ICU Doctor Top 10 Things I learned Treating Coronavirus Patients COVID-19 - YouTube
Top 10 Things I learned Treating COVID 19 Patients
Some intensive care units in various hospitals throughout this county have designated units for COVID 19 patients. As an intensive care doctor, I’ve seen many COVID 19 patients in our designated Coronavirus ICU. It's one thing to read about Coronavirus in the medical literature, but to be actually seeing real patients with this disease is another experience altogether. I’ve learned many things, but I’ll focus on the top 10 that stand out to me.
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00:00 Top 10 Things I learned Treating COVID 19 Patients
00:36 COVID 19 Symptoms
01:08 Vitamin D deficiency on COVID 19 Patients
02:13 COVID 19 is Contagious
03:53 Lonely at Hospital
04:11 COVID 19 Treatments
07:00 COVID 19 Testing
07:33 A Lot of COVID 19 Patients are obese
09:03 Mechanical Ventilation for COVID 19
11:02 COVID 19 Recovery
11:53 Unpredictability and Variability
So, starting at the bottom with the number 10 is signs/symptoms. The most common COVID 19 symptoms that I’m seeing are fever, cough, shortness of breath, and body/muscle aches. I haven’t seen many patients with the other symptoms we often hear about, such as loss of taste and smell, nausea, and diarrhea. I have not seen any rashes related to COVID 19, probably because I only see adult patients. I will say that even though confusion and delirium are widespread in the ICU in general, there does seem to be more of that with Coronavirus.
A lot of COVID 19 patients who require hospitalization have low levels of vitamin D, And this is consistent with what we are seeing in a lot of recent studies that have been coming out. But of course, correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causation, so does it just so happen that many patients with moderate or severe COVID 19happen have low vitamin D levels? Maybe, maybe not.
And does that mean that we should give every hospitalized patient with Coronavirus big doses of vitamin D when they hit the door? Maybe.
And does that mean people, in general, should supplement with vitamin D? And what is the ideal level of vitamin D for the population, especially when it comes to COVID 19? Should we target the current general recommendation for everyone, irrespective of COVID 19, with a goal of 20 mg/ml? Or should we aim for higher, like 30, or perhaps 40? No one knows for sure the answers to these questions. But studies are being done on this. And as we speak, there are 3 RCT for vitamin D and Coronavirus.
Coronavirus is VERY contagious. One of my patients was in the hospital for unrelated reasons. She actually had sepsis due to an infarcted gut, meaning part of her intestine was not getting enough blood flow. It was severe enough to the point that some of the tissue in her intestine had died. When this happens, the bacteria that live in the intestine can then invade the walls of the intestine and get into the bloodstream. This is bad news because these bacteria can then spread throughout the body, known as sepsis. So besides antibiotics, this treated with surgery, where the dead gut tissue is removed, meaning part of the intestine is taken out. And this is what happened to her. And she got better. But after she initially got better, she started having more difficulty with her breathing. Her oxygen levels were dropping, despite us giving her more and more oxygen. So we got a CXR and later a CT scan of the chest, which showed bilateral infiltrates, meaning areas of inflammation in both lungs. And this is the pattern we typically see with COVID 19 pneumonia, where it tends to go to the periphery of the lungs and more so at the bottom of the lungs.
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) and Vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol) and Calcitriol
Video Link:
Does Vitamin D help with Immunity?
Video Link:
Doctor Mike Hansen, MD
Internal Medicine | Pulmonary Disease | Critical Care Medicine
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