MAJOR UPDATE: Translating the Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions (Part 1) - YouTube
How Did Mountains Form After Noah's Flood | Beyond Is Genesis History? Vol 4 Ep 8 - YouTube
SNEAK PEEK: Is Tall el-Hammam Sodom? With Dr. Steven Collins (Part 2) - YouTube
Is Tall el-Hammam Sodom? With Dr. Steven Collins (Part 1) - YouTube
Why Did the All the Water Go Away After Noah's Flood? | Beyond Is Genesis History? Vol 4 Ep 7 - YouTube
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The Canaan & Egypt Challenge to Large Israelite Numbers - YouTube
Does our current understanding of population sizes in ancient Canaan and Egypt mean that the Israelite numbers during the Exodus should be only tens of thousands, as some scholars claim?
Or is there evidence that population sizes in these nations are misunderstood and actually much larger, further establishing there being two to three millions Israelites during the Exodus?
NOTE: This video contains content from one of our Patterns of Evidence Collectors Edition Box Sets.
Our Collectors Edition material allows you to dig deeper into additional interviews and evidences not able to be included in the body of our main films that further affirm the historical credibility of the Bible in powerful ways.
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Debunking the Seven Myths about Genesis, Creation, and the Flood (Dr. Biddle, Genesis Apologetics) - YouTube
This presentation was given at Mission Hills Covenant Church by Dr. Dan Biddle, President of Genesis Apologetics. It addresses the top seven myths that are taught against the historicity of Genesis, Creation, and the Flood. See the complete program here:
Top 10 Biblical Archaeology Discoveries from 2024: Digging for Truth Episode 250 - YouTube
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Only the Bible Can Explain the Ice Age - YouTube
📕 Get a FREE copy of _The Creation Answer Book_ here:
It is one of our most recommended resources. Chapter 16 deals with ice ages.
We are told that there have been multiple ice ages in Earth’s history. What does that even mean? What is an ice age? What physical evidence would one leave? And most importantly of all, _how does an ice age start (and later, stop)?_
Secular scientists have major trouble modelling how even _one_ ice age could start in the real world—never mind _multiple ice ages!_ And they have _many_ associated ice age mysteries to explain—such as the post-ice age extinction event.
The biblical post-Flood Ice Age model, on the other hand, does a good job of explaining the observed evidence! After all, if the Bible is a true record of history, it makes sense that it would have strong explanatory power when trying to make sense of the past!
Join geologist, Dr Tas Walker, for a fascinating exploration of the mysteries of the Ice Age.
00:00 Teaser
00:35 *Introduction:* What is the mystery of the Ice Age?
01:36 Physical evidence of a past Ice Age
03:29 → Scientist originally wouldn’t believe the evidence!
04:31 What was the extent of the ice in the Ice Age?
05:39 The mystery: What caused the Ice Age?
06:29 What solutions have been put forward?
08:02 *The Secular Ice Age Model: Milankovitch cycles*
10:46 → Problem: Milankovitch cycles don’t produce enough cooling!
11:21 → The secondary hypothesis: Positive feedback from CO2
12:21 → Secular scientists have concluded Earth’s climate is an unstable system
12:59 → Climate alarmism is a by-product of an unbiblical Ice Age model
14:20 → Problem: Positive feedback (producing cooling) isn’t enough; much more precipitation is needed!
15:51 → Problem: The geologic record doesn’t match expectations about past ice ages
21:07 → Mysteries within mysteries for the secular theory
23:03 *The Biblical Ice Age Model: The aftermath of the Flood—which was a catastrophic, global, tectonic event*
24:20 → Global volcanic activity blocked sunlight
26:28 → Global tectonic activity warmed the oceans
27:20 → Solving mysteries around Ice Age animals
30:14 → Earth’s climate is stable!
34:22 → Ice Age land bridges help to explain human and animal dispersal
38:37 → Solving the mystery of the mass extinction event at the end of the Ice Age
43:34 Why secular ‘Snowball Earth’? ideas fail
45:40 → Solving the mystery of the lush, green Sahara
47:44 *Conclusion:* The Bible’s account of history makes sense of the world we live in!
• What about ice ages? (Ch. 16 of The Creation Answers Book) –
• The unique post-Flood Ice Age –
• What caused the Ice Age?
• Was There An Ice Age?
• Over-kill, over-chill, or over-ill?
• Astronomical troubles for the astronomical hypothesis of ice ages –
• Ice Age Questions and Answers –
• The Woolly Mammoth –
• How did 90% of large Australian Ice Age animals go extinct?
