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Improving Your Mitochondria Function to Reduce Cancer Risk
Improving Your Mitochondria Function to Reduce Cancer Risk
Mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouse for their role in generating the energy supply for cells. However they have lacked the spotlight for their important role in a variety of other biological functions. Researchers at the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation have learned that only 3% of the genetic material contained in a single mitochondrion is designed to produce cellular energy. So what are the primary responsibilities of mitochondria and how do they promote health? What Are Mitochondria? Mitochondria are organelles found in every cell within the body except for red blood cells. Mitochondria are unique because they contain their
Improving Your Mitochondria Function to Reduce Cancer Risk
Chromosomes reconfigure as cell division ends -- ScienceDaily
Chromosomes reconfigure as cell division ends -- ScienceDaily
Cells reach a state called senescence when they stop dividing in response to DNA damage. This change can matter greatly to health, but scientists do not yet have a clear picture of how this change impacts the genome. A new study shows that a cell's chromosomes become physically reconfigured at senescence, leading to significant differences in what genes are expressed.
Chromosomes reconfigure as cell division ends -- ScienceDaily
Length of pregnancy alters the child's DNA -- ScienceDaily
Length of pregnancy alters the child's DNA -- ScienceDaily
Researchers have mapped the relationship between length of pregnancy and chemical DNA changes in more than 6,000 newborn babies. For each week's longer pregnancy, DNA methylation changes in thousands of genes were detected in the umbilical cord blood. The study is published in Genome Medicine.
Length of pregnancy alters the child's DNA -- ScienceDaily
David Bolinsky Visualizing the wonder of a living cell - YouTube
David Bolinsky Visualizing the wonder of a living cell - YouTube Medical animator David Bolinsky presents 3 minutes of stunning animation that show the bustling life inside a cell. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers are invited to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes -- including speakers such as Jill Bolte Taylor, Sir Ken Robinson, Hans Rosling, Al Gore and Arthur Benjamin. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, politics and the arts. Watch the Top 10 TEDTalks on, at
David Bolinsky Visualizing the wonder of a living cell - YouTube
Methyl Group, Methylation, Methyl Trapping What Are They - Dr Lynch
Methyl Group, Methylation, Methyl Trapping What Are They - Dr Lynch
There is a lot of confusion around ‘methyl group’, ‘methyl donor’, ‘methylation’. I’ve created a quick cheat sheet here for you.   Methyl group: Carbon + 3 hydrogens (CH3) Methyl donor: a substance that is capable of donating a methyl group to another compound. Simply because something has a ‘methyl group’ does not mean it... View Article
Methyl Group, Methylation, Methyl Trapping What Are They - Dr Lynch
Methylfolate Side Effects - MTHFR.Net
Methylfolate Side Effects - MTHFR.Net
Methylfolate side effects are significant. Learn about methylfolate side effects and how to stop them. Methylfolate side effects can be stopped quickly.
Methylfolate Side Effects - MTHFR.Net
Mitochondrial DNA - Genetics Home Reference - NIH
Mitochondrial DNA - Genetics Home Reference - NIH
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is DNA contained in structures called mitochondria rather than the nucleus. Learn about genetic conditions related to mtDNA changes.
Mitochondrial DNA - Genetics Home Reference - NIH
Dietary Regulation of Adult Stem Cells
Dietary Regulation of Adult Stem Cells
Dietary intake is a critical regulator of organismal physiology and health. Tissue homeostasis and regeneration are dependent on adult tissue stem cells that self-renew and differentiate into the specialized cell types. As stem cells respond to cues from ...
Dietary Regulation of Adult Stem Cells
Mysterious 'relief valve' that protects cells from swelling better und (...)
Mysterious 'relief valve' that protects cells from swelling better und (...)
Solving a long-standing mystery in cell biology, a team has shown how a key 'relief-valve' in cells keeps cells from taking in too much water and swelling excessively. The mechanism has been tentatively linked to stroke-induced brain damage, diabetes, immune deficiency and even cancer treatment resistance.
Mysterious 'relief valve' that protects cells from swelling better und (...)
DNA Genetic Testing & Analysis - 23andMe
DNA Genetic Testing & Analysis - 23andMe
23andMe is the first and only direct-to-consumer DNA test that includes 55+ health reports that meet FDA requirements.
