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The future of precision medicine -- ScienceDaily
The future of precision medicine -- ScienceDaily
As medical professionals search for new ways to personalize diagnosis and treatment of disease, researchers have already put into practice what may be the next big step in precision medicine: personalized proteomics.
The future of precision medicine -- ScienceDaily
The Healing of Oxidative Injuries with Trehalose in UVB-Irradiated Rabbit Corneas. - PubMed - NCBI
The Healing of Oxidative Injuries with Trehalose in UVB-Irradiated Rabbit Corneas. - PubMed - NCBI
Our previous research revealed that trehalose, a nonreducing disaccharide of glucose and an important stress responsive factor, proved to have anti-inflammatory, antiapoptotic, and particularly antioxidant properties in UVB-irradiated corneas. Trehalose reduced oxidative stress in corneas induced by …
The Healing of Oxidative Injuries with Trehalose in UVB-Irradiated Rabbit Corneas. - PubMed - NCBI
The impact of glucosamine on age-related macular degeneration in patients A nationwide, population-based cohort study
The impact of glucosamine on age-related macular degeneration in patients A nationwide, population-based cohort study
Purpose To analyze the association between glucosamine (GlcN) use and the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) using claims data from the National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD). Methods A retrospective, population-based study was conducted with NHIRD data from a 14-year period (2000–2013). Chi-squared and Student’s t-tests were used to evaluate differences between the study and comparison cohorts for categorical and continuous variables, respectively. Risk factors for disease development were examined by the adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) with 95% confidence interval. Kaplan-Meier analysis was performed to compare the cumulative risk of AMD between the two cohorts. Results In total, 1,344 patients with GlcN treatment were enrolled in the study cohort and 5,376 patients without GlcN use were enrolled in the comparison cohort. The incidence rate of AMD was lower with GlcN use (3.65%) than without GlcN use (5.26%) (P = 0.014). GlcN use was associated with a lower risk of developing AMD among patients with hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, other neurological disorders, or degenerative arthritis. Although the incidence of wet type AMD did not significantly differ (P = 0.91), the incidence of dry type AMD was lower in patients with GlcN use (2.9%) than those without GlcN use (4.84%) (P = 0.003). Kaplan-Meier analysis similarly revealed a lower rate of dry type AMD in patients with GlcN use compared to those without GlcN use (log-rank P = 0.004). Conclusions GlcN treatment can decrease the risk of developing dry type AMD. Further prospective controlled studies are needed to determine the effectiveness of GlcN treatment in patients with AMD and the associated mechanism.
The impact of glucosamine on age-related macular degeneration in patients A nationwide, population-based cohort study
The Role of Nutrition in Eye Health - YouTube
The Role of Nutrition in Eye Health - YouTube
Click here to subscribe - Many of these nutrients have been studied with respect supporting eye health and preventing vision decline. Nutrition has gained tremendous respect thanks to the ability of these key nutrients to support long-term eye health. Interestingly, over time, our food system has become flooded with processed foods devoid of nutrients, and our produce has become less nutrient dense thanks to commercial farming practices. While food was once enough for healthy eyes and vision, it is now more difficult to achieve eye health while aging without attention to these key nutrients. Conditions like gluten sensitivity and celiac that can cause malabsorption even further exacerbate the need for attention to nutrition and supplementation in order to support long-term eye health and vision. One study enrolled 3,640 patients with AMD and declining visual acuity to administer high-dose vitamins C and E, beta carotene, and zinc supplements. Comparison with the placebo group demonstrated a statistically significant odds reduction for the development of advanced AMD by supplementing with the antioxidants plus zinc. The study followed these patients for up to nine years. Another study evaluated the effect of multivitamin supplements and vitamin E on patients at risk of nuclear opacification. In regular users of multivitamin supplements, the risk of nuclear opacification was reduced by one third. In regular users of vitamin E supplements and persons with higher plasma levels of vitamin E, the risk was reduced by approximately half. Another large, randomized study found that women taking B vitamins (including folate and vitamin B12) reduced their risk of early macular degeneration by more than a third after seven years. To connect with Dr. Osborne visit: On the web: Facebook: Pinterest: Instagram: Twitter: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
The Role of Nutrition in Eye Health - YouTube
Treatment of Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia With Topical... Cornea
Treatment of Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia With Topical... Cornea
raphs to document changes over time with A. vera-based topical treatment. Results: The patient refused biopsy of her lesion and traditional treatments and, instead, initiated using A. vera eye drops 3 times daily. At follow-up visits, the lesion was noted to regress until it finally resolved 3 months after commencing treatment. No additional topical medications were used, and she has remained tumor free for 6 years. Conclusions: Ongoing research is warranted because A. vera may represent a new therapeutic class of medications for OSSN treatment....
