Chemically induced autism Scientist discovers pesticides, fungicides l (...)
Nothing to sneeze at Battling mucus to beat cancer New discovery may h (...)
What do cancer cells and a runny nose have in common? Researchers say the answer may hold the key to making cancer treatment better. They have discovered a new gene target -- a chink in pancreatic cancer's defensive armor. Their discovery may point to new targeted therapies and a way to help make current treatments for this deadly cancer more effective.
Nutrient deprivation kills kidney cancer cells Cutting off amino acid (...)
The greedy metabolism of cancer cells to target kidney cell carcinomas, which kill more than 100,000 Americans each year, has been exploited by researchers. The team showed that the majority of renal cell cancers rewire their metabolism in a way that leaves them addicted to the nutrient cystine. By depriving the cancer cells of cystine, the researchers were able to trigger a form of cell death called necrosis in tumor cells.
Acupuncture and Neutrino Energy The Future of Cancer Stem Cell Therapy Clip from Episode 2 - YouTube
We hope you enjoy this clip from “Eastern Medicine: Journey Through ASIA!” Today we join Dr. Pan Nien Chung to talk about the removal of cancer stem cells with a special acupuncture.
Acupuncture is a staple of traditional Chinese medicine, and utilizes energy pathways, called meridians, to improve the flow of energy, called chi. Dr. Pan Nien Chung describes a special kind of acupuncture which focuses on solar alignment. The energy provided by the sun is called neutrino energy and is an integral part of acupuncture therapy in Asia. Combining neutrino energy and acupuncture can help the body eliminate cancer stem cells. Exposing the patient to the neutrino energy from the sun, in combination with utilizing four special acupuncture points, causes the patient to excrete cancer stem cells in their urine. See the rest of this episode in the full series:
In the summer of 2018, we traveled through Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and India. Asia is the birthplace of natural medicine with records as old as the 3rd century BCE showing the use of specific natural remedies. Remarkably, we still use some of them today! Over 60 experts, medical doctors, herbalists, and cancer survivors tell us what they did, how they did it, and what their results were in “Eastern Medicine: Journey Through ASIA.”
Meet the Expert: Dr. Pan Nien Chung
Dr. Pan Nien Chung, MD, Ph.D., DSC, originally from Laos, has been in Taiwan for 50 years. During this period, he has attended high school and medical school, and worked at the general hospital and National Research Institute.
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About The Truth About Cancer
The Truth About Cancer’s mission is to inform, educate, and eradicate the pandemic of cancer in our modern world. Every single day, tens of thousands of people just like you are curing cancer (and/or preventing it) from destroying their bodies.
It’s time to take matters into your own hands and educate yourself on real cancer prevention and treatments. It could save your life or the life of someone you love.
About Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Ty & Charlene Bollinger are devoted Christians, health freedom advocates, health researchers, documentary film producers, and best-selling authors.
After losing several family members to conventional cancer treatments, they set out to learn the truth about cancer and the cancer industry, working together tirelessly to help others to learn the truth that sets them free to live healthy, happy lives.
Ty & Charlene's heartbreak and grief coupled with their firm belief that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery were NOT the most effective treatments available for cancer patients, led them on a path of discovery.
On their journey, they interviewed cutting-edge scientists, leading alternative doctors, and groundbreaking researchers to learn about hidden alternative cancer treatments. What they uncovered helped to create The Truth About Cancer and its three awe-inspiring docu-series: ”The Quest for The Cures”, “The Quest for the Cures Continues”, “The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest”, and "Eastern Medicine: Journey through ASIA."
