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Fertilized egg cells trigger, monitor loss of sperm's epigenetic memor (...)
Fertilized egg cells trigger, monitor loss of sperm's epigenetic memor (...)
Scientists have discovered how an embryo’s genomic integrity is safeguarded during the first 24 hours after fertilization. Insights into this mechanism have implications for improving in vitro fertilization.
Fertilized egg cells trigger, monitor loss of sperm's epigenetic memor (...)
First epigenetic test to diagnose tumors of unknown origin -- ScienceD (...)
First epigenetic test to diagnose tumors of unknown origin -- ScienceD (...)
It is possible to use a newly-developed epigenetic test called EPICUP® to find out what type of primary tumor is responsible for the metastasis in the patient in cancer of unknown primary cases, which will allow doctors to develop more specific treatments against it.
First epigenetic test to diagnose tumors of unknown origin -- ScienceD (...)
Folic Acid is Affecting You Negatively - YouTube
Folic Acid is Affecting You Negatively - YouTube
References: https://www.drbenlynch.com/folic-acid-side-effects/ Order Dr Lynch's book - http://go.dirtygenes.com/book Join Like-Minded Folks here on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drbenjaminlynch/ Some of the questions addressed in the video: What are the different types of folate? How are they processed in the body? How does synthetic folic acid contribute to disease and dysfunction in the body? How to prepare for pregnancy? Stay engaged. Follow Dr Lynch on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drbenjaminlynch/ Like to learn more? Gain access to 14+ hrs of more amazing educational content from Dr Lynch by becoming a member of Seeking Health Educational Institute: https://seekinghealth.org/product/membership/ Need a health professional who understands this? Find one here: https://seekinghealth.org/physician-directory Provide yourself and your family/friends access to supplement formulations designed by Dr Ben Lynch here - Dr Lynch has designed a variety of different types of multivitamins - for all ages and all delivery types - powder, chewable, capsule http://www.seekinghealth.com/best-supplements/best-multivitamins.html Health professional and need better nutrients for your patients and clients? You may qualify for a wholesale account. Learn more here: http://www.seekinghealth.com/wholesale
Folic Acid is Affecting You Negatively - YouTube
Four new risk genes associated with multiple sclerosis discovered Indi (...)
Four new risk genes associated with multiple sclerosis discovered Indi (...)
Scientists have identified four new risk genes that are altered in patients with multiple sclerosis. The results point to a possible involvement of cellular mechanisms in the development of the disease, through which environmental influences affect gene regulation.
Four new risk genes associated with multiple sclerosis discovered Indi (...)
Fructose alters hundreds of brain genes, which can lead to a wide rang (...)
Fructose alters hundreds of brain genes, which can lead to a wide rang (...)
Consuming fructose, a sugar that's common in the Western diet, alters hundreds of genes that may be linked to many diseases, life scientists report. However, they discovered good news as well: an important omega-3 fatty acid known as DHA seems to reverse the harmful changes produced by fructose.
Fructose alters hundreds of brain genes, which can lead to a wide rang (...)
Game-changing Study Epigenetic Memories are Passed Down 14
Game-changing Study Epigenetic Memories are Passed Down 14
The past of our ancestors lives on through us: Groundbreaking research illustrates how parental experience is not only epigenetically imprinted onto offspring, but onto an unprecedented number of future generations. Rather than occurring over the elongated time scale of millions of years, genetic change can transpire in real biological time through nanoparticles known as exosomes
Game-changing Study Epigenetic Memories are Passed Down 14
Genetic inequity towards endocrine disruptors -- ScienceDaily
Genetic inequity towards endocrine disruptors -- ScienceDaily
Phthalates are used by industry in plastic products. Their toxic effect on the endocrine system is worrying. Indeed, the exposure of male fetuses to phthalates can have devastating consequences for the fertility. However, researchers show that phthalate susceptibility depends largely on the genetic heritage of each individual. These results raise the question of individual vulnerability and the possible transmission to future generations of epigenetic changes that should normally be erased during fetal development.
Genetic inequity towards endocrine disruptors -- ScienceDaily
Gut's microbial community shown to influence host gene expression -- S (...)