Treatment of Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia With Topical... Cornea
Trehalose for Ocular Surface Health
Trehalose for Ocular Surface Health
Trehalose is a natural disaccharide synthesized in various life forms, but not found in vertebrates. An increasing body of evidence demonstrates exceptional bioprotective characteristics of trehalose. This review discusses the scientific findings on potential ...
Trehalose for Ocular Surface Health
Trehalose in ophthalmology. - PubMed - NCBI
Trehalose in ophthalmology. - PubMed - NCBI
Trehalose, a disaccharide of glucose, is a naturally occurring nontoxic and nonreducing bioactive sugar. Trehalose is synthetized by many organisms when cells are exposed to stressful conditions, including dehydration, heat, oxidation, hypoxia or even anoxia. Although trehalose is not synthesized by …
Trehalose in ophthalmology. - PubMed - NCBI
Trehalose Induces Autophagy Against Inflammation by Activating TFEB Signaling Pathway in Human Corneal Epithelial Cells Exposed to Hyperosmotic Stress - PubMed
Trehalose Induces Autophagy Against Inflammation by Activating TFEB Signaling Pathway in Human Corneal Epithelial Cells Exposed to Hyperosmotic Stress - PubMed
Our findings demonstrate that trehalose, functioning as an autophagy enhancer, suppresses the inflammatory response by promoting autophagic flux via TFEB activation in primary HCECs exposed to hyperosmotic stress, a process that is beneficial to dry eye.
Trehalose Induces Autophagy Against Inflammation by Activating TFEB Signaling Pathway in Human Corneal Epithelial Cells Exposed to Hyperosmotic Stress - PubMed
Trehalose reduces retinal degeneration, neuroinflammation and storage burden caused by a lysosomal hydrolase deficiency. - PubMed - NCBI
Trehalose reduces retinal degeneration, neuroinflammation and storage burden caused by a lysosomal hydrolase deficiency. - PubMed - NCBI
ANOVA: analysis of variance; Atg7: autophagy related 7; AV: autophagic vacuoles; CD68: cd68 antigen; ERG: electroretinogram; ERT: enzyme replacement therapy; GAPDH: glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; GFAP: glial fibrillary acidic protein; GNAT2: guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha trans …
Trehalose reduces retinal degeneration, neuroinflammation and storage burden caused by a lysosomal hydrolase deficiency. - PubMed - NCBI
Vessel damage may precede diabetic retinopathy, researchers find Findi (...)
Vessel damage may precede diabetic retinopathy, researchers find Findi (...)
For many years, scientists believed patients developed retinopathy and, as a result of the damage to the blood vessels, later developed neuropathy. In a new study, however, researchers discovered that the sequence of events occurring in the retina due to diabetes is just the opposite of these long-held beliefs.
Vessel damage may precede diabetic retinopathy, researchers find Findi (...)
Would like to learn the latest alternative treatments of Dry Eyes - Yo (...)
Would like to learn the latest alternative treatments of Dry Eyes - Yo (...)
1) Learn 3 key nutrients that can cure your dry eyes! 2) Light therapy might be the next big advance in treating dry eyes 3) Why Restasis is the one of the most damaging eye drops and why you should avoid this medication at all costs 4) Why fish oils might be making your dry eyes worse 5) A 10 second test to find out if you are deficient in this key mineral that is linked to dry eyes! 6) How the simply act of drinking enough water can improve eyesight! 7) A simple, non-invasive treatment that can stimulate tear production and improve your symptoms of dry eyes immediately! And much more!
Would like to learn the latest alternative treatments of Dry Eyes - Yo (...)