in semi-arid climate of tropical and subtropical regions. This article emphasizes important uses of A. vera constituents as dietary nutraceutical, medicinal, and therapeutic potential. Plant is cultivated for agricultural and medicinal and decoration purposes for indoors as a potted plant. Plant is a good depository of chemical constituents which display a very wide array of biological activities such as anticancer, antiparasitic, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, antiparasitic, antitumor, antioxidant, chemopreventive, hepatoprotective, and gastroprotective. Plant is used to prepare skin protective/care gels mainly for soothing, moisturizing, and wound healing. Thick watery plant sap works are added as key ingredient in many beauty products. Plant leaves are used to generate aroma, beverages, skin lotion, cosmetics, or ointments for minor burns. Plant contains vitamins, enzymes, minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids, and amino acids as main ingredients. Plant is a good source of Vitamins A, C, and E, which are antioxidants. It also contains Vitamin B12, folic acid, and choline watery juicy of A. vera leaf which contains important minerals such as calcium, chromium, copper, selenium, magnesium, manganese, and potassium. Plant ingredients were found active against gingivitis, psoriasis, and used for herbal therapy in inflammatory bowel disease. A. vera contains important fatty acids mainly steroids such as cholesterol, campesterol, β-sitosterol, and lupeol. Aloin and emodin act as analgesics, antibacterials, and antivirals while lupeol shows antiseptic and analgesic properties. It also contains auxins and gibberellin hormones that help in wound healing and have anti-inflammatory action. Saponins that are the soapy substances display cleansing and antiseptic properties.
Nutraceutical, therapeutic, and pharmaceutical potential of Aloe vera A review Upadhyay International Journal of Green Pharmacy (IJGP)
Oral administration of Aloe vera ameliorates wound healing through improved angiogenesis and chemotaxis in Sprague Dawley rats - PubMed
Oral administration of Aloe vera ameliorates wound healing through improved angiogenesis and chemotaxis in Sprague Dawley rats - PubMed
Aloe vera healed wounds earlier than untreated rats with gradual improvement in wound areas and collagen content. Aloe vera also improved the expression of IGF-1 and VEGF in skin and bone marrow indicating improvement in angiogenesis. RT- PCR analysis showed increased expression of genes for chemota …
Oral administration of Aloe vera ameliorates wound healing through improved angiogenesis and chemotaxis in Sprague Dawley rats - PubMed
Aloe vera and garlic ameliorate deleterious consequences of thermoxidi (...)
Aloe vera and garlic ameliorate deleterious consequences of thermoxidi (...)
A plethora of publications have reported several cytotoxic effects associated with chronic consumption of thermoxidized palm oil. This research aims to investigate the effects of garlic and Aloe vera on liver function and hepatic cytoarchitecture in rats fed thermoxidized palm oil diet.,Thirty-five male albino Wistar rats weighing 150-180 g were used for this study. They were randomly assigned into five groups (n = 7): control, thermoxidized palm oil diet fed (TPO), TPO plus garlic juice (TPO + G), TPO plus Aloe gel (TPO + A) and TPO plus garlic/Aloe gel (TPO + G + A). The TPO diet was prepared by mixing 15 g of cooled thermoxidized palm oil with 85 g of rat feed. The juice and gel were orally administered at doses of 2.00 ml/kg and 19.12 ml/kg, respectively. After 3 months of feeding and administration, the animals were sacrificed using standard methods and blood collected via cardiac puncture for analysis.,Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase were significantly increased (p < 0.001) in the TPO group compared to the control. This increase was reduced (p < 0.001) in all the treated groups compared to TPO, with the greatest decrease (p < 0.001) seen in TPO + A. Total bilirubin was increased (p < 0.001) in the TPO group compared to the control, whereas there was a significant decrease (p < 0.001) in all the treated groups. Serum proteins and plasma fibrinogen were lowered (p < 0.001) in the TPO group compared to the control but increased progressively in all the treated groups. TPO induced prominent histopathological derangements of the liver tissues. However, there were marked improvements following treatment with garlic and Aloe vera.,The results obtained in this study have revealed that chronic consumption of thermoxidized palm oil is hazardous to health by inducing hepatotoxicity, as seen in increased ALT, AST and total and unconjugated bilirubin and decreased total protein. However, these debilitating effects were seen to be greatly ameliorated following garlic juice and Aloe vera gel administration. If these results are to be extrapolated to humans, then the chronic consumption of thermoxidized palm oil diet should be seriously discouraged.
