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Can Cabbage Beat Chemo for Cervical Cancer GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
Can Cabbage Beat Chemo for Cervical Cancer GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
Mainstream medicine’s cancer treatments are far from a cure. In fact, they make cancer more deadly. But new research shows lowly cabbages may be more effective in battling cancer
Can Cabbage Beat Chemo for Cervical Cancer GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
Cancer Alternative Viewpoints
Cancer Alternative Viewpoints
Cancer patients need nutritional support. Here is a specific, detailed plan of action, with references.
Cancer Alternative Viewpoints
Cancer as a Parasitic Disease - Jeffrey Dach MD
Cancer as a Parasitic Disease - Jeffrey Dach MD
Cancer acts like a parasite and many anti-parasitic drugs are effective anti-cancer agents such as ivermectin, artemisinin, and mebenzadole.
Cancer as a Parasitic Disease - Jeffrey Dach MD
Cancer Patients Should Know More Than Their Oncologists
Cancer Patients Should Know More Than Their Oncologists
Do you remember sayings about knowing oneself? Lao Tzu said, “He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened.” There are many such quotes, but today I introduce a new one. “He or she who knows more than their oncologist will survive their cancer.” I am offering you the opportunity to do... View Article
Cancer Patients Should Know More Than Their Oncologists
Cryotherapy - Hypothermic Oncology
Cryotherapy - Hypothermic Oncology
A recently completed study by the American College of Surgeons Oncology Group (ACOSOG) found promising results in 86 patients with breast cancer treated with cryosurgery. Thus I am merging Natural Allopathic Medicine with the best that modern oncology has to offer in terms of surgery, especially for breast cancer. Though I resist recommending surgery as... View Article
Cryotherapy - Hypothermic Oncology - Cancer Treatment with Vitamins - Cancer Treatment with Vitamins
Megavitamin therapy of cancer has a successful 35 year history. Abram Hoffer, M.D., worked with Dr. Linus Pauling to develop this effective and safe nutritional approach.
·· - Cancer Treatment with Vitamins
Dosage Table for Vitamin C
Dosage Table for Vitamin C
How much vitamin C is needed during illness? Frederick R. Klenner, MD used these amounts.
Dosage Table for Vitamin C
Dr. Kristi Funk, Author of Breasts The Owners Manual
Dr. Kristi Funk, Author of Breasts The Owners Manual
Krist Funk, MD is the author of Breasts: The Owners Manual. She's a brilliant doctor, breast cancer expert, and an incredible person. You're gonna love her.
Dr. Kristi Funk, Author of Breasts The Owners Manual
Dr. Valter Longo - Fasting Mimicking Diet improves breast cancer treatment - YouTube
Dr. Valter Longo - Fasting Mimicking Diet improves breast cancer treatment - YouTube
SHOW NOTES & LINKS: CHRIS BEAT CANCER: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally is a USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and Publishers Weekly Bestseller! Available in hardcover, e-book, and audiobook, read by yours truly. :) Get it on Amazon here: Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Download my Free Patient Guide: '20 Questions For Your Oncologist' here: Watch this 11-minute video: "What every cancer patient needs to know" Learn more about my SQUARE ONE Cancer Coaching Program here: ============== I am not a doctor and the information in this video is not medical advice. In addition to searching the Internet for information related to cancer and health, please consult with a qualified medical healthcare professional. #chrisbeatcancer #chriswark
Dr. Valter Longo - Fasting Mimicking Diet improves breast cancer treatment - YouTube
Effects of Six Weeks Endurance Training and Aloe Vera Supplementation on COX-2 and VEGF Levels in Mice with Breast Cancer - PubMed - NCBI
Effects of Six Weeks Endurance Training and Aloe Vera Supplementation on COX-2 and VEGF Levels in Mice with Breast Cancer - PubMed - NCBI
The aim of this study was to determine effects of six weeks endurance training and Aloe Vera supplementation on COX-2 and VEGF levels in mice with breast cancer. For this purpose, 35 rats were randomly divided into 5 groups: control (healthy) and 4 cancer groups: control (cancer only), training, Alo …
Effects of Six Weeks Endurance Training and Aloe Vera Supplementation on COX-2 and VEGF Levels in Mice with Breast Cancer - PubMed - NCBI
EP 12 - Healing Breast Cancer Naturally with Dr. Veronique Desaulniers - YouTube
EP 12 - Healing Breast Cancer Naturally with Dr. Veronique Desaulniers - YouTube
Dr V's Book: Ladies, how far do you think you have to go to beat breast cancer? Not as far as you might think, according to Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, who joins Dr. Jockers for this episode. “Dr. V,” as she’s known, joins us to talk about healing breast cancer naturally. From being strategic about nutrition to learning to perform proper self-examinations, Dr. V offers women seven powerful angles that most health professionals never think of as they diagnose breast cancer. This power-packed episode equips you with the tools you need to prevent, detect, counteract and overcome breast cancer – as Dr. V herself has done not just once, but twice! Apple Podcast - Spotify -
EP 12 - Healing Breast Cancer Naturally with Dr. Veronique Desaulniers - YouTube
Evaluation of melatonin and AFMK levels in women with breast cancer
Evaluation of melatonin and AFMK levels in women with breast cancer
Purpose Changes in the circadian rhythm may contribute to the development of cancer and are correlated with the high risk of breast cancer (BC) in night workers. Melatonin is a hormone synthesized by the pineal gland at night in the absence of light. Levels of melatonin and the metabolite of oxidative metabolism AFMK (acetyl-N-formyl-5-methoxykynurenamine), are suggested as potential biomarkers of BC risk. The aims of this study were to evaluate levels of melatonin and AFMK in women recently diagnosed with BC, women under adjuvant chemotherapy, and night-shift nurses, and compare them with healthy women to evaluate the relation of these compounds with BC risk. Methods Blood samples were collected from 47 women with BC, 9 healthy women, 10 healthy night shift nurses, and 6 patients under adjuvant chemotherapy. Compound levels were measured by mass spectrometry. Results and conclusions Our results showed that women with BC had lower levels of melatonin compared to control group women, and even lower in night-shift nurses and in patients under adjuvant chemotherapy. There was no significant difference of AFMK levels between the groups. In addition to this, high levels of melatonin and AFMK were related to patients with metastasis, and high levels of AFMK were related to the presence of lymph node-positive, tumor > 20 mm and patients who sleep with light at night. Our results showed a reduction of melatonin levels in BC patients, suggesting a relation with the disease, and in addition, point to the importance of melatonin supplementation in women that work at night to reduce the BC risk.
