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Parental diet affects sperm and health of future offspring -- ScienceDaily
Parental diet affects sperm and health of future offspring -- ScienceDaily
When parents eat low-protein or high-fat diets it can lead to metabolic disorders in their adult offspring. Now, an international team has identified a key player and the molecular events underlying this phenomenon in mice.
Parental diet affects sperm and health of future offspring -- ScienceDaily
Paternal transmission of epigenetic memory via sperm -- ScienceDaily
Paternal transmission of epigenetic memory via sperm -- ScienceDaily
Studies of human populations and animal models suggest that a father's experiences such as diet or environmental stress can influence the health and development of his descendants. How these effects are transmitted across generations, however, remains mysterious. A new study in the roundworm C. elegans documents the transmission via sperm of epigenetic marks that are both necessary and sufficient to guide proper development of germ cells in the offspring.
Paternal transmission of epigenetic memory via sperm -- ScienceDaily
Plant-Derived Exosomes as Cross-Species Messengers and Beacons of
Plant-Derived Exosomes as Cross-Species Messengers and Beacons of
Cross-talk between plant and animal cells may be accomplished via microRNA-carrying exosomes, gene-regulating elements contained in plants which reinforce that food is information and suggests an inextricable co-evolutionary relationship between these two disparate kingdoms
Plant-Derived Exosomes as Cross-Species Messengers and Beacons of
Prenatal infection may alter brain development via epigenetic changes (...)
Prenatal infection may alter brain development via epigenetic changes (...)
Maternal infection during pregnancy increases the risk for psychiatric disorders in the child, but the path between the two is something of a mystery. Scientists have now used a mouse model to show that activation of the mother's immune system may cause long-term alterations in the programming of the offspring's genome, known as epigenetic modifications, which lead to behavioral abnormalities in adulthood.
Prenatal infection may alter brain development via epigenetic changes (...)
Prenatal infection may alter brain development via epigenetic changes -- ScienceDaily
Prenatal infection may alter brain development via epigenetic changes -- ScienceDaily
Maternal infection during pregnancy increases the risk for psychiatric disorders in the child, but the path between the two is something of a mystery. Scientists have now used a mouse model to show that activation of the mother's immune system may cause long-term alterations in the programming of the offspring's genome, known as epigenetic modifications, which lead to behavioral abnormalities in adulthood.
Prenatal infection may alter brain development via epigenetic changes -- ScienceDaily
Researchers solve a mystery of early embryonic development -- ScienceD (...)
Researchers solve a mystery of early embryonic development -- ScienceD (...)
A novel technique has been created to map specific chemical (or “epigenetic”) modifications made to the protein packaging of DNA using a small population of cells. Such epigenetic marks play a central role in the regulation of the genome’s expression.
Researchers solve a mystery of early embryonic development -- ScienceD (...)
Scientists create 'epigenetic couch potato' mouse -- ScienceDaily
Scientists create 'epigenetic couch potato' mouse -- ScienceDaily
A study in mice shows for the first time that epigenetics -- the molecular mechanisms that determine which genes are turned on or off -- plays a key role in determining an individual's innate drive to exercise.
Scientists create 'epigenetic couch potato' mouse -- ScienceDaily
Scientists develop technique to reveal epigenetic features of cells in the brain -- ScienceDaily
Scientists develop technique to reveal epigenetic features of cells in the brain -- ScienceDaily
Researchers combined two different analysis techniques into one method, to simultaneously analyze how chromosomes, along with their epigenetic features, are compacted inside of single human brain cells. The method, called single-nucleus methyl-3C sequencing, not only enabled them to identify gene regulatory elements in distinct cell types, but also paves the way toward a new understanding of how some cells become dysregulated to cause disease.
Scientists develop technique to reveal epigenetic features of cells in the brain -- ScienceDaily
Seeing cell to cell differences for first time explains symptoms of ra (...)
Seeing cell to cell differences for first time explains symptoms of ra (...)
Every cell in the body has two genomes, one from the mother and one from the father. Until now, researchers have lacked the tools to examine -- in a single cell -the exact readout from each genome to make RNA. Using a new technology that allows researchers to do just that, an interdisciplinary team examined a rare disease in which these two genomes are expressed differently throughout the body, even sometimes in the same organ.
Seeing cell to cell differences for first time explains symptoms of ra (...)
Studies raise questions over how epigenetic information is inherited -- ScienceDaily
Studies raise questions over how epigenetic information is inherited -- ScienceDaily
Evidence has been building in recent years that our diet, our habits or traumatic experiences can have consequences for the health of our children -- and even our grandchildren. The explanation that has gained most currency for how this occurs is so-called 'epigenetic inheritance' -- patterns of chemical 'marks' on or around our DNA that are hypothesized to be passed down the generations. New research suggests this mechanism of non-genetic inheritance is likely to be very rare.