Aloe vera and garlic ameliorate deleterious consequences of thermoxidi (...)
Pharmaceutical applications of Aloe vera Heng INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY
Pharmaceutical applications of Aloe vera Heng INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY
Aloe vera has been used as folk medicine for a host of therapeutic indications of which the inner gel is the component extensively used and studied. Proponents of the use of this plant suggest that it is easily available, economical, and have fewer side effects compared to commercial drug compounds. However, the active constituents and their exact mechanisms have yet to be fully elucidated. This review focuses on the identification of the active constituents and their functional mechanism in the areas of anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and antibacterial. Preliminary evidence was found to support the antidiabetic effect which extended to the early stages of the disease with no adverse effects at the dosages used. Although topical application for its anti-inflammatory effect may be delayed and minute, oral administration has shown a significant response. However, too high a dose has been linked with an initial inflammatory reaction. Favorable response to the gel has also been demonstrated to support the use of A. vera in wound-healing and as an antibacterial agent, although limited to simple, uncomplicated wounds. Different active constituents such as acemannan and aloin have been suggested for the effects of the plant and this may be interpreted as synergism among different compounds rather than the action of a single compound. Until robust evidence is available, the plant should only be used as an adjunct to other well-established evidence-based treatment modalities.
Pharmaceutical applications of Aloe vera Heng INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY
RJPPD - &nbsp;Detrimental effects of Sulphur Dioxide Gas on Liver Parameters and its Modulation by Aloe Vera
RJPPD - &nbsp;Detrimental effects of Sulphur Dioxide Gas on Liver Parameters and its Modulation by Aloe Vera
Air pollution has become a serious environmental issue and a threat to all over the world. SO2 is considered as the most poisonous and irritant gas as it penetrates deeper in the vitals hence alters the physiology, biochemistry and behavior of the living individuals. The present study has been designed to explore out the protective effect of Aloe vera against SO2 induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats. The twenty albino rats were grouped in four sets-control set (1) were kept in control conditions, while, experimental set (2) was exposed to 80ppm of SO2 gas 1h/d for 30 and 60 days, experimental set (3) were exposed to 80ppm of SO2 gas 1h/d with oral administration of Aloe vera fruits extracts (200mg/kg b.wt.) for 30 and 60 days respectively. The findings of the present investigation have indicated that SO2 causes significant increase in total bilirubin (p
RJPPD - &nbsp;Detrimental effects of Sulphur Dioxide Gas on Liver Parameters and its Modulation by Aloe Vera
Aloe vera and Honey Solution and Their Ethanolic Extraction Solution Could Act on Metastasis-Regulating Processes in Walker 256 Tumor Tissues In&nbsp;Vivo Nutrition and Cancer Vol 0, No 0
Aloe vera and Honey Solution and Their Ethanolic Extraction Solution Could Act on Metastasis-Regulating Processes in Walker 256 Tumor Tissues In&nbsp;Vivo Nutrition and Cancer Vol 0, No 0
(2020). Aloe vera and Honey Solution and Their Ethanolic Extraction Solution Could Act on Metastasis-Regulating Processes in Walker 256 Tumor Tissues In Vivo?. Nutrition and Cancer. Ahead of Print.
Aloe vera and Honey Solution and Their Ethanolic Extraction Solution Could Act on Metastasis-Regulating Processes in Walker 256 Tumor Tissues In&nbsp;Vivo Nutrition and Cancer Vol 0, No 0
Gum Acacia and Studies the Resistance to Oxidation and the Changes Phases against the Characteristics of Physicochemical Aloe vera Gel
Gum Acacia and Studies the Resistance to Oxidation and the Changes Phases against the Characteristics of Physicochemical Aloe vera Gel
Aloe vera gel is a potential material as raw material industry, this is because a very complex composition. However Aloe vera gel is very easily oxidized or unstable. Viscosity gel and the benefit are decreased at room temperature after 24-36 hours. This research aims to obtain information about the resistance to oxidation via nitogren gas treatment and antioxidants, as well as the influence of phase changes in an attempt to retain the characteristics of the physicochemical Aloe vera gel over time. This Study can be described a conclusion that the best storage conditions are sound-proofed temperature conditions (4 ± 1)oc. Environmental conditioning by administering nitrogen gas storage and antioxidant Buthylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) 750 ppm for 4 weeks defending the nature physicochemical Aloe vera gel. Freeze drying process of Aloe vera gel that has filled gum Arabic 3 % generates a more homogenous powder and smaller and more.
