
Hydrogen peroxide nebulizer to treat Covid-19 infection Cheng Integrative Health Center Blog
Hydrogen peroxide nebulizer to treat Covid-19 infection Cheng Integrative Health Center Blog
The following is from Thomas Levy, M.D, J.D., a board certified cardiolosit and a prolific medical writer of 13 books and a international speaker.  Thomas is a good friend of mine and I trust him.  Dr. Frank Shallenberger is also an internationally well known doctor whom I trust as well.  Although I have not personally tested this, I will recommend to you just in case you need it.  This method makes scientific sense and is safe, most definitely worth trying, especially now at this global covid-19 crisis. -Richard Cheng, M.D., Ph.D. An At-Home Treatment That Can Cure Any Virus, Including Coronavirus Originally Conceptualized, circa 1990, by Charles Farr, MD Subsequently Researched and Prescribed by Frank Shallenberger, MD Current Protocol Created by Thomas Levy, MD, JD Although COVID-19, aka … Continue reading →
Hydrogen peroxide nebulizer to treat Covid-19 infection Cheng Integrative Health Center Blog
Gargling With Iodine Beats COVID
Gargling With Iodine Beats COVID
A small randomized controlled trial suggesting that gargling with povidone-iodine clears the virus from the nose and throat within four days. This result comes as no surprise because, for a century, doctors have known that iodine is effective, not only for bacterial and fungal infections but for viruses as well.   20 asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic... View Article
Gargling With Iodine Beats COVID
Natural Treatments for Asthma and COPD
Natural Treatments for Asthma and COPD
Natural treatments for asthma and COPD like breathing exercises, sunlight, infrared treatments and nebulization of natural medicines go a long way to ease the suffering and even cure these lung diseases.
Natural Treatments for Asthma and COPD
Nebulizing Magnesium and other Medicinals
Nebulizing Magnesium and other Medicinals
Nebulizing Magnesium and other natural medicinals as Iodine, Sodium Bicarbonate, peroxide and glutathione are strong treatment options that deliver the medicinals directly to the tracheobronchial tree.
Nebulizing Magnesium and other Medicinals
Povidone-Iodine Use in Sinonasal and Oral Cavities A Review of Safety in the COVID-19 Era - PubMed
Povidone-Iodine Use in Sinonasal and Oral Cavities A Review of Safety in the COVID-19 Era - PubMed
Povidone-iodine can safely be used in the nose at concentrations up to 1.25% and in the mouth at concentrations up to 2.5% for up to 5 months. Povidone-iodine rapidly inactivates coronaviruses, including SARS and MERS, when applied for as little as 15 seconds. There is optimism that PVP-I can inacti …
Povidone-Iodine Use in Sinonasal and Oral Cavities A Review of Safety in the COVID-19 Era - PubMed
Doctors, Parents Sue HHS Over COVID-19 Vaccine Emergency Use Authorization in Children Under 16
Doctors, Parents Sue HHS Over COVID-19 Vaccine Emergency Use Authorization in Children Under 16
A number of doctors, parents have sued the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and its secretary, Xavier Becerra, in a federal court, seeking to prevent the expansion of the emergency use authorization (EUA) of COVID-19 vaccines from including children under 16 years old.
Doctors, Parents Sue HHS Over COVID-19 Vaccine Emergency Use Authorization in Children Under 16
Employers May Be Held Liable for 'Any Adverse Reaction' if They
Employers May Be Held Liable for 'Any Adverse Reaction' if They
New OSHA guidance holds employers liable for adverse reactions if they require employees be vaccinated for COVID as a condition of employment, which could negatively impact the employer’s safety rating
Employers May Be Held Liable for 'Any Adverse Reaction' if They
ICAN Fauci Emails_2021_06_03
ICAN Fauci Emails_2021_06_03
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
ICAN Fauci Emails_2021_06_03
1 ALERT Meta-Analysis of 65 Studies Reveals Face Masks Induce
1 ALERT Meta-Analysis of 65 Studies Reveals Face Masks Induce
A first-of-its-kind, literature review on the adverse effects of face masks titled, “Is a Mask That Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects in Everyday Use and Free of Potential Hazards?” reveals there are clear, scientifically demonstrable adverse effects for mask wearers, both on psychological, social and physical levels
1 ALERT Meta-Analysis of 65 Studies Reveals Face Masks Induce
1 COVID-19 Is Your Mask Safe - AAPS Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
1 COVID-19 Is Your Mask Safe - AAPS Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
Do you know what your mask is made of? Your mask will keep you from inhaling at least some infected droplets that are too large to get through the gaps, but at the price of inhaling whatever tiny particles are coming from the mask itself. Some worry that mask components may be the new asbestos, […]
1 COVID-19 Is Your Mask Safe - AAPS Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
1 Final Words on Masks
1 Final Words on Masks
We have to stop that deadly virus that is so incredibly virulent that, according to the CDC, 99.8% of those exposed to it survive. Wear your masks is the order of the day, but along the way, many, including the Surgeon General of the United States, have said it is a waste of time. That did not... View Article
1 Final Words on Masks
1 New Study Highlights Face Mask Problems with Safety and Efficacy
1 New Study Highlights Face Mask Problems with Safety and Efficacy
Four Strikes Against Face Masks - and Why They're Risky Four science-backed hypotheses about face masks highlight their inefficacy, lack of safety and ability to cause physiological, psychological and long-term health problems, which may culminate in immune suppression, worsened chronic disease, accelerated aging and premature death
1 New Study Highlights Face Mask Problems with Safety and Efficacy
A guideline to limit indoor airborne transmission of COVID-19 PNAS
A guideline to limit indoor airborne transmission of COVID-19 PNAS
Airborne transmission arises through the inhalation of aerosol droplets exhaled by an infected person and is now thought to be the primary transmission route of COVID-19. By assuming that the respiratory droplets are mixed uniformly through an indoor space, we derive a simple safety guideline for mitigating airborne transmission that would impose an upper bound on the product of the number of occupants and their time spent in a room. Our theoretical model quantifies the extent to which transmission risk is reduced in large rooms with high air exchange rates, increased for more vigorous respiratory activities, and dramatically reduced by the use of face masks. Consideration of a number of outbreaks yields self-consistent estimates for the infectiousness of the new coronavirus. All study data are included in the article and supporting information. May 6, 2021: The SI Appendix has been updated.
A guideline to limit indoor airborne transmission of COVID-19 PNAS
Bicarbonate to the Rescue for Fungal and Yeast Infections in COVID Patients
Bicarbonate to the Rescue for Fungal and Yeast Infections in COVID Patients
This is an EMERGENCY ALERT about what is happening to COVID hospital patients and, even more importantly, what is happening to the rest of us who are forced to wear masks, which can potentially be more deadly than the virus. Some people have labeled masks as mussels, but a better way of characterizing the situation... View Article
Bicarbonate to the Rescue for Fungal and Yeast Infections in COVID Patients
Could Wearing a Face Mask Trigger Lung Disease GreenMedInfo Blog
Could Wearing a Face Mask Trigger Lung Disease GreenMedInfo Blog
When bacteria from your mouth enter your lungs, it's linked to advanced-stage lung cancer and tumor progression, a finding that raises serious questions about the long-term use of face masks, which could potentially accelerate this process. A retired pathologist also called for research into face masks' effects on nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal bacterial flora
Could Wearing a Face Mask Trigger Lung Disease GreenMedInfo Blog