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Water Insoluble Fraction of Nopal (Opuntia ficus) Cladodes Beneficially Affects Postprandial Appetite-related Variables, while the Soluble Fraction Has No Effect
Water Insoluble Fraction of Nopal (Opuntia ficus) Cladodes Beneficially Affects Postprandial Appetite-related Variables, while the Soluble Fraction Has No Effect
Introduction: The world has witnessed a global trend of increasing obesity, which is directly linked to non-communicable diseases, such as type 2 diabetes (T2D). The epidemic of obesity is largely associated with consumption of high calorie diets and low physical activity. Food choice and exercise have a big impact to prevent obesity and T2D making these diseases highly related to personal lifestyle. The diet is one of the most important modifiable lifestyle factors that may be used to prevent obesity. Nopal (Opuntia Ficus Indica) is a cactus plant that has its origin in Mexico and has been used as traditional medicine to prevent overweight and obesity. Since Nopal cladodes are rich in several bioactive compounds, it may be considered as a functional food. The objective of this study was to investigate the perceived effect of Nopal cladodes on appetite variables in healthy humans. Method: Two test-products with two different fractions of Nopal cladodes flour (soluble Nopal fraction bread (SNB) and insoluble Nopal fraction bread (INB)) and a control product (white wheat bread (WB)) were studied in healthy young volunteers (n=17). The subjective appetite variables (hunger, satiety and desire to eat) were measured repeatedly by using a Visual Analog Scale (VAS) during a time perspective of three hours post consumption. Results: The INB resulted in significantly improved response in appetite variables (p < 0.05) compared to the WB. After consumption of the INB, the feeling of hunger and desire to eat were reduced by 27% and 32% respectively, while the feeling of satiety was increased by 25% during the period between 15-180 min post consumption. Importantly, the INB test product also resulted in a significant reduction on hunger and desire to eat, and an increased feeling of satiety during the final hour (120-180 min), compared to the control WB. Conclusion: The results indicate that the insoluble fraction of Nopal flour may beneficially affect appetite variables in healthy young adults. The results thus suggest that Nopal may help to modulate food intake and therefore contribute to antidiabetic effects previously observed with this edible plant.
Water Insoluble Fraction of Nopal (Opuntia ficus) Cladodes Beneficially Affects Postprandial Appetite-related Variables, while the Soluble Fraction Has No Effect
Arterosil Artery Support
Arterosil Artery Support
Healthcare Providers guide to Arterosil® - the only product in the world that has been clinically proven to rebuild the endothelial glycocalyx
Arterosil Artery Support
damaged glycocalyx - Bing
damaged glycocalyx - Bing
Intelligent search from Bing makes it easier to quickly find what you’re looking for and rewards you.
damaged glycocalyx - Bing
Endocalyx Supplement Supports Glycocalyx Health - YouTube
Endocalyx Supplement Supports Glycocalyx Health - YouTube
Years of research have exposed an understanding of the function and structure of the protective gel lining in your circulatory, or vascular system, called the glycocalyx. A new, proprietary, patent-pending dietary supplement named Endocalyx, is specifically formulated to deliver the building blocks essential to maintain a healthy glycocalyx and microvascular system. The ingredients are sourced from regions around the world where people are known to live longer and live healthy active lives. Endocalyx is made from concentrated extracts of seven natural ingredients. These ingredients contain the same compounds that make up and protect the structure of the glycocalyx. It’s a specific blend, right down to the molecular structure that makes all the difference in the result of taking Endocalyx daily. This patent-pending combination of ingredients, in specific dosage amounts, stimulate three actions that restore, rejuvenate and protect your glycocalyx and microvascular system. The first result of this specific blend comes from polysaccharides that restore the protective structure of the glycocalyx. The second result comes from the amino sugars that rejuvenate your body’s ability to produce more of the glycocalyx protective gel. And the third result comes from antioxidants that work to protect the glycocalyx from breaking down. Scientific research backs up that these synergistic ingredients, when combined together, deliver these vital results in your microvascular system. In fact, several Universities and hospitals around the world are conducting research projects right now. And the list of research papers written by medical professionals continues to grow. And importantly, a growing list of researchers now understand the paradigm-shifting advantages of combining these ingredients. As Endocalyx strengthens the glycocalyx, it helps optimize the structure of the capillaries. From head to toe, optimal capillary function delivers many benefits, including clearer thinking, increased energy, improved performance, more youthful appearance, and greater comfort. The better each brain cell is supplied with oxygen and nutrients, the better your mood, the clearer your mind, the more productive your thinking.* Healthy skin, hair, and eyes depend on a steady supply of oxygen and nutrients in order to renew, grow, and stay healthy.* Skin color and tone are enhanced.* Your hair and nails are stronger and healthier.* And your eyes are clearer and brighter.* As Endocalyx strengthens the glycocalyx, the blood in your entire vascular system is better able to reach and energize each cell of your body. Then all the cells of your body, including your brain, heart, and muscles, are amply supplied with oxygen and nutrients.* This means that more blood cells, carrying more nutrients and vital oxygen to all of your muscle, skin, and nerve cells, restore warmth, feeling and comfort.* Don’t wait another minute! Wake up and listen to your body’s early warning signs that your glycocalyx and microvascular system is breaking down. Take control of tomorrow now by starting daily use of Endocalyx today. It’s not too late to restore, rejuvenate and protect your glycocalyx and microvascular system. Order now and save $20 with monthly autoship … and get free shipping at *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Endocalyx Supplement Supports Glycocalyx Health - YouTube
Endothelial Glycocalyx Damage Coincides With Microalbuminuria in Type (...)