Gum Acacia and Studies the Resistance to Oxidation and the Changes Phases against the Characteristics of Physicochemical Aloe vera Gel
Phytochemical analysis and antifungi activity of aloe vera leaves Ikpe Bio-Research
Phytochemical analysis and antifungi activity of aloe vera leaves Ikpe Bio-Research
The medicinal and other claimed uses of Aloe vera, the “wonder plant”, are endless. The extract for phytochemical analysis was collected in three different solvents, diethyl ether, ethanol and distilled water. The anti-fungal activities of the leaf extract were investigated on selected fungi organisms; Trycophytum rubrum, Penicillum notatum, Trycophytum vericophytum, Trycophytum soundanense, Claudosporium and Trycophytum mentagrophytis collected from Mycology Laboratory, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu, Nigeria. The plant extract was collected crude without solvent and agar-well diffusion method employed for the determination of antifungal activities on the test organisms using 200 mg ketoconazole drug as standard. The phytochemical constituents of aloe vera leaf include alkaloids, flavonoids, saponin, phenol, glycosides and tannins. Both undiluted and half diluted crude extract showed different zones of inhibition on the test organisms. The undiluted crude extract of Aloe vera had larger zone of inhibition on Trycophytum rubrum and Trycophytum mentagrophytis than the diluted crude extract while the diluted crude extract showed larger zone of inhibition on Trycophytum vericopytum than the undiluted crude extract.Keywords: Aloe vera, Phytochemicals, Constituents, Antifungal properties
Phytochemical analysis and antifungi activity of aloe vera leaves Ikpe Bio-Research
Possible Prophylaxes of Aloe Vera Gel to Congenital Heart Disease Case Reports Yagi Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Research
Possible Prophylaxes of Aloe Vera Gel to Congenital Heart Disease Case Reports Yagi Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Research
Our health span is to a great extent epigenetically determined by diets, gut environment, lifestyle, and various other environmental factors. Health benefits of long-term ingestion of aloe vera gel with immune modulation of the intestinal microbiota were discussed on congenital heart disease and heart failure. In this review, we demonstrated prophylaxes roles of successive ingestion of aloe vera juice on heart failure. Furthermore we presented three case reports on heart failure patients with aloe vera juice adjuvant.
Possible Prophylaxes of Aloe Vera Gel to Congenital Heart Disease Case Reports Yagi Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Research
Prevention of acute radiation-induced Proctitis by Aloe vera a prospective randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial in Pelvic Cancer patientst
Prevention of acute radiation-induced Proctitis by Aloe vera a prospective randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial in Pelvic Cancer patientst
Background Acute radiation-induced proctitis (ARP) is the most common side effect following radiotherapy for malignant pelvic disease. This study evaluated the efficacy of Aloe vera ointment in prevention of ARP. Methods Forty-two patients receiving external-beam radiotherapy (RT) for pelvic malignancies were randomized to receive either Aloe vera 3% or placebo topical ointment during radiotherapy for 6 weeks. These patients were evaluated based on the severity (grade 0–4) of the following symptoms weekly: rectal bleeding, abdominal/rectal pain, diarrhea, or fecal urgency. RTOG acute toxicity criteria and psychosocial status of the patients were also recorded weekly. Lifestyle impact of the symptoms, and quantitative measurement of C-reactive protein (CRP), an indicator of systemic inflammation, were also measured. Results The results of present study demonstrated a significant preventive effect for Aloe vera in occurrence of symptom index for diarrhea (p
Prevention of acute radiation-induced Proctitis by Aloe vera a prospective randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial in Pelvic Cancer patientst
Hepatoprotective effect of Aloe vera against cartap- and malathion-induced toxicity in Wistar rats - Gupta - - Journal of Cellular Physiology - Wiley Online Library
Hepatoprotective effect of Aloe vera against cartap- and malathion-induced toxicity in Wistar rats - Gupta - - Journal of Cellular Physiology - Wiley Online Library
The pretreatment of aqueous extract of Aloe vera leaf in rats proved to act as a potential antioxidant which could be implicated toward protection of the integrity of liver of rat against pesticide i...