Gut's microbial community shown to influence host gene expression -- S (...)
New research is helping to tease out the mechanics of how the gut microbiome communicates with the cells of its host to switch genes on and off. The upshot of the study, another indictment of the so-called Western diet (high in saturated fats, sugar and red meat), reveals how the metabolites produced by the bacteria in the stomach chemically communicate with cells, including cells far beyond the colon, to dictate gene expression and health in its host.
Gut's microbial community shown to influence host gene expression -- S (...)
Gut's microbial community shown to influence host gene expression -- ScienceDaily
Gut's microbial community shown to influence host gene expression -- ScienceDaily
New research is helping to tease out the mechanics of how the gut microbiome communicates with the cells of its host to switch genes on and off. The upshot of the study, another indictment of the so-called Western diet (high in saturated fats, sugar and red meat), reveals how the metabolites produced by the bacteria in the stomach chemically communicate with cells, including cells far beyond the colon, to dictate gene expression and health in its host.
Gut's microbial community shown to influence host gene expression -- ScienceDaily
Hack Your Genes Naturally
Hack Your Genes Naturally
Hack Your Genes Naturally with this Methylation Report
Hack Your Genes Naturally
Histone H4 lysine 20 acetylation is associated with gene repression in (...)
Histone H4 lysine 20 acetylation is associated with gene repression in (...)
Histone acetylation is generally associated with gene activation and chromatin decondensation. Recent mass spectrometry analysis has revealed that histone H4 lysine 20, a major methylation site, can also be acetylated. To understand the function of H4 lysine 20 acetylation (H4K20ac), we have developed a specific monoclonal antibody and performed ChIP-seq analysis using HeLa-S3 cells. H4K20ac was enriched around the transcription start sites (TSSs) of minimally expressed genes and in the gene body of expressed genes, in contrast to most histone acetylation being enriched around the TSSs of expressed genes. The distribution of H4K20ac showed little correlation with known histone modifications, including histone H3 methylations. A motif search in H4K20ac-enriched sequences, together with transcription factor binding profiles based on ENCODE ChIP-seq data, revealed that most transcription activators are excluded from H4K20ac-enriched genes and a transcription repressor NRSF/REST co-localized with H4K20ac. These results suggest that H4K20ac is a unique acetylation mark associated with gene repression.
Histone H4 lysine 20 acetylation is associated with gene repression in (...)
Inherited parental methylation shifts over time, may have functional e (...)
Inherited parental methylation shifts over time, may have functional e (...)
Inherited methylation—a form of epigenetic regulation passed down from parents to offspring—is far more dynamic than previously thought and may contribute to changes in the brain and other tissues over time. This finding challenges current understandings of gene regulation via methylation, from development through adulthood.
Inherited parental methylation shifts over time, may have functional e (...)
Joint resolution A link between Huntington's disease and rheumatoid arthritis Epigenomic analyses may lead to other unexpected findings and novel therapeutic drug targets for many diseases
Joint resolution A link between Huntington's disease and rheumatoid arthritis Epigenomic analyses may lead to other unexpected findings and novel therapeutic drug targets for many diseases
Using new analytic tools, researchers have decoded the epigenetic landscape for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a common autoimmune disease that affects more than 1.3 million Americans.
Joint resolution A link between Huntington's disease and rheumatoid arthritis Epigenomic analyses may lead to other unexpected findings and novel therapeutic drug targets for many diseases
Maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation leads to epigenetic chang (...)
Maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation leads to epigenetic chang (...)
As the study shows, a high-fat diet during pregnancy and lactation leads to epigenetic changes in the offspring. These changes affect metabolic pathways regulated by the gut hormone GIP, whereby the adult offspring are more susceptible to obesity and insulin resistance, the precursor to type 2 diabetes. Similar mechanisms cannot be ruled out in humans, according to Pfeiffer.
Maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation leads to epigenetic chang (...)
Memory of a heart attack is stored in our genes -- ScienceDaily
Memory of a heart attack is stored in our genes -- ScienceDaily
Both heredity and environmental factors influence our risk of cardiovascular disease. A new study shows now that the memory of a heart attack can be stored in our genes through epigenetic changes.