• The Great Ice Age (streaming) –
• The Ice Age—Only the Bible Can Explain It (streaming) –
• Frozen in Time (book)
• The Mammoth & the Ice Age (streaming) –
• Life in the Great Ice Age (children’s book) –
• Ice Cores and the Age of the Earth (book) –
• The Frozen Record (book) –
• Biblical Geology 101 (book) –
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Mammals Eating Dinosaurs…How Could This Be??? - YouTube
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This Ancient Lake was an Death Trap for Fossil Fish! | Beyond Is Genesis History? Vol 4 Ep 5 - YouTube
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
How Does the History of the Dead Sea Bring the Bible to Life? - Dr. Steve Austin - YouTube
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The World Was a Weird & Wonderful Place After Noah's Flood | Beyond Is Genesis History? Vol 4 Ep 4 - YouTube
What was the world like as it recovered from the worldwide Flood of Noah's day? Geologist Dr. John Whitmore and our host Dr. Del Tackett visit an ancient lakebed in Wyoming that just may reveal the answer! While a barren wasteland today, fossils left behind show that this region was lush, tropical, and very wet, and home to far more plants and animals than are present in modern-day Wyoming!
"Beyond Is Genesis History? Vol 4. Mountains After the Flood" is the fourth installment in the popular series of short films that go deeper into the science and scholarship behind the Biblical book of Genesis. These fascinating extended interviews include many new things that have never been discussed before on film.
Watch the full film "Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood":
"Is Genesis History?" is a documentary series that reveals how science intersects with the Bible. In over a hundred videos, scientists and scholars explore the evidence for creation in six normal days, a real Adam and Eve, a global Flood, a tower of Babel, a young earth, and hundreds of other fascinating aspects of God’s creation. Dr. Del Tackett serves as your guide in this amazing series that has impacted millions of people worldwide. Start with the feature film, then go where your interests lead you.
Learn more at
Watch the original film "Is Genesis History?":
Watch the other "Beyond Is Genesis History?" series:
- Vol 1 - Rocks & Fossils:
- Vol 2 - Life & Design:
- Vol 3 - Bible & Stars:
How Did the Earth Change AFTER Noah's Flood? Beyond Is Genesis History? Vol 4 Ep 3 - YouTube
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Joshua: The Top Ten Archaeological Discoveries - YouTube
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
ENORMOUS Folded Layers in Utah | Beyond Is Genesis History? Vol 4 Ep 2 - YouTube
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Isaiah: The Top Ten Archaeological Discoveries - Digging for Truth Episode 244 - YouTube
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Three Dead Rulers, One Risen King - YouTube
Henry Smith outlines archaeological discoveries related to the trial and execution of Jesus. This presentation includes a discussion of Pontius Pilate, Herod Antipas, Caiaphas the High Priest, the Nazareth Inscription, and the Resurrection of Christ.
Filmed at Calvary Chapel, Lynchburg, VA. Posted with permission.
What Really Raised the High Mountains? | Beyond Is Genesis History? Vol 4 Ep 1 - YouTube
Geologist John Whitmore and Del Tackett travel to the Uinta Mountains in Utah to explore the incredible forces that created the high and rugged mountains around the world. They examine the vast layers of sedimentary rock laid down during the Flood that were lifted and shaped to form the towering peaks we see today, then they consider the powerful processes that re-shaped the earth.
"Beyond Is Genesis History? Vol 4. Mountains After the Flood" is the fourth installment in the popular series of short films that go deeper into the science and scholarship behind the Biblical book of Genesis. These fascinating extended interviews include many new things that have never been discussed before on film.
Watch the full film "Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood":
"Is Genesis History?" is a documentary series that reveals how science intersects with the Bible. In over a hundred videos, scientists and scholars explore the evidence for creation in six normal days, a real Adam and Eve, a global Flood, a tower of Babel, a young earth, and hundreds of other fascinating aspects of God’s creation. Dr. Del Tackett serves as your guide in this amazing series that has impacted millions of people worldwide. Start with the feature film, then go where your interests lead you.
Learn more at
Watch the original film "Is Genesis History?":
Watch the other "Beyond Is Genesis History?" series:
- Vol 1 - Rocks & Fossils:
- Vol 2 - Life & Design:
- Vol 3 - Bible & Stars:
Israeli Intel THWARTS Looting Gangs Threatening Ancient Israel Artifacts | TBN Israel - YouTube
Join Mati Shoshani as he speaks with Dr. Eitan Klein of the Israel Antiquities Authority about safeguarding Israel’s antiquities. Klein shares insight of a dangerous mission to recover ancient artifacts and preventing further looting. Later, Samuel Smadja meets Amir Tsarfati who discusses Israel’s rise as a regional superpower, Middle East dynamics, and the prophetic significance of current events. Don't miss this episode of Insights: Israel & The Middle East!
Please join us in praying for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem.
TBN Israel is creating cutting-edge content that tells the continuing, multi-faceted narrative of Israel. And it all happens through partners like you. Your financial support enables TBN Israel to produce engaging, one-of-a-kind programming that educates viewers around the world about this land and people so loved by God. Donate today:
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Can We REALLY Trust the Bible? Authority, Proof, and Archaeology - YouTube
Henry B. Smith Jr. presents the archaeological evidence connected to Jesus' healing of the paralytic in Mark 2:1-12. The Capernaum Synagogue, Peter's House, ceramic roof tiles, worldview and academic paradigms, and Jesus's status as God are covered. A 40 minute Q&A session follows.