Hepatoprotective effect of Aloe vera against cartap- and malathion-induced toxicity in Wistar rats - Gupta - - Journal of Cellular Physiology - Wiley Online Library
Symbiotic effect of Aloe vera juice on the growth of Lactobacilllus fe (...)
Symbiotic effect of Aloe vera juice on the growth of Lactobacilllus fe (...)
AIM: Long-term dietary intake of non-caloric fiber, such as Aloe vera gel influences the structural and activity of micro-organisms in the human gut. The present investigation was executed with an innovative concept: symbiotic effect of probiotics that are used commercially as lactic acid bacteria i.e. Lactobacillus fermentum and Aloe vera juice as prebiotics for a prospective prophylaxis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fermentation of L. fermentum with Aloe vera juice certified by International Aloe Science Council was carried out and the quantification of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) from the fermentation broth in large scale was determined by gas-chromatography-mass-spectrometry selective detection in the selective ion monitoring mode. RESULTS: The growth of L. fermentum and L. helveticus with Aloe vera juice (AVJ) individually on MRS broth was continued to keep at pH 3.5 and 3.6, while pH of the negative controls changed to 4.3 and 4.0, respectively, during 24 hr incubation. The growth rate and the viability of L. helveticus incubated with different concentrations (5-25%) of Aloe vera juice were strongly reduced. However, the growth rate of L. fermentum was enhanced in a concentration dependent manner with emphasis on the use of 15% AVJ that resulted in two times more growth than that of the negative control. Continuation of L. fermentum growth at pH 3.6 in combination with AVJ during incubation for 24 hr suggests the durability of prebiotic potential by AVJ in in vitro fermentation. Acetic, propionic and lactic acid as SCFAs in the ether extract were identified from the fermentation culture medium. CONCLUSION: The prebiotic activity of AVJ may be assessed by the participation of SCFAs during 24 hrs-incubation with L. fermentum. An innovative concept of symbiotics: a combination of AVJ and L. fermentum, is a perspective prophylaxis on future intestinal health claims. Due to tolerance to acid, L. fermentum may pass through the gastric barrier and colonize the intestine after oral administration.
Symbiotic effect of Aloe vera juice on the growth of Lactobacilllus fe (...)
Shape- and Size-Controlled Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Alo (...)
Shape- and Size-Controlled Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Alo (...)
Abstract Biogenic synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNP) was performed at room temperature using Aloe vera plant extract in the presence of ammoniacal silver nitrate as a metal salt precursor. The formation of AgNP was monitored by UV-visible spectroscopy at different time intervals. The shape and size of the synthesized particle were visualized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations. These results were confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses and further supported by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy/Raman scattering (SERS) study. UV-visible spectrum has shown a sharp peak at 420 nm and further evidenced by FTIR peak profile (at 1587.6, 1386.4, and 1076 cm−1 with corresponding compounds). The main band position with SERS was noticed at 1594 cm−1 (C–C stretching vibration). When samples were heated under microwave radiation, AgNP with octahedron shapes with 5–50 nm were found and this method can be one of the easier ways to synthesis anisotropic AgNP, in which the plant extract plays a vital role to regulate the size and shape of the nanoparticles. Enhanced antibacterial effects (two- to fourfold) were observed in the case of Aloe vera plant protected AgNP than the routinely synthesized antibiotic drugs. Graphical Abstract Shape and size-controlled synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Aloe vera plant extract
Shape- and Size-Controlled Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Alo (...)
Protective role of Aloe vera against X-ray induced testicular dysfunct (...)
Protective role of Aloe vera against X-ray induced testicular dysfunct (...)
The present investigation was carried out to evaluate the possible radioprotective potential of an Aloe vera extract against whole-body X-ray irradiation-induced testicular alterations in mice. Male ...
Protective role of Aloe vera against X-ray induced testicular dysfunct (...)