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2019 RYB ALZ Risk - Main Opt-In
2019 RYB ALZ Risk - Main Opt-In.
Nutritional drink can help to conserve memory in case of prodromal Alz (...)
This is the first time a randomized, double-blind, clinical trial has shown that a nutritional intervention can help to conserve the ability of prodromal AD patients to carry out everyday tasks, such as paying bills, or finding your way around, as measured by the Clinical Dementia Rating-Sum of Boxes (CDR-SB) -- a combined measure for the ability to think and perform everyday tasks. This is important because those with prodromal AD currently have no approved, available pharmacological options.
Trehalose alters subcellular trafficking and the metabolism of the Alz (...)
The disaccharide trehalose is commonly considered to stimulate autophagy. Cell treatment with trehalose could decrease cytosolic aggregates of potentially pathogenic proteins, including mutant huntingtin, α-synuclein, and phosphorylated tau that are associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Here, …
Manganism - Misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s - Linked to Toxic Exposures - (...)
Brain Regeneration Can Infrared Light Reverse Parkinson’s and
Contrary to conventional wisdom, brain regeneration is possible. One promising therapy that promotes neurogenesis and is effective in pre-clinical studies of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s is near infrared light therapy, and it may improve other mental illnesses and neurodegenerative disorders including dementia, stroke, ALS, and traumatic brain injury as well
Homocysteine Levels Linked to Dementia NaturalHealth365
Dementia Can Be Prevented Naturally NaturalHealth365
Dementia Risk Linked To Eating This Popular Food NaturalHealth365
Dementia Risk Reduced with 3 Foods NaturalHealth365
Thomas J. Lewis, PhD - Alzheimers and Dementia Summit
Should we rethink of causes of dementia -- ScienceDaily
A new theory for the causes of dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases has been developed, involving an out-of-control immune system.
A Natural Approach to Preventing and Overcoming Dementia
Contrary to mainstream medical belief, safe, natural, and nontoxic treatments can alleviate the symptoms of senile dementia. Research has demonstrated how these remedies can aid in preventing the onset of senile dementia.
7 Conditions Masquerading As Dementia GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
More than 40% of dementia diagnoses have been shown to be wrong. Here's what may really be going on.