Memory of a heart attack is stored in our genes -- ScienceDaily
Mothers ensure their offspring's success through epigenetics Researchers discover that mother's active epigenetic modifications drive gene activation in the offspring -- ScienceDaily
Mothers ensure their offspring's success through epigenetics Researchers discover that mother's active epigenetic modifications drive gene activation in the offspring -- ScienceDaily
Parents pass genes along to their offspring which equip them for their future life. In recent years, research has shown that the reality is much more complex and that parents endow much more than just genes. A new study reveals that active epigenetic modifications are also passed from one generation to the next.
Mothers ensure their offspring's success through epigenetics Researchers discover that mother's active epigenetic modifications drive gene activation in the offspring -- ScienceDaily
MTHFR and Pregnancy Optimizing Genes for Better Births and Healthier B (...)
MTHFR and Pregnancy Optimizing Genes for Better Births and Healthier B (...)
Deciding to start a family is one of the most important decisions in life. Its not only important to choose the right timing, its also necessary to optimize your health before starting a family. By learning simple, but powerful healthy concepts, you can make small changes today that can have major impacts on the […]
MTHFR and Pregnancy Optimizing Genes for Better Births and Healthier B (...)
New mechanisms of gene inactivation may prevent aging and cancer -- Sc (...)
New mechanisms of gene inactivation may prevent aging and cancer -- Sc (...)
Every cell in our body contains the complete DNA library. So-called methyl groups regulate that in body tissues only the genetic information is expressed that is indeed needed in this tissue. Now, for the first time, researchers verified that a lack of methyl groups in the gene body leads to an incorrect gene activation and, as a consequence, may lead to the emergence of cancer.
New mechanisms of gene inactivation may prevent aging and cancer -- Sc (...)
New method measures risk of type 2 diabetes in blood -- ScienceDaily
New method measures risk of type 2 diabetes in blood -- ScienceDaily
A new type of biomarker has been found that can predict the risk of type 2 diabetes, by detecting epigenetic changes in specific genes through a simple blood test, report investigators.
New method measures risk of type 2 diabetes in blood -- ScienceDaily
New treatment approach for leukemia renders cancer genes powerless -- (...)
New treatment approach for leukemia renders cancer genes powerless -- (...)
A targeted epigenetic approach for the treatment of aggressive forms of leukemia has been revealed by researchers. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) refers to a group of disorders that are also known as blood cancer. AML is an aggressive disease of malignant immature blood cells which, if left untreated, almost always causes the death of the affected patient.
New treatment approach for leukemia renders cancer genes powerless -- (...)
Normalizing tumor oxygen supply could be key factor in the fight again (...)
Normalizing tumor oxygen supply could be key factor in the fight again (...)
The lack of oxygen in tumor cells changes the cells' gene expression, thereby contributing to the growth of cancer, suggest researchers. The findings are far-reaching, as the study also proved that maintaining a proper oxygen supply in tumors inhibits these so-called 'epigenetic aberrations.'
Normalizing tumor oxygen supply could be key factor in the fight again (...)
Obesity reprograms muscle stem cells -- ScienceDaily
Obesity reprograms muscle stem cells -- ScienceDaily
Obesity is associated with reduced muscle mass and impaired metabolism. Epigenetic changes that affect the formation of new muscle cells may be a contributing factor, according to new research.
Obesity reprograms muscle stem cells -- ScienceDaily
Offspring may inherit legacy of their father's Toxoplasma infection -- ScienceDaily
Offspring may inherit legacy of their father's Toxoplasma infection -- ScienceDaily
Researchers have revealed for the first time that males infected with the Toxoplasma parasite can impact their offspring's brain health and behavior. Studying mice infected with the common parasite Toxoplasma, the team discovered that sperm of infected fathers carried an altered 'epigenetic' signature which impacted the brains of resulting offspring. Molecules in the sperm called 'small RNA' appeared to influence the offspring's brain development and behavior.
Offspring may inherit legacy of their father's Toxoplasma infection -- ScienceDaily