Chemotherapy & Radiation What Your M.D. Isn't Telling You
Cancer is big business, no doubt about it. But did you know that the treatment your doctor orders could actually increase the likelihood that you will become a repeat customer? Conventional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation actually promote cancer. Yes, you read that correctly... they promote cancer! Cancer is increasingly becoming a survivable disease, yet the treatments cause considerable collateral damage – including initiating new, second cancers. Second cancers are cancers unrelated to the original cancer, which can be triggered by the very same imbalances or cancer-causing agents that led to the first cancer. In fact, doctors sometimes refer to
Nutritional Oncology Research Institute
Providing Advanced Nutritional Support for Cancer Patients and Survivors
Otto Warburg and Cancer
Oxygenating the Body Series “But nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause be. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse,” said Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg in a meeting of Nobel Laureates... View Article
Chinese herbal treatment shows signs of effectiveness in bone marrow r (...)
A Chinese herbal regimen called TSY-1 (Tianshengyuan-1) TSY-1 increased Telomerase activity in normal blood cells but decreased it in cancer cells, research has demonstrated. Telomerase is an enzyme responsible for the production of telomeres, which play an important role in the regulation of normal cell division. These results indicate that Telomerase-based treatments may be of significance in treatments for both blood cell deficiency and cancer.
Pancreatic cancer risk tied to specific mouth bacteria -- ScienceDaily
The presence of certain bacteria in the mouth may reveal increased risk for pancreatic cancer and enable earlier, more precise treatment, report investigators. Pancreatic cancer patients are known to be susceptible to gum disease, cavities, and poor oral health in general, say the study authors. That vulnerability led the research team to search for direct links between the makeup of bacteria driving oral disease and subsequent development of pancreatic cancer, a disease that often escapes early diagnosis and causes 40,000 US deaths annually.
phenylbutyrate cancer - Google Search
Adapted ECHO-7 virus Rigvir immunotherapy (oncolytic virothe... Melan (...)
igvir in substage IB, IIA, IIB and IIC melanoma patients on time to progression and overall survival. White patients (N=79) who had undergone surgical excision of the primary melanoma tumour were included in this study. All patients were free from disease after surgery and classified into substages IB, IIA, IIB and IIC. Circulating levels of clinical chemistry parameters were recorded. Survival was analysed by Cox regression. Rigvir significantly (P
Chinese herbal treatment shows signs of effectiveness in bone marrow recovery -- ScienceDaily
A Chinese herbal regimen called TSY-1 (Tianshengyuan-1) TSY-1 increased Telomerase activity in normal blood cells but decreased it in cancer cells, research has demonstrated. Telomerase is an enzyme responsible for the production of telomeres, which play an important role in the regulation of normal cell division. These results indicate that Telomerase-based treatments may be of significance in treatments for both blood cell deficiency and cancer.
Piping hot drinks may lead to cancer of the esophagus After examining a larger data set, World Health Organization reverses previous findings that coffee, yerba mate might cause cancer -- ScienceDaily
Drinking piping hot coffee, tea and the caffeine-infused beverage yerba mate probably causes cancer, the World Health Organization has announced.
Plant extract shows promise in treating pancreatic cancer Compound in (...)
A natural extract derived from India's neem tree could potentially be used to treat pancreatic cancer, according to a new study. Researchers tested nimbolide, a compound found in neem leaves, against pancreatic cancer in cell lines and mice. The results revealed that nimbolide can stop pancreatic cancer's growth and metastasis without harming normal, healthy cells.
Chris Beat Cancer on Hallmark Home & Family
Chris Wark talks about his new book Chris Beat Cancer with Debbie Matenopoulos and Cameron Mathison on Home & Family on the Hallmark Channel.
Plant-based Diets Reduce Cancer and Heart Disease Deaths - Heal Natura (...)
Plants With Aspirin Aspirations - YouTube
Should the active ingredient in aspirin be considered an essential vitamin?
Note: around minute 3:40, Dr. Greger says "What happened to the other 799?" He meant "792."
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If you missed the first two videos in this series, I discuss the pros and cons in Should We All Take Aspirin to Prevent Heart Disease? ( and Should We All Take Aspirin to Prevent Cancer? (
The drug-like anti-inflammatory power of certain plant foods may make them a risky proposition during pregnancy. See Caution: Anti-inflammatory Foods in the Third Trimester (
Herbs and spices don’t just have some of the most anti-inflammatory properties, but also the most antioxidant power. See Antioxidants in a Pinch (
Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it.
Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript of the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.
If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here:
Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM
Image Credit: Food & Function
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albendazole cancer - Google Search
Cimetidine Anti Cancer Drug Reverses Tumor Immunity - Jeffrey Dach MD
Cimetidine has Anti-Cancer Activity by Reversing Tumor Immunity
Point 4 for Cancer Success - Conners ClinicConners Clinic
Point 4 for Cancer Success - Dr Conners explains that an understanding of circulating tumor cells is essential for every cancer patient
Pomegranate Strikes to the Heart of Cancer Malignancy GreenMedInfo
Ever since chemotherapy and radiation became the 'standard of care,' oncology has been in the Dark Ages. Could the scientific community finally be waking up to the incomparable power of foods to cure what conventional treatment only makes worse?
Circadian and non-circadian melatonin influences on glucose metabolism in cancer cells
Journal of Current Science and Technology - Volume 10, Number 1 (January - June), 2020
Potential role for vitamin A in pancreatic cancer discovered -- Scienc (...)
Vitamin A may have a role to play in tackling the commonest form of pancreatic cancer, scientists have discovered. Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), the most common type of malignancy of the pancreas, is extremely aggressive and very difficult to treat. Many scientists are currently investigating the genetic mutations and biochemical signalling pathways that enable cancer cells to spread to other parts of the body.
Potential therapy for most aggressive type of lung cancer in preclinic (...)
The specific combination of the drugs dasatinib and demcizumab impairs the growth of KRAS-driven lung tumors, the most aggressive sub-type and with the lowest survival rates. The research was conducted on mouse models and samples of human tumors. The experts are confident they can soon start clinical trials which will make it possible to transfer the discoveries to cancer patients.
Alpha Lipoic Acid Anticancer Agent Burt Berkson MD - Jeffrey Dach MD
jeffrey dach md bioidentical hormones and natural thyroid for hashimotos
Citrus Peels and Cancer Zest for Life - YouTube
The reason eating citrus fruit appears to protect against cancer may be because of DNA repair enzyme boosting powers of a compound concentrated in the peel.
Subscribe to’s free newsletter to receive our B12 infographic that covers the latest research takeaways and Dr. Greger’s updated recommendations:
That’s why my favorite citrus fruit is kumquat, because you can eat the peel and all!
For other foods that may keep our DNA intact, see my last video Which Fruits and Vegetables Boost DNA Repair? ( Kiwifruit (Kiwifruit and DNA Repair ( and broccoli (DNA Protection from Broccoli ( may also fit the bill.
More on citrus in Keeping Your Hands Warm With Citrus ( and Reducing Muscle Fatigue With Citrus (
Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he'll try to answer it!
Image Credit: PublicDomainPictures via Pixabay.
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PRESS RELEASE Patented New Vaccine Candidates With The Potential To Block All Types Of Cancer Universally - Dr. Rath Research Institute
PRESS RELEASE A team of researchers from the Dr. Rath Research Institute in California has developed a cancer vaccine that is effective in reducing tumor growth. A peptide-based vaccine, it targets sp...
Prostate Health Reasons for Dysfunction and 12 Ways to Improve It
By age 60, it is believed that 80% of men have some level of prostate hypertrophy. This article goes into 12 ways to improve your prostate.
Claims that cancer is only a ‘modern, man-made disease’ are false and (...)
We were concerned to see headlines in the media today claiming that scientists say cancer is ‘purely man-made’. This is...
Protein that switches cancers from inflammation to proliferation ident (...)
PAD4 has been observed in cancers but its role was unclear. An Oxford University team have found that PAD4 citrullinates protein E2F-1, which causes it to form a protein complex with BRD4 that drives expression of inflammatory genes.