Diabetes Type 1

#1 How to Avoid Complications of Type 1 Diabetes – Dr. David Dikeman - Diet Doctor
#1 How to Avoid Complications of Type 1 Diabetes – Dr. David Dikeman - Diet Doctor
Why are the recommendations to people with diabetes to eat a high-carb diet a bad idea? How does it likely increase the risk of complications massively? And what is the alternative? This is one of the most personal and powerful presentations from the recent Low Carb USA conference.
#1 How to Avoid Complications of Type 1 Diabetes – Dr. David Dikeman - Diet Doctor
How to Prevent Blood Sugar and Triglyceride Spikes after Meals - YouTu (...)
How to Prevent Blood Sugar and Triglyceride Spikes after Meals - YouTu (...)
Within hours of eating an unhealthy meal, we can get a spike in inflammation, crippling our artery function, thickening our blood, and causing a fight-or-flight nerve response. But there are foods we can eat at every meal to counter this reaction. Subscribe to NutritionFacts.org’s free newsletter to receive our B12 infographic that covers the latest research takeaways and Dr. Greger’s updated recommendations: https://nutritionfacts.org/subscribe/ Previously I’ve covered the effect adding berries to a meal has on blood sugar responses in If Fructose is Bad, What About Fruit? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/if-fructose-is-bad-what-about-fruit). That raises the question How Much Fruit is Too Much? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-fruit-is-too-much/). In addition to the all-fruit jam question, in my next video I’ll cover The Effects of Avocados and Red Wine on Postprandial Inflammation (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/The-Effects-of-Avocados-and-Red-Wine-on-Postprandial-Inflammation). Vinegar my also help: Can Vinegar Help with Blood Sugar Control? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-vinegar-help-with-blood-sugar-control). Maybe this explains part of the longevity benefit to nut consumption. See Nuts May Help Prevent Death (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/nuts-may-help-prevent-death/). I also talked about that immediate inflammatory reaction to unhealthy food choices in my recent video Best Foods to Improve Sexual Function (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/best-foods-to-improve-sexual-function). Surprised by the chicken and butter reaction? Same thing happens with tunafish and other meat. Check out my video Paleo Diets May Negate Benefits of Exercise (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/paleo-diets-may-negate-benefits-of-exercise/). Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-prevent-blood-sugar-and-triglyceride-spikes-after-meals and someone on the NutritionFacts.org team will try to answer it. Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-prevent-blood-sugar-and-triglyceride-spikes-after-meals. You’ll also find a transcript of the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics. If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=nutritionfactsorg Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution! -Michael Greger, MD FACLM Image credit: Kristina DeMuth. Image has been modified. Icons created by Persheid, mikicon, unlimicon, Pavel Melnikov, ProSymbols, Imogen Oh, hatayas, Nikita Kozin, retinaicon, and Marco Galtarossa from the Noun Project. https://NutritionFacts.org • Subscribe: https://nutritionfacts.org/subscribe • Donate: https://nutritionfacts.org/donate • Podcast : https://nutritionfacts.org/audio • Facebook: www.facebook.com/NutritionFacts.org • Twitter: www.twitter.com/nutrition_facts • Instagram: www.instagram.com/nutrition_facts_org • Books (including the NEW How Not to Diet Cookbook): https://nutritionfacts.org/books • Shop: https://drgreger.org
How to Prevent Blood Sugar and Triglyceride Spikes after Meals - YouTu (...)
TYPEONEGRIT has 3,508 members. ABOUT: TypeOneGrit is a (not-so) small FB group of type ONE diabetics who have read, "Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution" and are CURRENTLY following his protocol which...
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#3 Typeonegrit - Home
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#3 Typeonegrit - Home
Low Carb (Vegan Keto) Diet Results for Type 1 Diabetes • Dr Carrie Diulus
Low Carb (Vegan Keto) Diet Results for Type 1 Diabetes • Dr Carrie Diulus
Listen to Dr Carrie Diulus, US board-certified orthopaedic spinal surgeon and a thriving type 1 diabetic explain how she uses the vegan ketogenic diet and insulin strategies to manage her diabetes. This episode is great for type 1 diabetics or vegan/vegetarians wondering if low carb/keto diets could work for them.
