essential sugars - YouTube
Significance of the endothelial glycocalyx - Deranged Physiology
The appearance of the endothelial glycocalyx in Question 18 from the second paper of 2014 demonstrates that this topic has high penetrance and popularity among the college examiners. For a more thorough overview, the pathologically curious reader is directed to Weinbaum et al (2007)- The Structure and Function of the Endothelial Glycocalyx Layer. Additionally, there is an entire website devoted to the activities of a glycocalyx research team, which features professional-looking diagrams and a list of recent publications. For the rest of us, a brief summary will suffice. Owing to certain cognitive defects on the part of the author, the summary offered below can hardly be described as brief. Fortunately, a brilliant LITFL CCC alternative waits to rescue the time-poor exam candidate.
Similar articles for PubMed (Select 21224866) - PubMed - NCBI
Essentials of Glycobiology - NCBI Bookshelf
Small molecule - Wikipedia
Sugar is terrible for you - here are 10 reasons why! - YouTube
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Here are 10 different ways that sugar can basically destroy your health. A lot of people talk about how sugar is unhealthy, but nobody really ever talks about WHY sugar is unhealthy.
I hope that when you walk away from this video you remember these big reasons to help you keep your dietary habits away from sugar.
It doesn't matter what everyone else is doing. As your mom and dad probably used to say if everyone else was jumping off a cliff, would you follow them? That's kind of the way our society works right now. Everybody's eating sugar. So that means that everybody can eat sugar and then it's perfectly okay yet heart disease and cancer and diabetes kill more of us virtually than any other condition. And sugar is linked to all three of those diseases. So I feel pretty strongly about not eating sugar the same way I feel about not eating gluten.
If you could just take two groups of things and have the best impact on your health overall would be eliminate sugar from your diet today. And it would be also to eliminate gluten if you are a gluten sensitive individual.
To connect with Dr. Osborne visit:
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
Essentials of Glycobiology - NCBI
Sweet discovery in leafy greens holds key to gut health -- ScienceDail (...)
A critical discovery about how bacteria feed on an unusual sugar molecule found in leafy green vegetables could hold the key to explaining how 'good' bacteria protect our gut and promote health. The finding suggests that leafy greens are essential for feeding good gut bacteria, limiting the ability of bad bacteria to colonize the gut by shutting them out of the prime 'real estate.'
Sweet nanoparticles target stroke -- ScienceDaily
Materials resulting from chemical bonding of glucosamine, a type of sugar, with fullerenes, kind of nanoparticles known as buckyballs, might help to reduce cell damage and inflammation occurring after stroke. A team has tested this on mice, opening the door to potential new drugs for the cerebrovascular accident.
Essentials of Glycobiology, Third Edition
CSHL Press publishes monographs, technical manuals, handbooks, review volumes, conference proceedings, scholarly journals and videotapes. These examine important topics in molecular biology, genetics, development, virology, neurobiology, immunology and cancer biology. Manuscripts for books and for journal publication are invited from scientists world wide.
The complexity of membrane-bound glycans in health and disease and the (...)
The Endothelial Glycocalyx - Dysfunction in Diabetes and Premature Ath (...)
Evaluation of Selected Immunomodulatory Glycoproteins as an Adjunct to Cancer Immunotherapy - PubMed
Polysaccharopeptide (PSP), from Coriolus versicolor, has been used widely as an adjuvant to chemotherapy with demonstrated anti-tumor and broad immunomodulating effects. While PSP's mechanism of action still remains unknown, its enhanced immunomodulatory potential with acacia gum is of great interes …
The erythrocyte glycocalyx as revealed by electron microscopy using sp (...)
The GlycoNet Story - YouTube
Did you know carbohydrates are part of the cell membrane of every living cell? Learn about how carbohydrates (glycans) work and the important role they play in how cells work! Glycans are one of the largest and most diverse molecules in nature and are key to almost all biological processes. There are many ways scientists can harness carbohydrates to improve human health.
The Canadian Glycomics Network (GlycoNet) aims to use the study of carbohydrates to improve human health. Find more information at
A Critical Review on Health Promoting Benefits of Edible Mushrooms through Gut Microbiota
Mushrooms have long been used for medicinal and food purposes for over a thousand years, but a complete elucidation of the health-promoting properties of mushrooms through regulating gut microbiota has not yet been fully exploited. Mushrooms comprise ...