Endothelial Glycocalyx Damage Coincides With Microalbuminuria in Type (...)
Chronic hyperglycemia underlies microvascular complications in patients with type 1 diabetes. The mechanisms leading to these vascular complications are not fully understood. Recently, we observed that acute hyperglycemia results in endothelial glycocalyx damage. To establish whether glycocalyx is associated with microvascular damage, we performed glycocalyx perturbation volume measurements in type 1 diabetic patients with microalbuminuria (DM1-MA group; n = 7), without microalbuminuria (DM1-NA group; n = 7), and in age-matched control subjects (CON; n = 7). Systemic glycocalyx volume was determined comparing intravascular distribution volume of a glycocalyx-permeable tracer (dextran 40) to that of a glycocalyx-impermeable tracer (labeled erythrocytes). Sublingual capillaries were visualized using orthogonal polarization spectral microscopy to estimate microvascular glycocalyx. Patients and control subjects were matched according to age and BMI. Glycocalyx volume decreased in a stepwise fashion from CON, DM1-NA, and finally DM1-MA subjects (1.5 ± 0.1, 0.8 ± 0.4, and 0.2 ± 0.1 l, respectively, P < 0.05). Microvascular glycocalyx in sublingual capillaries was also decreased in type 1 diabetes versus the control group (0.5 ± 0.1 vs. 0.9 ± 0.1 μm, P < 0.05). Plasma hyaluronan, a principal glycocalyx constituent, and hyaluronidase were increased in type 1 diabetes. In conclusion, type 1 diabetic patients are characterized by endothelial glycocalyx damage, the severity of which is increased in presence of microalbuminuria.
Endothelial Glycocalyx Damage Coincides With Microalbuminuria in Type (...)
Endothelial glycocalyx degradation is more severe in patients with non (...)
Endothelial glycocalyx degradation is more severe in patients with non (...)
Disruption of the endothelial glycocalyx contributes to acute lung injury in experimental sepsis but has not been well studied in humans. To study glycocalyx degradation in sepsis-induced ARDS, we measured plasma levels of syndecan-1, a marker for glycocalyx ...
Endothelial glycocalyx degradation is more severe in patients with non (...)
Glycocalyx in Critical Illness
Glycocalyx in Critical Illness
Life in the Fast Lane • LITFL • Emergency medicine and critical care medical education blog
Glycocalyx in Critical Illness
Glycocalyx in vivo measurement - PubMed
Glycocalyx in vivo measurement - PubMed
The endothelial glycocalyx (EG) lining the endoluminal surface of the capillaries has been proposed as a key component of the microcirculation and a major player in microvascular pathology. Recent advances in the understanding of its physiological role and clinical significance have been made upon t …
Glycocalyx in vivo measurement - PubMed
Glycocalyx Structure and Function Explained - YouTube
Glycocalyx Structure and Function Explained - YouTube
One of the most essential elements for your good health lies in the endothelial glycocalyx, a vast protective gel lining of all of our capillaries that touches each of your trillions of cells. In this video, travel inside your vascular system and flow along with your blood. Every cell of your body is nourished by the blood that travels through the capillaries that make up 99% of your circulatory system-from head to toe. Placed end-to-end, scientists estimate they would extend 60,000 miles, enough to go around the earth two and a half times. With every heartbeat, vital nutrients and oxygen are delivered and waste is removed from each cell. This essential process breaks down with aging, poor diet, lack of exercise, genetics, stress and smoking. New medical science has revealed the importance of a transparent micro-thin gel-like lining in your blood vessels that protects your entire circulatory system. In the past, blood vessels were thought to be simple hollow tubes. But with today’s high resolution video microscopes, a discovery reveals that the entire circulatory system is coated with a gel like lining that protects the inside walls of the arteries, veins and capillaries. This protective gel-like lining of the capillaries and all other blood vessels is called the glycocalyx. Its integrity is essential to the healthy function of all the cells, organs and body systems. The glycocalyx keeps your body healthy in three critical ways. First, it functions as the natural trigger that stimulates the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is vital in controlling blood flow and blood pressure. The glycocalyx stores anti-oxidants and, working together with nitric oxide, both increase blood flow, on demand, when organs call for it. For example, when you’re walking upstairs. Or even when your brain is working through a difficult problem. Bottom line: your body needs a thick and healthy glycocalyx to efficiently regulate blood flow. Second, a healthy glycocalyx allows your body to engage more of the available capillaries of the microvascular system when blood flow increases. This is critical to regulate the supply of nutrients and oxygen, and the removal of waste and carbon dioxide, according to the body’s level of activity, such as when you exercise. Bottom line: While blood flow control is important, the