Low Carb (Vegan Keto) Diet Results for Type 1 Diabetes • Dr Carrie Diulus
Low Carb – A Revolutionary Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes - Diet Doctor
Low Carb – A Revolutionary Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes - Diet Doctor
Can you dramatically improve blood-sugar control in type 1 diabetes through a diet change? Yes, absolutely. Here’s an excerpt from my interview with Hanna Boëthius, who’s had type 1 diabetes since she was 2 years old.
Low Carb – A Revolutionary Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes - Diet Doctor
10 Natural Substances That Could Help Cure Type 1 Diabetes
10 Natural Substances That Could Help Cure Type 1 Diabetes
Could long sought-after support for type 1 diabetes be as close as your kitchen cupboard? An accumulating body of scientific research appears to point in exactly that direction
10 Natural Substances That Could Help Cure Type 1 Diabetes
Low versus High Carbohydrate Diet in Type 1 Diabetes A 12-week randomized open-label crossover study - Schmidt - - Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism - Wiley Online Library
Low versus High Carbohydrate Diet in Type 1 Diabetes A 12-week randomized open-label crossover study - Schmidt - - Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism - Wiley Online Library
Aims To compare the effects of a low carbohydrate diet (LCD  250 g carbohydrate/d) on glycaemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in ...
Low versus High Carbohydrate Diet in Type 1 Diabetes A 12-week randomized open-label crossover study - Schmidt - - Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism - Wiley Online Library
Meat Consumption and the Development of Type 1 Diabetes - YouTube
Meat Consumption and the Development of Type 1 Diabetes - YouTube
Eating meat during breastfeeding is associated with an increased risk of type 1 diabetes, a consequence perhaps of meat glycotoxins or paratuberculosis bacteria that may be passed though breast milk. Subscribe to NutritionFacts.org’s free newsletter to receive our B12 infographic that covers the latest research takeaways and Dr. Greger’s updated recommendations: https://nutritionfacts.org/subscribe/ What’s this about paraTB bacteria having been found in the bloodstream of the majority of tested diabetics tested? You must have missed the last video, Does Paratuberculosis in Milk Trigger Type 1 Diabetes? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-paratuberculosis-in-milk-trigger-type-1-diabetes). I will further explore this hypothesis in my follow-up video Does Paratuberculosis in Meat Trigger Type 1 Diabetes? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-paratuberculosis-in-meat-trigger-type-1-diabetes). The vast majority of cases of diabetes in the U.S. are type 2, though. Ironically, meat may also play a role there. See Why is Meat a Risk Factor for Diabetes? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/why-is-meat-a-risk-factor-for-diabetes) and How May Plants Protect Against Diabetes? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-may-plants-protect-against-diabetes/). A good short summary can be found in How Not to Die from Diabetes (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-not-to-die-from-diabetes/). Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at http://nutritionfacts.org/video/meat-consumption-and-the-development-of-type-1-diabetes and someone on the NutritionFacts.org team will try to answer it. Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at http://nutritionfacts.org/video/meat-consumption-and-the-development-of-type-1-diabetes. You’ll also find a transcript of the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics. If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=nutritionfactsorg Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution! -Michael Greger, MD FACLM Image credit: Alden Chadwick via flickr. Image has been modified. https://NutritionFacts.org • Subscribe: https://nutritionfacts.org/subscribe • Donate: https://nutritionfacts.org/donate • Podcast : https://nutritionfacts.org/audio • Facebook: www.facebook.com/NutritionFacts.org • Twitter: www.twitter.com/nutrition_facts • Instagram: www.instagram.com/nutrition_facts_org • Books (including the NEW How Not to Diet Cookbook): https://nutritionfacts.org/books • Shop: https://drgreger.org
Meat Consumption and the Development of Type 1 Diabetes - YouTube
Beta Cell Regeneration GreenMedInfo Keyword Natural Medicine
Beta Cell Regeneration GreenMedInfo Keyword Natural Medicine
This topic contains 24 study abstracts on Beta Cell Regeneration with in-depth information on the following Topics: Glibenclamide, Diabetes Mellitus: Type 1, and A1C
Beta Cell Regeneration GreenMedInfo Keyword Natural Medicine
Paleo Diets May Negate Benefits of Exercise NutritionFacts.org
Paleo Diets May Negate Benefits of Exercise NutritionFacts.org
The deleterious effects of a Paleolithic diet appear to undermine the positive effects of a Crossfit-based high-intensity circuit training exercise program.
