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Nebulising - a Faster more Effective Delivery system
So after I was suffering for 10 days with a cold myself that wouldn't go away I thought I'd try taking buffered Vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) via a nebulizer.It did relieve congestion considerably, and .,
nebulize h2o2 - Google Search
New Data on the Number of Asymptomatic Infections Dramatically Lowers the COVID-19 Case-fatality Rate
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New York Undercover Nurse Confirms COVID-19 Criminal Hoax
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Organized Confusion by the WHO
What is the true nature of the WHO (World Health Organization); are they merchants of death or servers of life and health? Is Trump being dangerous and short-sighted in cutting all funding (400 million) to them or is he being a brave leader willing to stand up to a savage organization? Trump claimed that China... View Article
Pleading for Medical Intelligence
According to the Pentagon, 71 percent of our young adults are ineligible to serve in the U.S. military because they are either too dumb, too fat or have a criminal background. Modern civilization is in decline as we suicide the human race with our diets and the mountain of lies that our leaders foist on us. Richard... View Article
Pyruvate Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and Warning
Learn more about PYRUVATE uses, effectiveness, possible side effects, interactions, dosage, user ratings and products that contain PYRUVATE.
Quarantine - Is It Worth It
“In Santa Clara County the true infection fatality rate is somewhere in the range of 0.12% to 0.2%—far closer to seasonal influenza than to the original, case-based estimates.” Wall Street Journal In the beginning was the Word; the word of the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) who put tremendous pressure on... View Article
Reaction Cycles of Halogen Species in the Immune Defense Implications for Human Health and Diseases and the Pathology and Treatment of COVID-19 - PubMed
There is no vaccine or specific antiviral treatment for COVID-19, which is causing a global pandemic. One current focus is drug repurposing research, but those drugs have limited therapeutic efficacies and known adverse effects. The pathology of COVID-19 is essentially unknown. Without this understa …
Respiratory Virus News and Updates NaturalHealth365
Richard Cheng The Immune Defense Summit
Safe Treatment to Beat Viral Infections NaturalHealth365
Study finds COVID-19 attack on brain, not lungs, triggers severe disease in mice
Researchers have found that infecting the nasal passages of mice with the virus that causes COVID-19 led to a rapid, escalating attack on the brain that triggered severe illness, even after the lungs were successfully clearing themselves of the virus.
Targeted Aerosolized Delivery of Ascorbate in the Lungs of Chlorine-Exposed Rats
Chlorine (Cl[2] )-induced lung injury is a serious public health threat that may result from industrial and household accidents. Post-Cl[2] administration of aerosolized ascorbate in rodents decreased lung injury and mortality. However, the extent to ...
Thank You for joining the Summit! (read on for access to your free bonuses) Immune Defense Summit
1 COVID-19 Fleming-Method
The Empowering Neurologist - David Perlmutter, M.D., and Dr. George Tetz
Today we explore Dr. Tetz's latest research on coronavirus (COVID-19) relating to homologous prion sequences in the virus, and, in it’s human receptor site.
The Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine turned into laughing stocks as widely-touted hydroxychlorine study found to be based on fabricated data
Just as the mainstream media utterly destroyed its credibility in trying to remove President Trump from office, the medical establishment is committing credibility suicide in a mad rush to try to [...]
1 FLCCC Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
The 'I-MASK+ Prophylaxis and Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19' and the 'MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol for COVID-19' are physiologic-based combination treatment regimen created by the FLCCC Alliance, a group of leaders in critical care medicine. All component medicines in our protocols are well approved, inexpensive, readily available and have been used for decades with well-established safety profiles.
The longest observed duration of viral shedding in survivors was 37 days
The Sordid History of Vaccines & COVID-19
Road to Total Medical Tyranny or FREEDOM? (Part 2) Read PART 1 >> A Sordid History: Vaccines Before discussing the coronavirus vaccine, let’s quickly recap the history of vaccines and the reasons that so many of us choose NOT to inject ourselves or our children. Vaccines have long been touted as the medical “saviors” of the modern world. The eradication of diseases like smallpox and measles has largely been attributed to the “miracle” of vaccination. But is that the truth? Let’s review the facts about measles and the MMR vaccine. From 1959-1962 – just before the vaccine was introduced –
1 Frank Lee, MD in Addison, TX Push Health ®
Frank Lee, MD's Push Health practice in Allen, TX. Register to get online healthcare services today.
The World Is Running Out Of Time
That worst-case isn’t here yet, the WHO insists. It isn’t convinced that countries outside China need more draconian measures, but it pointed to spikes in cases in Iran and South Korea to warn that time may be running out to contain the virus. Meanwhile in Italy 10 cities are now in lockdown as is the... View Article
Treatment Recommendations For New Virus That Is Shutting Down Entire Cities
The Headlines read: China Quarantines a City of 11 Million Over Deadly New Virus. Little is known about the new virus, making it more challenging for authorities to figure out the appropriate action to take, experts say. Unfortunately, they will not take appropriate action because they refuse to look at the fundamental weakness of all... View Article
2 Long Term Covid - What You Need to Know Today
Dr. Carlos del Rio joins us today to discuss these long-term health consequences of COVID-19 in terms of frequency, mechanisms, and possible therapeutics.
Ventilator Warning Based on New Research NaturalHealth365
Ventilator Warning Issued by New York Doctor NaturalHealth365
4 Minimizing the Risks of the CoronaVirus
As the terrifying clamor of Covid-19 sweeping across the planet gets louder we need solid medical advice about what we can do to protect ourselves and our families. People are vulnerable, as ever, to the medical system, which is falling on its own sword of ineptitude. Some words of hope are coming out of China,... View Article
Virus, 5G and Pollution Combine to Destroy Wuhan
When market participants panic, they begin to cash out of everything. Then the panic moves to the supermarkets and the shelves start to be cleaned out. Those who have their heads stuck in the sand can end up with nothing and be the last standing when the music stops. Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the Centers for... View Article