Functional Role of Carbohydrate Residues in Human Immunoglobulin G and (...)
Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (TMA) provide an important means for treating diseases that were previously considered untreatable. Currently more than 40 full-size TMAs created primarily based on immunoglobulin G1 are widely used for treating various illnesses. Glycosylation of TMA is among other …
The Secret Life of Carbohydrates - YouTube
Did you know carbohydrates are part of the cell membrane of every living cell? Learn about how carbohydrates (glycans) work and the important role they play in how cells work! Glycans are one of the largest and most diverse molecules in nature and are key to almost all biological processes. There are many ways scientists can harness carbohydrates to improve human health.
The Canadian Glycomics Network (GlycoNet) aims to use the study of carbohydrates to improve human health. Find more information at
The sugar coating on your cells is trying to tell you something Carol (...)
In her talk about sugar and cancer, Stanford Chemistry Professor Carolyn Bertozzi tells us why the sugar coating on our cells is crucial to our health and well-being. Unlike the sugar coating on a peanut M&M, she explains, human cells are covered with complex sugars Bertozzi shows us are, “like foliage swaying in the breeze.” The language these sugars are speaking can tell us everything from what blood type we are to whether we have cancer.
Carolyn Bertozzi is the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Chemical & Systems Biology and Radiology (by courtesy) at Stanford, and an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. She completed her undergraduate degree at Harvard and her doctorate at UC Berkeley. After postdoctoral work at UCSF and a professorship at UC Berkeley, she joined the faculty at Stanford coincident with the launch of Stanford ChEM-H.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Galactose and N-Acetyl Galactosamine » Angie's Option GRMAngie's Option GRM
The sweet language of life - glyconutrients - YouTube
Thoughts on sugar substitutes, and other sugar questions answered! - YouTube
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To connect with Dr. Osborne visit:
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
Glucosamine's Healing Properties Stretch Far Beyond Joints - Michael West
There may be good reason to take glucosamine supplements for symptoms other than joint problems.
Acute effects of a dietary non-starch polysaccharide supplement on cog (...)
This is the first report of acute behavioural improvement following plant polysaccharide intake in healthy middle-aged adults under conditions of mental fatigue. The findings suggest that certain NSP may enhance memory performance through mechanisms other than elevated blood glucose.
To Kill A Rat – Book – An Antiquated Approach for Finding a Cure
Toxic Food Additives Are Common In Gluten Free Foods Gluten-Free Society
Are These Toxic Food Additives Derailing Your Gluten Free Diet? In this episode of the Gluten Free Warrior Podcast, I have Mira Dessy, The Ingredient Guru,
US20160296603A1 - Synergistic glycocalyx treatment compositions and methods - Google Patents
Compositions and methods for treating endothelial glycocalyx include glucosamine, hyaluronan and/or fucoidan, and one or more antioxidants, such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, and/or polyphenol. The compositions improve vascular health by exhibiting beneficial synergistic effects on endothelial glycocalyx over the benefits of taking any single component alone or the sum of reported effects of the individual components. Specifically, components of the composition (1) enhance synthesis of new glycocalyx by (a) providing and (b) increasing production of glycocalyx precursors, (2) protecting existing glycocalyx against damage, such as by oxidation degradation, by (a) providing and (b) increasing production of antioxidants, some of which associate with endothelial glycocalyx, and (3) enhance repair of damaged glycocalyx by (a) providing glycocalyx mimetics and (b) increasing the prevalence of glycocalyx scaffold for association and incorporation thereof.
Glycobiology (journal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ambrotose Complex Improves Memory New Clinical Study - YouTube
Dr. Rob Sinnott talks about a new study that demonstrates improved memory performance after taking Ambrotose Complex.
Read the release here:
Why Sugars Matter in Fighting Disease - A GlycoNet Panel Discussion, November 2018 - YouTube
Sugars play a pivotal role in solving complex human health issues including heart, infectious, and neurodegenerative diseases. That was the consensus among a panel of carbohydrate experts at a public forum on November 1 in Edmonton, hosted by GlycoNet. The panel discussion, Why Sugars Matter in Fighting Disease, explored the role and significance of carbohydrates in fighting disease.