DNA Genetic Testing & Analysis - 23andMe
Noah and Genetics -
Noah and Genetics -
Genetic evidence indicates we all come from just two people (Adam and Eve), and that there was subsequently a dramatic population crash (at the time of Noah
Noah and Genetics -
5 Ways to Activate the Anti-oxidant Benefits of Nrf2
5 Ways to Activate the Anti-oxidant Benefits of Nrf2
Nrf2 is a transcription factor in humans encoded by a specific gene that regulates the expression of a set of antioxidant and detoxifying genes.
5 Ways to Activate the Anti-oxidant Benefits of Nrf2
Origins Design in DNA - YouTube
Origins Design in DNA - YouTube
Join Origins host, Ray Heiple as he welcomes, Dr. Georgia Purdom for, “Design in DNA.” Genetics is astonishing evidence of a Designer, who created a marvelously complex, efficient “information system” for encoding life. The complexity of DNA is problematic for molecules-to-man evolution since the necessary changes are so implausible. The only reasonable explanation for all the information in DNA is that a Designer put the information in the original DNA sequences. #OR1805
Origins Design in DNA - YouTube
Doughnut-shaped holes of killer proteins observed for the first time - (...)
Doughnut-shaped holes of killer proteins observed for the first time - (...)
For the first time, researchers have seen the pores, shaped like rings and crescent moons, that the Bax protein perforates in mitochondrial membranes. This advance has been achieved thanks to super-resolution microscopy and may help find the "holy grail" of cell suicide, a crucial process in preventing cancer.
Doughnut-shaped holes of killer proteins observed for the first time - (...)
Origins Races & Human Populations - YouTube
Origins Races & Human Populations - YouTube
Join Origins host Donn Chapman as he welcomes geneticist and scientist, Dr. Robert Carter for, “Races & Human Populations.” The Bible claims all people are descendants of Adam and Eve, and also from Noah's three sons and daughters-in-law. Is this possible? How did we get to seven billion people from six people in just several thousand years? And where did all the human races come from if we only started with two people? The answers are very enlightening. #OR1615 #Creation #Science
Origins Races & Human Populations - YouTube
Eating Wheat & Cow's Milk Disrupt DNA Expression &
Eating Wheat & Cow's Milk Disrupt DNA Expression &
Could two of the Western world's most popular foods - wheat and cow's dairy - be depleting you of your antioxidants and altering your DNA expression in a harmful way?
Eating Wheat & Cow's Milk Disrupt DNA Expression &
Platelet-rich plasma treatment more effective than cortisone for sever (...)
Platelet-rich plasma treatment more effective than cortisone for sever (...)
Platelet-rich plasma injections are significantly more effective and durable than cortisone injections for the treatment of severe chronic hip bursitis, according to new research. Chronic hip bursitis is a common yet difficult condition to treat successfully.
Platelet-rich plasma treatment more effective than cortisone for sever (...)
Preventing Disease Before It Starts GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
Preventing Disease Before It Starts GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
The human body has over 60 trillion cells, and every one of them is vulnerable to the development of multiple diseases. One of the biggest problems facing medicine is how to diagnose these diseases earlier, in order to improve the chances of stopping and reversing them.
Preventing Disease Before It Starts GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
Electroacupuncture releases stem cells to relieve pain, promote tissue (...)
Electroacupuncture releases stem cells to relieve pain, promote tissue (...)
A new study demonstrates how electroacupuncture triggers a neurological mechanism that can help promote tissue repair and relieve injury-induced pain. The findings provide the most comprehensive picture yet of how electroacupuncture stimulates the brain to facilitate the release of stem cells and adds new insight relating to the cells' healing properties.
Electroacupuncture releases stem cells to relieve pain, promote tissue (...)
Preventing Methylfolate Side Effects - MTHFR.Net
Preventing Methylfolate Side Effects - MTHFR.Net
The most read article on MTHFR.Net is ‘Methylfolate Side Effects‘. That’s unfortunate. Avoiding side effects caused by methylfolate is ideal. It’s time I address it. How do we reduce the likelihood of methylfolate side effects? My experience has taught me these preventative measures. Before, I used to just give people methylfolate if they were found […]
Preventing Methylfolate Side Effects - MTHFR.Net
Researchers watch skin cells 'walk' to wounds Process could be used to (...)
Researchers watch skin cells 'walk' to wounds Process could be used to (...)
Skin cells typically spend their entire existence in one place on your body. But researchers have seen how the cells will alter the proteins holding them in place and move to repair a wound. 'And they walk,' said the lead author of a paper.
Researchers watch skin cells 'walk' to wounds Process could be used to (...)