Paleo Diets May Negate Benefits of Exercise NutritionFacts.org
Preventing Disease Before It Starts GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
Preventing Disease Before It Starts GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
The human body has over 60 trillion cells, and every one of them is vulnerable to the development of multiple diseases. One of the biggest problems facing medicine is how to diagnose these diseases earlier, in order to improve the chances of stopping and reversing them.
Preventing Disease Before It Starts GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
Reversing type-1 and more! - FYI Diabetes Exclusive Interview with Dr. (...)
Reversing type-1 and more! - FYI Diabetes Exclusive Interview with Dr. (...)
Dr. Faustman shares exciting news about the Phase II Studies being done to reverse type 1 diabetes with the BCG vaccine. The BCG vaccine is a generic vaccine and is one of the most widely used vaccines in the world. Watch this exciting interview to learn if the BCG vaccine offers hope to those with type 2 diabetes, fibromyalgia, and cystic fibrosis. Support one of the most significant cures of this century! You can make a difference. Donate today!
Reversing type-1 and more! - FYI Diabetes Exclusive Interview with Dr. (...)
Confirmed Anew Cow Milk May Trigger Type 1 Diabetes GreenMedInfo
Confirmed Anew Cow Milk May Trigger Type 1 Diabetes GreenMedInfo
For quite some time the link between juvenile onset diabetes (type 1) and cow’s milk consumption has been noted in the scientific literature. You can view 12 such references on our Cow’s Milk Page. In genetically susceptible individuals the consumption of cow’s milk triggers an autoimmune destruction of the beta-cells in the pancreas which produce insulin.
Confirmed Anew Cow Milk May Trigger Type 1 Diabetes GreenMedInfo
Role of the Gastrointestinal Tract Microbiome in the Pathophysiology o (...)
Role of the Gastrointestinal Tract Microbiome in the Pathophysiology o (...)
The incidence of diabetes mellitus is rapidly increasing throughout the world. Although the exact cause of the disease is not fully clear, perhaps, genetics, ethnic origin, obesity, age, and lifestyle are considered as few of many contributory factors for the disease pathogenesis. In recent years, the disease progression is particularly linked with functional and taxonomic alterations in the gastrointestinal tract microbiome. A change in microbial diversity, referred as microbial dysbiosis, alters the gut fermentation profile and intestinal wall integrity and causes metabolic endotoxemia, low-grade inflammation, autoimmunity, and other affiliated metabolic disorders. This article aims to summarize the role of the gut microbiome in the pathogenesis of diabetes. Additionally, we summarize gut microbial dysbiosis in preclinical and clinical diabetes cases reported in literature in the recent years.
Role of the Gastrointestinal Tract Microbiome in the Pathophysiology o (...)
Sano Continuous glucose measurement to understand what makes you uniq (...)
Sano Continuous glucose measurement to understand what makes you uniq (...)
One Drop has acquired all the assets and intellectual property of Sano Intelligence, Inc., which include Sano’s continuous glucose sensing platform NEW YORK, NY, April 13, 2020 — One Drop, a leader in digital care solutions for people living with diabetes and other chronic conditions, today announced it has acquired all of the assets and intellectual property of Sano Intelligence, Inc., an innovator in health sensing technology. The deal was structured as an asset purchase, and several Sano team members will be joining One Drop. The almost decade of work put into developing the Sano continuous glucose sensing platform will live on in a comprehensive multi-sensorial solution from One Drop. The planned development marks a significant milestone in One Drop’s effort to bring personalized, adaptive, integrated health solutions to people in real time via their mobile phones. One Drop will leverage the acquired assets, including silicon-sensing production infrastructure, to design, produce, and commercialize a painless, silicon-based continuous health sensing platform for use across multiple conditions. “Sano and One Drop have a shared vision of transforming traditional healthcare into proactive, preventative self-care,
Sano Continuous glucose measurement to understand what makes you uniq (...)