glycocalyx allows your body to engage more capillaries when organs demand nourishment and waste removal. Third, capillaries are much more than simple hollow tubes. In fact, their inner surface is coated with the non-stick glycocalyx that prevents loss of capillaries through fluid leakage, blood clotting and inflammation. This coating prevents sticking when you don’t need it, and it keeps blood clotting and inflammation under control. For example, when your body’s healthy, it can repair a simple cut or fight an infection. Bottom line: a healthy glycocalyx not only engages more capillaries when blood flow goes up, but it also protects the capillary network and even the entire vascular system from deterioration and loss. Ongoing clinical research from more than 85 studies confirms that a compromised glycocalyx and a damaged microvascular system are linked to organ starvation. Early warning signs of organ starvation include cold hands and feet, leg cramps, skin problems, hair thinning, fatigue, lack of focus, memory loss, certain eye problems, hearing loss, severe PMS, erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure, and even type 2 diabetes. Emerging research is beginning to show that it’s not too late to slow down, or even reverse, the breakdown of the protective properties of the glycocalyx. Learn more about this and how to restore, protect and regenerate the glycocalyx at Images from this study co-authored by Dr. Hans Vink, Chief Science Officer of GlycoCheck and Microvascular Health Solutions: Endothelial glycocalyx as potential diagnostic and therapeutic target in cardiovascular disease ( Broekhuizen LN, Mooij HL, Kastelein JJ, Stroes ES, Vink H, Nieuwdorp M. Curr Opin Lipidol. 2009 Feb;20(1):57-62.
Glycocalyx Structure and Function Explained - YouTube
GlycoCheck - YouTube
GlycoCheck - YouTube
GlycoCheck is a leading provider of imaging solutions based on an innovative measurement system of the Glycocalyx layer. GlycoCheck solutions facilitate the accurate, reliable and non-invasive selection, detection & monitoring of patients in primary care, intensive care, cardiology and internal medicine.
GlycoCheck - YouTube
Good News Health with Dr. Milton Teske - #4 The Glycocalyx - YouTube
Good News Health with Dr. Milton Teske - #4 The Glycocalyx - YouTube
In this series you will gain the clearest explanation you will ever hear to help you understand how to completely reverse Type 2 Diabetes, how to understand your lipid profile LDL, HDL and VLDL, and how to reverse atherosclerotic coronary artery disease naturally. In addition, you will learn the extremely harmful effects of sugar, and you will understand how the structure lining the arteries plays a critical role in health and arterial disease. 1. Reversing Diabetes 2. Lowering Cholesterol Naturally 3. Fructose Poisoning of the Liver 4. The Glycocalyx
Good News Health with Dr. Milton Teske - #4 The Glycocalyx - YouTube
How the Glycocalyx Breaks Down - YouTube
How the Glycocalyx Breaks Down - YouTube
You may not know it, but like so many people, your body could be on a perilous journey down a spiral of troubling conditions and silent killers. Healthy organs are nourished with vital nutrients and oxygen, while waste and carbon dioxide are removed with every heartbeat—if the microscopic capillaries that feed all of the cells in your body are thriving. But that process can be severely impaired—and life-supporting capillaries can even disappear if their protective gel-like lining—the glycocalyx—is damaged. Let’s see how easily—and silently—this happens. Over time, aging, poor diet, lack of exercise, genetics, stress, smoking—and even conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure—combined with other risk factors—can slowly, but surely, break down the glycocalyx. Damaged microvessels—your capillaries, for the most part—become leaky, lose function, and their numbers decrease. So, the vital delivery of nutrients, hormones, and oxygen is compromised—as is the removal of waste and carbon dioxide. The downward spiral continues. Deprived of this critical, regenerative exchange, organ starvation begins, weakening vital processes in the heart, kidneys, lungs, and brain. Diseases and conditions can set in, including heart and kidney disease, lung disease, stroke and dementia, septic shock, inflammatory disorders—and even cancer metastasis. With so many areas of the body and its functions under attack, complications develop. Critical organs fail—one after the next. Finally, the body’s ability to keep up with the assault fails, and can lead to death. Fortunately, this spiral of breakdowns can be identified in the early stages so you can make changes before it’s too late. Learn more by clicking the button below or visiting
How the Glycocalyx Breaks Down - YouTube
Microvascular Health Solutions - YouTube
Microvascular Health Solutions - YouTube
13 early warning signs all point to a single hidden problem. Your microvascular system may be breaking down, and your organs could be slowly starving and you don’t even know it. These early warning signs may be caused by a problem hidden in the smallest blood vessels in your body—your microscopic capillaries. Learn more at
Microvascular Health Solutions - YouTube