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#1 Anticancer Vegetable
#1 Anticancer Vegetable
There are two superfood classes of vegetables most adept at blocking human cancer cell growth in a petri dish. These cancer fighting food groups are allium and cruciferous vegetables. Subscribe to’s free newsletter to receive our B12 infographic that covers the latest research takeaways and Dr. Greger’s updated recommendations: This old video got a makeover, thanks to the team at Avocado Video. Hope you enjoy this 2.0 version! What about in people not petri dishes? How Not to Die from Cancer ( is a good starting point. There are a bunch more on my cancer playlist: Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it. Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgments for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics. If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution! -Michael Greger, MD FACLM Captions for this video are available in several languages. To find yours, click on the settings wheel on the lower-right of the video and then "Subtitles/CC." Do you have feedback about the translations in this video? Please share it here along with the title of the video and language: To view the subtitles in transcript format, click on the ellipsis button below the video, choose "Open transcript", and select the language you'd like to view them in. Image credit: sewcream / Adobe Stock • Subscribe: • Donate: • Podcast : • Facebook: • Twitter: • Instagram: • Books (including the NEW How Not to Diet Cookbook): • Shop:
#1 Anticancer Vegetable
Cancer as a Parasitic Disease - Jeffrey Dach MD
Cancer as a Parasitic Disease - Jeffrey Dach MD
Cancer acts like a parasite and many anti-parasitic drugs are effective anti-cancer agents such as ivermectin, artemisinin, and mebenzadole.
Cancer as a Parasitic Disease - Jeffrey Dach MD
Is Nitric Oxide a Cancer-Healing Powerhouse
Is Nitric Oxide a Cancer-Healing Powerhouse
Researchers are close to knowing how nitric oxide (NO) suppresses cancer tumor growth. Find out how to increase NO in your body.
Is Nitric Oxide a Cancer-Healing Powerhouse
Cancer cells eat their neighbors' 'words' Cancer cells capable of usin (...)
Cancer cells eat their neighbors' 'words' Cancer cells capable of usin (...)
Cancer cells are well-known as voracious energy consumers, but even a veteran cancer-metabolism researcher was surprised by their latest exploit: Experiments in his lab show that some cancer cells get 30-60 percent of their fuel from eating their neighbors' 'words.'
Cancer cells eat their neighbors' 'words' Cancer cells capable of usin (...)
1 How Sugar Feeds Cancer Growth -
1 How Sugar Feeds Cancer Growth -
If sugar feeds cancer then why do we feed cancer patients in oncology clinics sugar-laden processed foods? Here's what we should be doing!
1 How Sugar Feeds Cancer Growth -
Kris Carr on How to Thrive with Stage IV Cancer
Kris Carr on How to Thrive with Stage IV Cancer
Kris Carr is a superstar stage 4 cancer thriver, global wellness leader, and bestselling author. Kris and I are both total goofballs,
Kris Carr on How to Thrive with Stage IV Cancer
CANCER is Curable NOW (Original Documentary) - YouTube
CANCER is Curable NOW (Original Documentary) - YouTube
Cancer is curable now. This is the original cancer documentary where you know all about cancer and how to prevent it. Let's learn more at CANCER is curable NOW = Hope = Knowledge = POWER You may even know how cured cancer When you or a friend or family member are in need of some assistance after receiving bad test results, everything can become very cloudy and confusing. There’s so much to take on board. That way you look at life as a whole can become misguided. You may need some help in clearing a few things up. The "CANCER is curable NOW" documentary puts alternative cancer treatment methods into a much clearer perspective. It adds additional support on top of the conventional treatments you already know. You’ll learn everything from the actual causes of cancer through to nontoxic treatment options and much more. All You Need to Know in One Documentary Unfortunately, there are many causes that can result in cancer. It is important that all of these are addressed in order to achieve true health. This documentary shows you all the causes as well as all the solutions in order to provide you with a road map to good health. As you watch "CANCER is curable NOW" we suggest you take a pen and paper and note all the things that are relevant to your own personal healing journey. A Lifesaving Documentary for Everyone Watching "CANCER is curable NOW" with your family and friends is a great way to learn about the importance of a healthy lifestyle. All ages can benefit from this world class documentary in a great way because it motivates the younger generation to prevent disease and helps those in need to find a