Evaluation of melatonin and AFMK levels in women with breast cancer
Frontiers The Effects of Melatonin on the Descending Pain Inhibitory System and Neural Plasticity Markers in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy
Frontiers The Effects of Melatonin on the Descending Pain Inhibitory System and Neural Plasticity Markers in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy
Background: Adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer (ACBC) has been associated with fatigue, pain, depressive symptoms, and disturbed sleep. And, previous studies in non-cancer patients showed that melatonin could improve the descending pain modulatory system (DPMS). We tested the hypothesis that melatonin use before and during the first cycle of ACBC is better than placebo at improving the DPMS function assessed by changes in the 0–10 Numerical Pain Scale (NPS) during the conditioned pain modulating task (CPM-task) (primary outcome). The effects of melatonin were evaluated in the following secondary endpoints: heat pain threshold (HPT), heat pain tolerance (HPTo), and neuroplasticity state assessed by serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), tropomyosin kinase receptor B, and S100B-protein and whether melatonin’s effects on pain and neuroplasticity state are due more so to its impact on sleep quality.Methods: Thirty-six women, ages 18 to 75 years old, scheduled for their first cycle of ACBC were randomized to receive 20mg of oral melatonin (n = 18) or placebo (n = 18). The effect of treatment on the outcomes was analyzed by delta (Δ)-values (from pre to treatment end).Results: Multivariate analyses of covariance revealed that melatonin improved the function of the DPMS. The Δ-mean (SD) on the NPS (0–10) during the CPM-task in the placebo group was −1.91 [−1.81 (1.67) vs. −0.1 (1.61)], and in the melatonin group was −3.5 [−0.94 (1.61) vs. −2.29 (1.61)], and the mean...
Frontiers The Effects of Melatonin on the Descending Pain Inhibitory System and Neural Plasticity Markers in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy
Glycosylation and its implications in breast cancer - PubMed
Glycosylation and its implications in breast cancer - PubMed
Introduction: For decades, the role of glycans and glycoproteins in the progression of breast cancer and other cancers have been evaluated. Through extensive studies focused on elucidating the biological functions of glycosylation, researchers have been able to implicate alterations in these …
Glycosylation and its implications in breast cancer - PubMed
How Paula Healed Aggresive Breast Cancer Naturally in 1997!
How Paula Healed Aggresive Breast Cancer Naturally in 1997!
In 1997, Paula Black was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer. She was told that without a radical mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation she would only have 3-6 months to live. And yet, Paula reversed her terminal cancer without conventional medicine!
How Paula Healed Aggresive Breast Cancer Naturally in 1997!
Inhibition of PKC-Induced COX-2 and IL-8 Expression in Human Breast Ca (...)
Inhibition of PKC-Induced COX-2 and IL-8 Expression in Human Breast Ca (...)
Breast cancer is a common cancer leading to many deaths among females. Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and interleukin-8 (IL-8) are two highly expressed inflammatory mediators to be induced by the protein ...
Inhibition of PKC-Induced COX-2 and IL-8 Expression in Human Breast Ca (...)
Iodine and breast cancer A 1982 update - PubMed
Iodine and breast cancer A 1982 update - PubMed
Research has been directed towards investigating the role of the trace element, iodine, in breast cancer etiology, diagnosis, and therapy. In many controled studies, iodine has been established as a requirement for breast tissue normalcy, since deficiency of the element results in histopathology con …
Iodine and breast cancer A 1982 update - PubMed
Iodine and mammary cancer - PubMed
Iodine and mammary cancer - PubMed
From laboratory studies presented, iodine appears to be a requisite for the normalcy of breast tissue in higher vertebrates. When lacking, the parenchyma in rodents and humans show atypia, dysplasia, and even neoplasia. Iodine-deficient breast tissues are also more susceptible to carcinogen action a …
Iodine and mammary cancer - PubMed