Role of Magnesium in Acute and Long COVID - YouTube
Role of Magnesium in Acute and Long COVID
Magnesium is an essential mineral/nutrient required for more than 600 enzymatic actions in our body. Magnesium levels are also tied closely with the activation of vitamin D. Magnesium is involved in smooth muscle relaxation, neuroprotection, innate arm modulation, gut microbiome modulation, and much more. Let's look at the role of magnesium and importance of its levels to be correct in our body.
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#drbeen #koolbeens #COVID
This video is not intended to provide assessment, diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice; it also does not constitute provision of healthcare services. The content provided in this video is for informational and educational purposes only.
Please consult with a physician or healthcare professional regarding any medical or mental health related diagnosis or treatment. No information in this video should ever be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.
URL list from Monday, Jan. 23 2023
Frontiers | Higher Intake of Dietary Magnesium Is Inversely Associated With COVID-19 Severity and Symptoms in Hospitalized Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study
The relevance of magnesium homeostasis in COVID-19 - PMC
Frontiers | Can Maintaining Optimal Magnesium Balance Reduce the Disease Severity of COVID-19 Patients?
Impact of Magnesium Supplementation in Muscle Damage of Professional Cyclists Competing in a Stage Race - PMC
The Role of Magnesium in Neurological Disorders - PMC
Neural Mechanisms of Autonomic Dysfunction in Neurological Diseases
Magnesium relaxes arterial smooth muscle by decreasing intracellular Ca2+ without changing intracellular Mg2+. - PMC
Frontiers | The Role of Proprotein Convertases in the Regulation of the Function of Immune Cells in the Oncoimmune Response
Ben Swann & Independent Media Announce Historic Lawsuit Led By RFK Jr. Against Media Giants -
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has just announced the filing of a groundbreaking lawsuit targeting Trusted News Initiative (TNI), comprised of media corporations includi...
It's Not Just Damar Hamlin, Hundreds of Athletes Globally Are Suddenly Collapsing From Cardiac Arrest - Videos -
I first reported in November of 2021 about the sudden and new phenomenon of athletes collapsing from cardiac arrest on the field of play. In light of the collapse of Damar Hamlin's collapse during Monday Night Football on live television, it is vitally important that we ask the question "Why are so many athletes collapsing from cardiac arrest?"
Myocarditis Once Rare, Now Common GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
The scientific literature indicates that myocarditis is occurring quite frequently in patients harboring the chronic presence of the COVID-related spike protein
Inhibitory effects of fucoidan from Laminaria japonica against some pathogenic bacteria and SARS-CoV-2 depend on its large molecular weight - ScienceDirect
Fucoidan is a highly sulfated polysaccharide with a wide range of bioactivities, including anti-pathogenic activity. However, the relationship between…
Evidence of the Conspiracy To Commit Mass Murder by the DOD, HHS – Sasha Latypova - LewRockwell
In this presentation, Sasha Latypova covers the pseudo-legal structure, the organizational structure and the money flow of the COVID criminal enterprise. Latypova and I both highly recommend that you subscribe to Katherine Watt’s Bailiwick News Substack. This is the Transcript of Latypova’s conversation with Katherine Watt on November 4, 2022. Here are the DOD contracts for “COVID Countermeasures”. *** NOTES The topic of my presentation today is “Intent to Harm” and I’m going to discuss evidence of conspiracy – which is not a theory – of US Department of Defense, Health and Human Services, other government agencies and other governments all over the world, … Continue reading →
The FDA Misled the Public About Ivermectin and Should Be Accountable in Court, Argues AAPS - AAPS Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) filed its motion and amicus brief Thursday evening with the federal district court in Galveston urging it to allow the lawsuit to proceed against the FDA for […]
BREAKING - Twice Daily Zinc Study for COVID-19 Treatment - YouTube
BREAKING - Twice Daily Zinc Study for COVID-19 Treatment
This amazing study demonstrates the role of zinc when administered with the rest of the therapy for COVID-19.
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#drbeen #koolbeens #COVID
This video is not intended to provide assessment, diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice; it also does not constitute provision of healthcare services. The content provided in this video is for informational and educational purposes only.
Please consult with a physician or healthcare professional regarding any medical or mental health related diagnosis or treatment. No information in this video should ever be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.
Twice-Daily Oral Zinc in the Treatment of Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Trial | Clinical Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic
ciac807f3.jpeg (2351×2973)
Twice-Daily Oral Zinc in the Treatment of Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Trial | Oxford Academic
The Role of Zinc in Antiviral Immunity - PMC
COVID Vaccine and Increased Incidence of POTS - Study - YouTube
COVID Vaccine and Increased Incidence of POTS - Study
And one more strange study about unvaccinated individuals.
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#drbeen #koolbeens #COVID
This video is not intended to provide assessment, diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice; it also does not constitute provision of healthcare services. The content provided in this video is for informational and educational purposes only.
Please consult with a physician or healthcare professional regarding any medical or mental health related diagnosis or treatment. No information in this video should ever be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.
URL list from Friday, Dec. 16 2022
The risks of POTS after COVID-19 vaccination and SARS-CoV-2 infection: it’s worth a shot | Nature Cardiovascular Research
Apparent risks of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome diagnoses after COVID-19 vaccination and SARS-Cov-2 Infection | Nature Cardiovascular Research
Table 2 Diagnoses within 90 days of exposure for study sample with documented SARS-CoV-2 infection (n = 12,460)
Table 1 Diagnoses within 90 days of exposure for study sample with documented COVID-19 vaccination (n = 284,592)
COVID Vaccine Hesitancy and Risk of a Traffic Crash - The American Journal of Medicine
COVID Vaccine Hesitancy and Risk of a Traffic Crash