safe and holistic path to health. Share this video with all those who want to make a conscious and common sense decision about their health. It’s a great motivation for all! Charlotte Gerson Gerson Institute “With the help of such world class documentaries like CANCER is curable NOW we will finally be able to educate the public of all the wonderful cancer treatment options they really have. Mike Adams Natural News “CANCER is Curable NOW” is powerful enough to bring millions of people to alternative cancer treatments. Robert Jay Rowen MD “CANCER is Curable NOW is the best video on the subject my wife (Terri Su, MD) and I have seen.The video gives hope to people who otherwise are living in abject fear. We plan to show it in our office to new cancer patients!” Shop Truly Heal Products: Subscribe our channel: ****Follow me: ***** Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Google Plus:
CANCER is Curable NOW (Original Documentary) - YouTube
Melatonin and non-small cell lung cancer new insights into signaling pathways Cancer Cell International Full Text
Melatonin and non-small cell lung cancer new insights into signaling pathways Cancer Cell International Full Text
Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is a type of malignancy with progressive metastasis having poor prognosis and lowered survival resulting from late diagnosis. The therapeutic approaches for the treatment of this incurable cancer are chemo- and radiotherapy. Since current treatments are insufficient and because of drug-induced undesirable side effects and toxicities, alternate treatments are necessary and critical. The role of melatonin, produced in and released from the pineal gland, has been documented as a potential therapy for NSCLC. Melatonin prevents tumor metastasis via inducing apoptosis processes and restraining the autonomous cell proliferation. Moreover, melatonin inhibits the progression of tumors due to its oncostatic, pro-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. As a result, the combined treatment with melatonin and chemotherapy may have a synergistic effect, as with some other tumors, leading to a prolonged survival and improved quality of life in patients with NSCLC. This review summarizes the available data, based on the molecular mechanisms and related signaling pathways, to show how melatonin and its supplementation function in NSCLC.
Melatonin and non-small cell lung cancer new insights into signaling pathways Cancer Cell International Full Text
Melatonin and pancreatic cancer Current knowledge and future perspectives - Tamtaji - - Journal of Cellular Physiology - Wiley Online Library
Melatonin and pancreatic cancer Current knowledge and future perspectives - Tamtaji - - Journal of Cellular Physiology - Wiley Online Library
Pancreatic cancer has a high mortality rate due to the absence of early symptoms and subsequent late diagnosis; additionally, pancreatic cancer has a high resistance to radio- and chemotherapy. Multi...
Melatonin and pancreatic cancer Current knowledge and future perspectives - Tamtaji - - Journal of Cellular Physiology - Wiley Online Library
Melatonin as a potential anticarcinogen for non-small-cell lung cancer (...)
Melatonin as a potential anticarcinogen for non-small-cell lung cancer (...)
Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is a leading cause of death from cancer worldwide. Melatonin, an indoleamine discovered in the pineal gland, exerts pleiotropic anticancer effects against a variety of cancer types. In particular, melatonin may be an important anticancer drug in the treatment of NS …
Melatonin as a potential anticarcinogen for non-small-cell lung cancer (...)
20 Questions For Your Oncologist
20 Questions For Your Oncologist
Essential questions every patient should ask before starting treatment
20 Questions For Your Oncologist
Cancer riddle solved How cancer cells form tumors -- ScienceDaily
Cancer riddle solved How cancer cells form tumors -- ScienceDaily
Using real-time recording of cellular movement, biologists have discovered how tumors form. Cancer cells extend cables and grab other cells. As little as five percent cancerous cells are needed for tumor formation, they suggest, stating that their findings could lead to more precise cancer testing.
Cancer riddle solved How cancer cells form tumors -- ScienceDaily
Melatonin as an angiogenesis inhibitor to combat cancer Mechanistic ev (...)
Melatonin as an angiogenesis inhibitor to combat cancer Mechanistic ev (...)
Melatonin, a pineal indolamine, participates in different body functions and is shown to possess diverse biological activities such as anti-tumor action. Angiogenesis inhibition is one of the mechanisms by which melatonin exerts its oncostatic effects. Increased angiogenesis is a major feature of tu …
Melatonin as an angiogenesis inhibitor to combat cancer Mechanistic ev (...)