Studies raise questions over how epigenetic information is inherited -- ScienceDaily
Switching DNA functions on and off by means of light Biochemists use protein engineering to transfer photocaging groups to DNA -- ScienceDaily
Switching DNA functions on and off by means of light Biochemists use protein engineering to transfer photocaging groups to DNA -- ScienceDaily
Biochemists have developed a new strategy for controlling the biological functions of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) by means of light and therefore provide a tool to investigate processes which take place in cells.
Switching DNA functions on and off by means of light Biochemists use protein engineering to transfer photocaging groups to DNA -- ScienceDaily
Tea consumption leads to epigenetic changes in women -- ScienceDaily
Tea consumption leads to epigenetic changes in women -- ScienceDaily
Epigenetic changes are chemical modifications that turn our genes off or on. In a new study, researchers show that tea consumption in women leads to epigenetic changes in genes that are known to interact with cancer and estrogen metabolism.
Tea consumption leads to epigenetic changes in women -- ScienceDaily
The Dark and Light Side of Food As Information Dietary RNAs Directly
The Dark and Light Side of Food As Information Dietary RNAs Directly
New insights in biology show that food is informational and can directly impact and even control the expression of your genes. The implications of this are profound, and have both a light and dark side in need of deeper exploration...
The Dark and Light Side of Food As Information Dietary RNAs Directly
The Role of MTHFR Gene Mutation in Cancer Development
The Role of MTHFR Gene Mutation in Cancer Development
Genes are only one factor in whether or not you get cancer. Discover what MTHFR gene mutation is and steps you can take to decrease your cancer risk.
The Role of MTHFR Gene Mutation in Cancer Development
The whole of epigenetic regulation may be greater than the sum of its (...)
The whole of epigenetic regulation may be greater than the sum of its (...)
Scientists may be closer to answering a long-standing question in biology -- how do the components of cells' molecular machinery work together to transmit vital gene regulatory information from one cell generation to the next?
The whole of epigenetic regulation may be greater than the sum of its (...)
Unique mapping of methylome in insulin-producing islets -- ScienceDail (...)
Unique mapping of methylome in insulin-producing islets -- ScienceDail (...)
Throughout our lives, our genes are affected by the way we live. Diet, exercise, age and diseases create imprints that are stored in something called methylome. Now, for the first time, researchers have been able to map the entire methylome in the pancreatic islets which produce insulin, and the researchers have made several important discoveries.
Unique mapping of methylome in insulin-producing islets -- ScienceDail (...)
We are more than our DNA Discovering a new mechanism of epigenetic inh (...)
We are more than our DNA Discovering a new mechanism of epigenetic inh (...)
The existence of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance has now been demonstrated among Drosophila fruit flies. By temporarily modifying the function of Polycomb Group (PcG) proteins--which play an essential role in development--the researchers obtained fruit fly lines having the same DNA sequence but different eye colors. An example of epigenetic inheritance, this color diversity reflects varying degrees of heritable, but reversible, gene repression by PcG proteins. It is observed in both transgenic and wild-type lines and can be modified by environmental conditions such as ambient temperature.
We are more than our DNA Discovering a new mechanism of epigenetic inh (...)
Which Fruits and Vegetables Boost DNA Repair - YouTube
Which Fruits and Vegetables Boost DNA Repair - YouTube
There are 800 incidents of DNA damage in our bodies per hour. Which foods help us patch it back up: apples, broccoli, celery, choy sum, lemons, lettuce, oranges, persimmons, or strawberries? Subscribe to’s free newsletter to receive our B12 infographic that covers the latest research takeaways and Dr. Greger’s updated recommendations: If it’s not the vitamin C, what might it be? That’s the subject of my next upcoming video Citrus Peels and Cancer: Zest for Life? ( Surprised that the lemon benefit was abolished by cooking? Find out which vegetables it may be best to eat raw in my video Best Cooking Method ( I talk about cooked versus raw garlic in Inhibiting Platelet Activation with Garlic and Onions ( Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he'll try to answer it! Image Credit: lightwise / 123rf, PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay, Evan-Amos / Wikimedia Commons, Olegivvit / Wikimedia Commons, Donnawetta / Pixabay, PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay, kattebelletje / Flickr, Fir0002 / Wikimedia Commons, Popolon / Wikimedia Commons, Selena / Wikimedia Commons and Silberfuchs / Pixabay. • Subscribe: • Donate: • Podcast : • Facebook: • Twitter: • Instagram: • Books (including the NEW How Not to Diet Cookbook): • Shop:
Which Fruits and Vegetables Boost DNA Repair - YouTube
Why Food is Actually INFORMATION GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
Why Food is Actually INFORMATION GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
Food, while being the condition for the possibility of all life itself, is rarely appreciated for its true power. Far beyond its conventionally defined role as a source of energy and building blocks for the body-machine, new discoveries on the frontiers of science reveal that food is also a powerful source of information.
Why Food is Actually INFORMATION GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
You are what your parents ate! -- ScienceDaily
You are what your parents ate! -- ScienceDaily
Scientists have shown that diet-induced obesity and diabetes can be epigenetically inherited by the offspring via both the oocytes and the sperm.
You are what your parents ate! -- ScienceDaily