Filmed at Calvary Chapel, Lynchburg, VA. Posted with permission.
The Ark and the Darkness - Full Official Movie - YouTube
The leading evidences for Noah's Flood! Enjoy the Ark and the Darkness, full-length version! See more about the movie here: and order the movie and book resources here:
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
What if creation scientists suddenly discovered amazing new evidence supporting the events of Genesis? What if you could watch that discovery?
In this fascinating sequel to 'Is Genesis History?', Del Tackett follows the journey of two creation scientists rafting through the Grand Canyon to examine enormous folds of solid rock. What caused these massive formations? And when did they happen? Conventional scientists say they are millions of years old, but no one has actually studied them… until now.
Our first documentary provided an overview of creation science. In this unique sequel, we explore how creation science actually works.
What did the Flood do to re-form earth? How did it shape the world we see around us? And why is Genesis so important to modern science?
If Andrew Snelling’s theory is correct, his findings will directly challenge the conventional view that the earth is hundreds of millions of years old. Instead, they will provide clear evidence for a recent global Flood.
'Mountains After the Flood' is a very different film from our first film. It reveals the inner workings of creation science and shows how creation scientists link their discoveries to the history recorded in Genesis. It will give Christians everywhere a deeper understanding of the relationship between science and the Bible.
1. Introduction - 0:00
2. How Creation Science Works - 3:56
4. Taking the First Sample - 9:03
5. Overview of the Project - 10:14
6. Map of Grand Canyon - 17:45
7. Carbon Canyon Fold - 19:56
8. Cross-Sections & Monument Fold - 22:33
9. Regional Samples & Helipad Fold - 27:50
10. Uinta Mountains & Post-Flood World - 31:20
11. Flaming Gorge & Tilted Layers - 36:33
12. Sheep Creek Canyon & Folds - 41:31
13. Geomorphology & Catastrophe - 43:52
14. Fossil Butte & Green River Basin - 47:34
15. Digging for Fossils - 51:35
16. Thin Sections & Scanning Electron Microscopy - 58:10
17. Flying Over the Grand Canyon - 1:07:41
18. Cedarville: Reviewing the Thin Sections - 1:20:01
19. Cedarville: Examining the SEM Slides - 1:27:57
20. Pikes Peak: The Future of Creation Science - 1:35:45
21. Credits - 1:43:00
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Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube
What if creation scientists suddenly discovered amazing new evidence supporting the events of Genesis? What if you could watch that discovery?
In this fascinating sequel to 'Is Genesis History?', Del Tackett follows the journey of two creation scientists rafting through the Grand Canyon to examine enormous folds of solid rock. What caused these massive formations? And when did they happen? Conventional scientists say they are millions of years old, but no one has actually studied them… until now.
Our first documentary provided an overview of creation science. In this unique sequel, we explore how creation science actually works.
What did the Flood do to re-form earth? How did it shape the world we see around us? And why is Genesis so important to modern science?
If Andrew Snelling’s theory is correct, his findings will directly challenge the conventional view that the earth is hundreds of millions of years old. Instead, they will provide clear evidence for a recent global Flood.
'Mountains After the Flood' is a very different film from our first film. It reveals the inner workings of creation science and shows how creation scientists link their discoveries to the history recorded in Genesis. It will give Christians everywhere a deeper understanding of the relationship between science and the Bible.
1. Introduction - 0:00
2. How Creation Science Works - 3:56
4. Taking the First Sample - 9:03
5. Overview of the Project - 10:14
6. Map of Grand Canyon - 17:45
7. Carbon Canyon Fold - 19:56
8. Cross-Sections & Monument Fold - 22:33
9. Regional Samples & Helipad Fold - 27:50
10. Uinta Mountains & Post-Flood World - 31:20
11. Flaming Gorge & Tilted Layers - 36:33
12. Sheep Creek Canyon & Folds - 41:31
13. Geomorphology & Catastrophe - 43:52
14. Fossil Butte & Green River Basin - 47:34
15. Digging for Fossils - 51:35
16. Thin Sections & Scanning Electron Microscopy - 58:10
17. Flying Over the Grand Canyon - 1:07:41
18. Cedarville: Reviewing the Thin Sections - 1:20:01
19. Cedarville: Examining the SEM Slides - 1:27:57
20. Pikes Peak: The Future of Creation Science - 1:35:45
21. Credits - 1:43:00
Support creation science by donating to the Genesis Fund:
Purchase the film on DVD/Blu Ray/Streaming:
Purchase the Creation Bundle:
Review the Technical Papers associated with this film:
Visit our website for hundreds of videos and resources:
Watch the Full Film - Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood - YouTube