Melatonin for the prevention and treatment of cancer. - PubMed - NCBI
Melatonin for the prevention and treatment of cancer. - PubMed - NCBI
The epidemiological studies have indicated a possible oncostatic property of melatonin on different types of tumors. Besides, experimental studies have documented that melatonin could exert growth inhibition on some human tumor cells in vitro and in animal models. The underlying mechanisms include a …
Melatonin for the prevention and treatment of cancer. - PubMed - NCBI
Cancer Screening Is A Scam - Dr. McDougall - YouTube
Cancer Screening Is A Scam - Dr. McDougall - YouTube
John McDougall MD discusses the process of cancer growth, and shows that prevention through a healthy diet and lifestyle is the only defense, and "early detection" is BS. This is an excerpt from Dr. McDougall's talk at the 2016 Expo. For more info and to get the full talk, visit our store: ❤ ☀ °‧°‧☆ ☾ O U R S T O R E ☽ ☆‧°‧°☀ ❤ The Store: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞ F O L L O W ۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ☪ Instagram: 'vegsource' or → Personal Questions: ۞ Facebook: Twitter: ◂ ◃ ☀ °‧°‧☆ W E B S I T E ☆‧°‧°☀ ▹ ► ▻
Cancer Screening Is A Scam - Dr. McDougall - YouTube
Melatonin induces cell apoptosis in Mia PaCa-2 cells via the suppressi (...)
Melatonin induces cell apoptosis in Mia PaCa-2 cells via the suppressi (...)
Melatonin is synthesized by the pineal gland and is released into the blood. In the last several years, some studies have shown that melatonin has anticancer properties; however, the mechanisms behind the antitumour traits are unclear, especially in pancreatic cancer. Therefore, in the present study, we investigated the antitumour effects of melatonin on the human pancreatic carcinoma cell line MIA PaCa‑2 and explored its biological mechanisms. MIA PaCa‑2 cells were treated with melatonin, and we used a CCK‑8 assay to evaluate the cell viability. We also used flow cytometry to observe cell apoptosis and western blot analysis to assess the protein expression. Our study found that melatonin inhibited cell viability, suppressed colony formation and reduced cell migration and invasion and induced cell apoptosis in MIA PaCa‑2 cells. Our results showed that melatonin treatment inhibited NF‑κB p65 activation. Moreover, melatonin treatment activated the mitogen‑activated protein kinase pathways (c‑jun N‑terminal kinase and extracellular‑regulated kinase 1/2), which increased Bax protein expression and caspase‑3 cleavage and decreased Bcl‑2 protein expression. These new developments demonstrate that melatonin plays a potential role in anticancer treatment and may act as an effective therapeutic agent in the future.
Melatonin induces cell apoptosis in Mia PaCa-2 cells via the suppressi (...)
Melatonin is a potential inhibitor of ovarian cancer molecular aspects Journal of Ovarian Research Full Text
Melatonin is a potential inhibitor of ovarian cancer molecular aspects Journal of Ovarian Research Full Text
Ovarian cancer is one of the most common causes of morbidity related to gynecologic malignancies. Possible risk factors are including hereditary ovarian cancer, obesity, diabetes mellitus, alcohol consumption, aging, and smoking. Various molecular signaling pathways including inflammation, oxidative stress, apoptosis and angiogenesis are involved in this progression of ovarian cancer. Standard treatments for recently diagnosed patients are Surgery and chemotherapy such as co-treatment with other drugs such that the exploitation of neoadjuvant chemotherapy is expanding. Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxy-tryptamine), an endogenous agent secreted from the pineal gland, has anti-carcinogenic features, such as regulation of estradiol production, cell cycle modulation, stimulation of apoptosis as well as anti-angiogenetic properties, anti-inflammatory activities, significant antioxidant effects and modulation of various immune system cells and cytokines. Multiple studies have shown the significant beneficial roles of melatonin in various types of cancers including ovarian cancer. This paper aims to shed light on the roles of melatonin in ovarian cancer treatment from the standpoint of the molecular aspects.
Melatonin is a potential inhibitor of ovarian cancer molecular aspects Journal of Ovarian Research Full Text
Cancer spread is increased by a high fat diet, ground-breaking evidenc (...)
Cancer spread is increased by a high fat diet, ground-breaking evidenc (...)
New research shows that the metastatic process (cancer spread) is enhanced by fat intake. Mice given a high fat diet, including palmitic acid (a major component of palm oil which is found in lots of household products) developed the most aggressive cancer spread. The study identifies for the first time a protein called CD36 which has an essential role in cancer spreading.
Cancer spread is increased by a high fat diet, ground-breaking evidenc (...)